
Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?- Page 2

Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?

#25re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/13/09 at 9:30pm

YIKES! Is all I have to say. I guess germaphobs are everywhere!

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

#26re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 3:09am

"I think this is a good point. They shouldn't have to french kiss. Not necessary."
...and...I agree! They can pretend. After all, they are actors. But, in this day and age...safer to abstain! re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#27re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 6:01am

And many DO pretend. There are many that do not.

An actor with pneumonia probably isn't performing, but home getting better. They get sick time, and usually aren't afraid of using it.

2nd you can't CATCH pneumonia. You can catch the cold and it MAY develop into pneumonia....but pnuemonia alone is not contagious.

There are many, many stories on b'way that do not require any sort of kissing...but how do you tell a ROMANTIC love story without it?

Maybe they should shake hands but only after they publically use an antibiotic hand gel. Then it will become KNOWN as a kiss.


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Weez Profile Photo
#28re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 6:18am

Despite the hilarity and idiocy, it's really not worth reading the thread after the first line:

I know it's not a nice subject, but kissing, often French-kissing, is part of the job for some actors.

..... in what world is kissing not a nice subject? O_o It sounds like there's something a bit wrong with nomdeplume, whether it be a bitter break-up, a lack of emotional maturity, severe germophobia, or whatever.

tazber Profile Photo
#29re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 7:51am

I hope they at least wear condoms.

....but the world goes 'round

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#30re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 10:23am

lol this thread is funny. you guys do realize that your arguing over weather actors should make out on stage right? I see no sense in this..like drama said if an actor is sick they won't be at the show..and honestly I would rather kiss someone onstage who I know and trust and have been rehearsing with then some girl at a bar. People meet other people at bars all the time and they "french kiss" during one night stands. I don't think we need to worry about actors making out.


#31re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 2:23pm

double post - see my next post with link (computer issues) Updated On: 5/14/09 at 02:23 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#32re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 2:31pm

Creepiest thread ever.

#33re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 2:43pm

What is "not nice" to discuss is the possibility of contracting HPV from an open-mouthed kiss while you are just doing your job in your line of work. Mouth closed may avoid or reduce this risk. HPV is mainly known as a venereal disease virus that causes venereal warts and can lead to cancer of the cervix in women though it can lead to other cancers and conditions.

I thought that was pretty obvious and didn't need to be spelled out.

Interesting that you say pneumonia is not contagious, but I think that is not quite accurate. You may be thinking of it as being just a "condition" of the lung but the website below says it is an "infection" of the lungs caused by virus or bacteria which can be contagious.

If you pick someone to date you have a choice; it should be voluntary. You don't usually have the luxury of choosing with whom you work because the actor doesn't generally do the casting, plus an understudy or new cast member can appear overnight.

I think actors and AEA should be aware of all newly discovered health risks. The risks should be discussed and evaluated as "on the job safety" issues and not dismissed. If the risk is serious and can be avoided, it should be.

This is work, not interpersonal choices in dating.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#34re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 4:05pm

You still cannot CATCH PNEUMONIA. There isn't a Pnueumonia GERM. GERMS are what are passed.

Additionally: go away.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#35re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 4:32pm

tazber - that's just plain silly! Condoms when they are kissing?

This whole thread is plain silly.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

#36re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 4:36pm

My only comment is,

it shouldn't take 'being an actor' to inspire people to get vaccinations.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#37re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/14/09 at 4:42pm


Thinking about the available vaccination, there are many kinds of HPV and the vaccine was developed specifically against two kinds which can lead to cancer of the cervix. So the vaccine is not a preventative for all kinds of HPV virus that could be transmitted.

By the way, there is a vaccine now for pneumonia, it's been around a while, but you have to ask for it when you go to your doctor because they don't automatically suggest it like they do flu shots unless you are elderly. It's good for several years.

And Lynnespock2, I think your icon is plain silly. Updated On: 5/14/09 at 04:42 PM

MeganW Profile Photo
#38re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/15/09 at 3:08pm

I think nomdeplume has raised a very important point. But more than people who contract diseases through forced french kisses, we're neglecting the real victims. As "You don't usually have the luxury of choosing with whom you work," what if the other actor is ugly? Now that's a cause to rally behind.

If people have split views about your work, I think it's flattering. I'd rather have them feel something about it than dismiss it.
Stephen Sondheim


marknyc Profile Photo
#39re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/15/09 at 8:31pm

Just to clear up some misinformation in this very strange thread, many, many drugs are used by doctors for conditions for which they are not FDA-approved. This common practice, known as "off-label" use, is entirely ethical, and in truth it would be hard to practice medicine without it.

So anyone who wants Gardisil can get it, and it would not be hard to find a doctor to do it. Getting your insurance to pay for it is another matter. Very unlikely, if not impossible.

#40re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/15/09 at 8:32pm

Never really thought about that, but always wondered about herpes or cold sores. What if you're co-star had herpes, or a cold sore, and you were supposed to kiss them night after night...?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#41re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/15/09 at 8:37pm

I would think that would make THEM unable to do their job. I would HOPE a quick talk with the stage manager should send the infected person home!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Neverandy Profile Photo
#42re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/15/09 at 8:59pm

This is the stupidest thread ever.
As a member of equity, and seated member on 3 different contract committees, I can tell you that in no uncertain terms would they ever legislate any members health, or vaccinations.
Remember that not too long ago, AIDS/HIV ravaged the acting community, and testing and or HIV status was never a requirement for any job. This is the early days when they didn't know the exact modes of transmission. Do you really think that we are going to force our members to get vaccinated?
What about Chiken pox?
What about Measels?
When Equity starts to have jursidiction over love sex acts, maybe then I will start to think about this.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

#43re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/15/09 at 10:40pm

Thanks for that "off-label" use term, marknyc; I didn't recall the extact term but that's it.

Ignorance in my eyes is the failure to properly assess and evaluate risk and do what you can to prevent harm.

No one is talking about "forced" vaccinations; wake up.

AEA has a duty to evaluate all health concerns and on-the-job risks to its members if it claims to protect their interests. AEA should evaluate this newly discovered medical risk as it affects their members.

On-the-job health risks also can have the potential to become worker's compensation claims.

CPR used to be taught with direct contact mouth to mouth resuscitation, but no more. You are given and use face shields now. Emergency responders carry them.

So why should actors have to have open mouth contact in their work and take risks we don't want lifeguards or other workers to take?
face shield

#44re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/15/09 at 10:49pm

Mouth condoms for kissing? Why not band kissing altogether. They can just shake hands and then use some hand sanitizer.

I find this thread very sad.

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

#45re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/15/09 at 10:52pm

I don't see how anyone could use a face shield onstage without it being obvious.

It seems the best solution would be not to have open-mouthed kissing to reduce the risk.

#44re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/16/09 at 1:18am

The most frightening thing about this thread is the incredible mangling of the English language. I've never seen anything like it in my life, actually. Do they not teach spelling and grammar anymore? I'm not one to nitpick over obvious misspellings, but holy moley on rye, READ the posts here.

tazber Profile Photo
#45re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/16/09 at 1:56am

I was *trying* to be silly lynnespock. In keeping with the spirit of the thread.

....but the world goes 'round

#46re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/16/09 at 6:55am

Tazber - sorry, but some of this so ridiculous it's hard to see the humor!

bk - unfortunately, the spelling errors are the least of the problems with this thread!

Live long and prosper. Marriage equity now!

singtopher Profile Photo
#47re: Should Actors Who Kiss Get Vaccinated?
Posted: 5/16/09 at 8:17am

This is the first time I read this thread, and I must say it was one heck of a way to start my saturday.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert
