
Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?- Page 2

Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?

sondheimgeek Profile Photo
#25re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/11/08 at 11:25pm

"Now I have the seen the show 15 times and I can not call myself a Renthead, I don't want to call myself a Renthead. I simply say I am a huge fan of the show. Now Rentheads were mostly the original fans of the show. The people who slept on the street for it. Saw it a bunch of times and love the show so much... Blah Blah Blah. There are people who have seen it over 100 times and still don't call themselves Rentheads. I'm sorry but Coolkid i not a renthead neither are many other people. They are POSERS!"

I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not. I'm thinking it is, but just in case it isn't...what makes one person who likes the show better than another? If people love the show because of Adam and Anthony then what's the problem? They're not any less of a fan than you or me.

I don't know why the original fans of the show are the only ones who can be called 'Rentheads' (although why anyone would want to be called one is beyond me) because certain people may not have heard about Rent due to numerous circumstances.

Take the revival of 'South Pacific' for an example. I had loved the music and story immensely, but had never actually seen the show live. I finally was lucky enough to and loved it. However, am I any less of a fan because I can't afford to see it more than once, and because I didn't see the original. As much as I wish I could've, it would've been pretty inconveniant for me to have seen the original.

Again, I don't know if you were sarcastic or not, but there are people out there who are like that. Seeing a show 15 times is beyond me. I don't have the money, nor would I care to watch a show that many times unless I was working on it. It would ruin the experience. One time is enough for me for any show.

"Light the candles! Get the ice out! Roll the rug up, it's today!"

#26re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/11/08 at 11:26pm

"I mean those who saw the movie and then had to ask what AIDS is and why Angel died!"

AIDS is Roger's band, and Angel died from an allergic reaction to his make-up. DUH!

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell
Updated On: 9/11/08 at 11:26 PM

musikman Profile Photo
#27re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/12/08 at 10:03am

Ahhhh La Bohème

*Pulls out recording of Pavarotti and Freni*

-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

#28re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/12/08 at 10:08am

I recently saw the Met broadcast. I love how Mimi sings for like 20 minutes before she's dying of, basically, suffocation.

The music's lovely but I think I prefer the score of Madama Butterfly more.

Oh, and no, I'm not a RENThead--I just like to discuss opera. re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#29re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/12/08 at 10:23am

Isn't it an air freshener?

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Christina  Cooper Profile Photo
Christina Cooper
#30re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/12/08 at 11:50am

I would consider myself a Renthead, and when La Boheme cameto my local theatre, Orange County performing arts, I saw it the night it opened, and I loved it.. I saw it because I knew this is where the idea of RENT came from.. Rent is amazing.. I don't understand why so many people are RENT hatters...

"It's terrible to have a house fall on you, it is, but accidents will happen"

#31re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/12/08 at 12:02pm

Even if someone was unfamiliar with La Boheme a simple google search would fill them in, and no one would admit to it.

This thread is useless and the original poster should be shot.

I'd rather be reckless than rockless.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#32re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/12/08 at 12:07pm

What was annoying was when I went to see La Boheme at the Met a couple of years ago, there were these (appeared to be) early-teen girls who spent the ENTIRE time matching up the action on stage with the action in Rent. I moved at the first intermission because they were just annoying. Do your homework on it at home and then enjoy the opera for what it is. Not making a play-by-play comparison with something else.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Jade Profile Photo
#33re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/12/08 at 1:23pm

I can't stand this whole attitude of "You're only a true Renthead if you waited for 8 hours on a pavement in NYC in the middle of a blizzard for a chance to see the OBC." I think a Renthead is just a name for a fan of the show - so if you think you're a Renthead, then you're a Renthead. I consider myself to be one, and I've never seen the OBC.

Equally offensive is the OP's assumption that all Rentheads are ignorant idiots. I don't even know where to go with that one.

BTW, I also knew La Boheme is an opera by Puccini, and it's based on a book called "Scenes de la Vie de Boheme" by Henri Murger.

#34re: Pop quiz : How many RENTHEADS know what La Boheme is?
Posted: 9/12/08 at 7:32pm

"I mean those who saw the movie and then had to ask what AIDS is and why Angel died!"

AIDS is Roger's band, and Angel died from an allergic reaction to his make-up. DUH! "

I thought AIDS is the type of camera Mark has and Angel died from drinking too much Diet Coke.
