
Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...- Page 2

Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...

Shawk Profile Photo
#25re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/24/08 at 1:45pm

I think as long as discussion of the bio is kept under 6 pages, we should be all right. re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll

Posted: 7/24/08 at 1:48pm

Updated On: 5/2/09 at 01:48 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#27re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/24/08 at 1:55pm

I've never in my life seen a professional bio in the first person. I'm surprised no one thought to see if she wanted to adjust

Calvin Profile Photo
#28re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/24/08 at 1:56pm

Larry Miller actually made a conscious shift from third person to first person in his bio for "The Dinner Party." Masterful.

Posted: 7/24/08 at 1:57pm

Updated On: 5/2/09 at 01:57 PM

Calvin Profile Photo
#30re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/24/08 at 2:00pm

Hey, it's still on Playbill! And he even calls third person second person, adding to the complexity.


btw, the Donna Hanover reference was quite timely at the time

ruprecht Profile Photo
#31re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/24/08 at 2:25pm

Austen sweetie, that's NOT what it's about so stop saying it. No matter how many times you want to write that as being the reason, it's still not going to make it magically true. Why I have a "problem" with you has nothing to do with what you say about Orfeh and/or Ireland. I could care less, I never much liked the song myself.

#32re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/24/08 at 5:39pm

Everytime I see Ven Daniel's name I always think it's Vin Diesel...lol.
Sorry that was off-topic.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

winter_sky Profile Photo
#33re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/24/08 at 5:58pm

I posted a review in the other thread and since it's deleted I'm just going to paraphrase. I saw the matinee yesterday expecting Kate but got Bailey. I really dislike her and I didn't want to see her 1st performance. I knew people would say "oh, you can't judge her, it's her first day". Um, I don't care. I paid for my ticket, I expect a quality performance. Whatever, Seth Rudetsky said it was fair to judge her first, so I'm fine with it. haha

The positives:
She is a pretty girl and looks like an Elle.
Her dancing is fierce.
Some of her line readings were funny (but I don't know how much of that was direction).

The negatives:
I thought her voice was unimpressive. At the very least she was quiet in some parts and didn't hold out her vowels.
She looked, acted and spoke like a teenager. I personally thought she even made Asmeret and Tracey look older than they did with LBB. She looked ridiculous with Christian.
She copied LBB a lot.
Her southern drawl was still pretty pronounced especially when she tried to be sassy (ex: on the line "I see you came as last year's sample sale").

She wasn't a complete mess up there, but I don't think she could have gotten to broadway so soon (if at all) if it wasn't for the reality show.
Updated On: 7/25/08 at 05:58 PM

FosterChild Profile Photo
#34re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 9:36am

I saw the show last night and I agree with Rup on just about everything but I'll go further about Ven Daniel's. Everytime he was in a scene, it was really quiet, not even close to all the hoopla that happened for Andy or even Matt Risch. I love Andy Karl and yes, I'm someone who mostly always likes the original better but Ven does nothing to erase my memories of how fantastic Andy Karl always was. His acting is almost comically bad, he's got short popeye legs and he's just not funny, sorry, that's my opinion and I stand behind it. But enough about him, Bailey Hanks is fine. Is she great, not at all but maybe she'll grow into the role. I think she is a weak singer, a great dancer and a paint by numbers sort of actress. She makes everyone on stage look older than they ever have, especially Christian Borle and Kate Shindle. Richard Blakes character is supposed to be sleazy so I didn't much "notice" anything off there but her sorority sisters look very out of place. Orfeh's scenes with Bailey worked effortlessly and looked right but that's more a testament to Orfeh making adjustments for Bailey, at least that's how it looked to me.

I wasn't at all the "crazy" shows that have happened in the past few weeks so I've only heard but last nights audience was seemingly sedate by comparison. They gave Bailey nice entrance applause, very enthusiastic Ireland reprise applause for Orfeh but there was nothing all that wild happening the whole rest of the show. People slowly stood for Bailey at her bow. I don't stage door so I can't give you any news about that and who did or didn't come out to sign but to answer a question on another thread, some of the older pics (like Bend & Snap scene) are still in the front of the theater by the big Bailey poster.

All in all, I wasn't terribly disappointed but I was far from blown away. Sorry I don't have more to say about Autumn but I barely noticed her. Lucia Spina was a better actress than Natalie Joy Johnson imo and is pretty much a dead ringer in the looks department.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#35re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 9:38am

How come she doesn't say she's a proud member of AEA?

CateBroadway Profile Photo
#36re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 9:55am

Seeing her the 29th. Will report. Does anyone know if Autumn has also started? Was she in it on Bailey's opening?

Posted: 7/25/08 at 11:07am

Updated On: 5/2/09 at 11:07 AM

ruprecht Profile Photo
#38re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 11:57am

"Orfeh's scenes with Bailey worked effortlessly and looked right but that's more a testament to Orfeh making adjustments for Bailey, at least that's how it looked to me".

That's precisely it Foster. Bailey's energy is so so different from Lbb's and Orfeh seems to be the only one not "put upon" by it and has made a seamless transition.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#39re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 12:18pm

How's Orfeh's chemistry with Ven? Do they work well together? Or...does his performance affect hers in any way?

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#40re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 3:25pm

I saw Bailey last night. I thought she was phenomenal. Her voice was especially beautiful in the songs "Take it like a man" and "Legally Blonde"... I could have used a little less head voice in "Legally Blonde", but it was really pretty and kinda refreshing to hear. Oh, and her belting in the remix was fierce. I didn't find any problems with her acting. She was very convincing and so watchable. Of course, there are little things I could nitpick on, but I'm not going to because all in all, I was so impressed. She is not the most talented girl on Broadway, but she's very right for this role and she killed it. And her voice has improved a lot.

As for the new Enid, she was HILARIOUS. I couldn't even tell she was new until I finally opened my playbill at intermission. Also, I love the new Brooke. Awesome voice. I wasn't too in love with UPS guy. He's really good looking but he definitely twinkles a little, if ya get my drift. He also doesn't have that low funny voice like Andy. Ah well, he floats the producers boats. Not mine.

But yeah... Bailey was great. I liked the girl.

JP2 Profile Photo
#41re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 3:58pm

Lucia Spina was great last night and the only one of the new cast members who didn't make me miss the previous actor. I'm sorry, but Ven Daniel was a huge disappointment for me. I just kept thinking of Andy the entire time. I wasn't impressed with his Grandmaster Chad, and I was even less impressed with his Kyle.

Baily was decent, but nothing amazing. The entire time I watched her I kept thinking "Here's the part when LBB would do this..". But I'll give her another shot in a few months when she's grown more into the role. As of know she doesn't add anything fresh or exciting to it.

#42re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 5:22pm

She sang "Legally Blonde" in the upper register? Interesting.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#43re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 5:29pm

"and in one of the scenes you can see he is totally flirting with Orfeh."

...Only ONE of them? Because uh, Kyle's supposed to be doing that for the entire second act. Good on Ven for getting it right...once?

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

FosterChild Profile Photo
#44re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/25/08 at 6:17pm

Kelly2, I didn't find anything too obvious as far as a change in Orfeh's performance with the new Klye, she's too good for that but you could tell we as an audience, weren't too thrilled and let down.

#45re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/29/08 at 2:29pm

yeahh autumn was there on opening night

bwaylover86 Profile Photo
#46re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/29/08 at 4:04pm

I saw the show this past saturday in the evening (7/26) There were a lot of understudies on, including for the role of Emmett and Paulette and Paul Canaan was also not there for anyone who cares lol. Bailey and Autumn were both on however.
Bailey was fantastic! I thought she was adorable and the dancing, singing, and acting were all terrific. I had only seen the show with Becky on as Elle so I can not compare her to Laura Bell but I thought she was great. And she signed for everyone after the show and took pics with them.
Autumn however, was kind of awful. She was off a LOT on the dancing and just didn't seem to be enjoying herself. Each time she was either late or early with her moves it brought my eye right to her and it was sort of distracting. At one point during I think it was Positive she was totally facing the wrong way, looked around and then turned to where she was suppossed to be. I believe on the MTV show one of the judges (I can't remember which one) asked how she felt about being a sorority girl and I think he really nailed down a problem with her. she isn't as like smiling and happy as the rest of the girls, either because she is bitter or just not into that sort of role.

"That boy could use some Prozac"

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#47re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/29/08 at 4:53pm

bwaylover86- who was on for emmett and paulette?

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

winter_sky Profile Photo
#48re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/29/08 at 5:01pm

Paul Canaan left the show, I think. Rusty Mowrey is replacing him.

If I remember correctly, Amber Efe was on as Paulette and Barry Anderson was on as Emmett. Also Tiffany was on as Margot. As much as I can't stand Bailey's performance, I would have sat through it for those three.

I thought Autumn was pretty solid with the dancing when I saw her.

#49re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
Posted: 7/29/08 at 9:32pm

I saw the show on Sunday, I wasn't super impressed with her, but wasn't disappointed, it was kinda of a whatever performance. When I saw the first MTV show I was like oh that's the chic who's going to win. She looks and acts like Elle. She even says in the interview on this site, that she wanted to become Judy garland and study her every move...I find that kind of a copout as a fellow actor but also not surprised to hear it, I mean Telsey even said that she was just doing a good LBB impression. I do have to say she's a wicked dancer!!!
I have no doubt that she'll improve, I hope she does well when she's finished with LB, that will be the test.
She did look pretty tired and looking forward to her day off at her bow I do have to say, but bless her she was loving it!
Autumn was good. She was standing out...I never thought she was right for elle, I'm sure she's a bit upset, that some 20 year old with almost no training got her part....it kinda rubs me the wrong way a little too. But best of luck to them both, they are both working and I’m not!!
also, who ever was the understudy for Paulette on Sunday was RUBBISH. awesome vocals, but man was she ****, it was like she didn't even care.
that's all I got.
