
Boys in the Band Stagedoor- Page 3

Boys in the Band Stagedoor

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#50Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 12:39am

Did the stage door tonight. Matt Bomer, Jim Parsons, Robin DeJeus, Brian Hutchison, Michael Benjamin Washington all came out and signed. That was it. They all did pics. Matt Bomer would only do quick selfies while signing. It was extremely humid and pretty crowded but everyone was respectful. Michael and Robin took the most time with people. Robin called me 'Papi' which I thought was sweet. Lol

Darreyl with an L!
Updated On: 8/9/18 at 12:39 AM

JayElle Profile Photo
#51Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 1:38pm

Yes, it has gotten nuts at the door. I came many days in a row just to get Parsons. Finally succeeded. Zac is the next "Where's Waldo?"  I was there last night as well.  Sorry I couldn't place a face to folks in this blog.

But if Broadway's SD is bad, check out this article from the Hollywood Reporter.  Social media is killing it along with manner-less people.


#52Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 3:22pm

Has Zachary come out recently?

Overall, the guys have been great. They definitely went above and beyond at the stage door.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#53Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 3:56pm

BroadwayBoy214 said: "Has Zachary come out recently?

Actually, Zachary came out 7 years ago. Lol



#54Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 4:34pm

Lol, I meant the stage door but that was good. Haha

#55Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 5:10pm

I don't think Zachary or Andrew comes out anymore and the others do inconsistently. 


Happy to have a signed poster by the entire cast though.

Updated On: 8/9/18 at 05:10 PM

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#56Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 5:14pm


#57Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 11:13pm

Tonight everyone doored except Andrew, which shocked me because I wasn’t expecting Jim and Zach to come at all. Matt took photos with everyone and was first out. Everybody got their playbills signed for the most part I think, but I really want Andrew’s signature too so I’m holding out hope he’ll door another night before the run ends.

#58Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 11:35pm

Nice to hear that nearly everyone in the cast stage-doored. Not that they owe anybody anything other than their performances, but with their closing in sight, maybe they're just savoring the enthusiasm of this last week. It was recently shot for the Theater of Film and Tape Archive at Lincoln Center, but I wish ''Boys'' were turned into a Netflix movie or filmed for Fathom Events.

Updated On: 8/10/18 at 11:35 PM

#59Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 11:41pm

Me too! I was so glad they were all kind enough to sign as many people’s playbills as they could (and the autograph hounds’ Big Bang Theory merch, sigh). I’m holding out hope that Andrew will door one last time so I can complete my playbill but I still feel very grateful to have seen this remarkable cast on stage!

#60Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/9/18 at 11:59pm

I was there too! They were all so nice and I finally finished my playbill so I’m happy.

Not all of the people with Big Bang stuff were hounds. One was my friend who got his dvd signed with his playbill. Very nice of Jim to sign that too. =p.

#61Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/10/18 at 1:28pm

I certainly wasn’t implying that every Big Bang Theory fan was an autograph hound but I witnessed people with whole stacks of magazines, 8x10s and Big Bang Theory merch at the door for people to sign. I recalled that Andrew Garfield at Angels wouldn’t even sign Spiderman merch.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#63Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/10/18 at 6:05pm

So I read this article twice, just so I could get a clear picture of what was going on. At first I was like, this seems extremely excessive. This woman takes a four-hour round-trip 10 times trying to get a poster signed- that's 40 hours of travel time. Also, has she seen and bought a ticket to the show each and every time? Whatever kind of retirement she has- I want! To be able to have that much money to do that. Lol. Like thinking about how much money when you add transportation and theater tickets together for ten trips.

Darreyl with an L!

#64Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/10/18 at 7:04pm

She actually traveled 21 days.  It stated every day for three weeks.  She "only" has bought a ticket and seen the show 9 times, going to be 10.  So she was (sshh) stagedooring many times without seeing the show.  Not that I care.  It's her time and money.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#65Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/10/18 at 7:26pm

Oh! I must have missed that part. Wow! That seems excessive to me. 

Darreyl with an L!
Updated On: 8/10/18 at 07:26 PM

#66Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/10/18 at 10:36pm

I went to see the show recently and had a good time at the stage door. I don't normally post when I see people acting weirdly at the stage door but this has to be one of the weirdest experiences I've had so I thought I would share. 

When I went to the stage door there was this fan behind me, and it was very clear she had seen the show, and been, to the stage door plenty of times (she remembered the security guards by name and they remembered her too) but was here again tonight. She was pressed up against my back, as it was pretty crowded, and was literally shaking. She had several bags she was digging through to find whatever she had and was dropping things everywhere.

When each actor came out she gave them a photograph of her and the actor, that she had personally signed for them, and asked if they could sign a larger photo of the two of them. Then she had her Playbill from this particular night and another pride playbill for them to sign. Additionally, she would ask everyone if they remembered her and then recount some story of her previous encounters with them, some stayed and listened but others quickly moved past to get to other fans. And she was screaming the entire time.

I've seen people do this sort of thing for one individual actor at shows but she did this to literally everyone. It was upsetting because I wanted to just say something quickly to a few of those who came out but she took the time away from everyone around us. No one else got time to talk because of her. But the show was fantastic and I'm happy that while the stage door experience wasn't my favorite thing in the world, the show definitely was!


EDIT: And in case anyone was wondering everyone but Jim Parsons and Charlie Carver came out. They all signed Playbills. Only Robin de Jesús, Michael Benjamin Washington, and Tuc Watkins took photos with people. There were about 250 people there.

Updated On: 8/10/18 at 10:36 PM

#67Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/10/18 at 11:41pm

I saw that same fan there today, too, with all the pictures! How odd. I was on the opposite side of the barricade so I wasn’t close enough to hear if she was repeating similar behavior.

Rannells doored today so I finally finished my windowcard, but I left shortly thereafter so I’m not sure if Bomer or Watkins came out as everyone else had in fact come out the stagedoor. Tonight might have been the full cast! Everyone who did door once again was very kind and patient to make sure everyone got their playbills and posters signed. Hope they have a wonderful and stress free final two shows tomorrow, what a spectacular run.

JayElle Profile Photo
#68Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/11/18 at 1:18pm

Re: multiple trips to NYC on NJ transit can be relatively cheap for a senior.   You also missed that she only did this because the Broadway Cares signed posters were not available. From what I understand, many folks kept going back repeatedly because they needed Parsons and Quinto.  

I agree with "thegamesIplay" that the SD line is always vendors, BBT fans, obsessives.  The same vendors appeared more frequently in last couple of weeks.  Those folks make it bad for everyone else.  Sorry to see the show go.

JayElle Profile Photo
#69Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/11/18 at 1:28pm

Darrey1102, regarding excessive, if you have it, flaunt it. Life is short.  

Actually I know a lot of folks who see shows multiple times.  One woman went to Great Comet 49 times and she sat on the stage most of the time.   Stockbroker w/$.  Some have told me they do standing room a lot or TKTS seats.  

JayElle Profile Photo
#70Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/11/18 at 2:09pm

Natashalost wrote in part, "When each actor came out she gave them a photograph of her and the actor, that she had personally signed for them, and asked if they could sign a larger photo of the two of them."

That sounds like the obsessive stalker.  She's been there several days/week for the run of the show. Once she gets a photo of them, she prints it out and brings it back for them to sign.  She freaked out Tuc when she brought a photo of him in the 6th grade. You should've looked at his face. Total creep out.  There is another who is Aisan who flew in from China.  Totally obsessed over Bomer.  He finally told her to stop giving him gifts.   I wish they'd set ground rules for these stage doors.  I like that Garfield refused to sign stuff that wasn't Angels.  

No one should be making money off of someone else's image. Actually I heard it wasn't even legal if the actor filed a complaint with Ebay to have it removed.  Never happen; just like we can't get rid of the vendors and stalkers.

JayElle Profile Photo
#71Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/11/18 at 2:09pm

Natashalost wrote in part, "When each actor came out she gave them a photograph of her and the actor, that she had personally signed for them, and asked if they could sign a larger photo of the two of them."

That sounds like the obsessive stalker.  She's been there several days/week for the run of the show. Once she gets a photo of them, she prints it out and brings it back for them to sign.  She freaked out Tuc when she brought a photo of him in the 6th grade. You should've looked at his face. Total creep out.  There is another who is Aisan who flew in from China.  Totally obsessed over Bomer.  He finally told her to stop giving him gifts.   I wish they'd set ground rules for these stage doors.  I like that Garfield refused to sign stuff that wasn't Angels.  

No one should be making money off of someone else's image. Actually I heard it wasn't even legal if the actor filed a complaint with Ebay to have it removed.  Never happen; just like we can't get rid of the vendors and stalkers.

JayElle Profile Photo
#72Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/11/18 at 2:09pm

Natashalost wrote in part, "When each actor came out she gave them a photograph of her and the actor, that she had personally signed for them, and asked if they could sign a larger photo of the two of them."

That sounds like the obsessive stalker.  She's been there several days/week for the run of the show. Once she gets a photo of them, she prints it out and brings it back for them to sign.  She freaked out Tuc when she brought a photo of him in the 6th grade. You should've looked at his face. Total creep out.  There is another who is Aisan who flew in from China.  Totally obsessed over Bomer.  He finally told her to stop giving him gifts.   I wish they'd set ground rules for these stage doors.  I like that Garfield refused to sign stuff that wasn't Angels.  

No one should be making money off of someone else's image. Actually I heard it wasn't even legal if the actor filed a complaint with Ebay to have it removed.  Never happen; just like we can't get rid of the vendors and stalkers.

JayElle Profile Photo
#73Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/11/18 at 2:17pm

As for autographs, the most important one was the playwright Mart Crowley. I was lucky to see him and get him to inscribe the transcript book that they sold at show.  Any actors could've done this show, and going forward many more likely will. But without Crowley, this show never would've happened.  It's like getting Eugene Oneill, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, August Wilson, etc.

Without Crowley, there likely would not have been a Tony Kushner for Angels/America.  I even got a pic of him.  That's a memory for me!


darreyl102 Profile Photo
#74Boys in the Band Stagedoor
Posted: 8/11/18 at 11:31pm

Did the closing night stage door. FULL cast, all 9 guys came out and signed.

Darreyl with an L!
