
Just bought the Aida soundtrack...luvin adam in it how bout you?- Page 3

Just bought the Aida soundtrack...luvin adam in it how bout you?

zoran912 Profile Photo
#50AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 11:20am

I saw AIDA twice. Once with the OBC, once with what I believe was the 2nd Touring Cast (Paulette, Lisa, Jeremy). I enjoyed the OBC far more, most likely because I was mildly sick when I saw the tour.

As for the Zoser songs, they were fun onstage as long as John Hickok was singing them. I loathed the Zoser I saw on tour. I don't even remember his name. All I remember was that he had a southern accent and no energy. Zoser isn't supposed to be sluggish. It doesn't work that way. Oh well. Hickok is great and I'm glad he's back in work.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#51AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 11:22am

And I add to that - Mickey Dolenz = NOT FUN. His performance as Zoser made me very sad. John Hickok = happy Emcee.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

crp2000 Profile Photo
#52AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 11:45am

Heather Headley, Deborah Cox, & Schele Williams were the best AIDA's vocally - HANDS DOWN!!.
Personally, I think Simone was the stronger actress...her vocals were different - but still very strong/powerful though.

chess12 Profile Photo
#53AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 11:58am

What's the opening song of Act II? "Not Me"? I love that trio where they're standing in individual pyramids of light.

Saw AIDA twice. Both times, Aida was out and her understudy played. Heather Headley and Simone. Guess y'all were good. I'll never know.

Sherie Rene Scott and Idina Menzel were both fantastic. Sherie was robbed of a Tony nomination. Idina was a SCREAM!

Adam Pascal. Whatever. Eat some more steel wool and you'll finally destroy your vocal cords.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#54AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 12:01pm

I saw understudies for both of those actresses; I saw Heather's first standby, Thursday Farrar, who you may have seen. And chances are you saw Simone's standby (who was with the show until this past August), Saycon Sengbloh. Both of them were great, and some people say you were better off with Saycon than with Simone anyway.

The opening of Act II was "A Step Too Far."

I'll pretend I didn't read your last line.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 2/18/05 at 12:01 PM

chess12 Profile Photo
#55AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 12:09pm

Thank you, Emcee. It was Thursday Farrar. I knew it was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday something. I'm not sure about the other one. The understudy was another one-named wonder.

And thanks for setting me straight(the only thing about me)on the song.

Didn't mean to upset you. We all have opinions and I'm sure that we can meet each other on common ground on many other items.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#56AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 12:12pm

I knew it was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday something.

LOL!! It's so unique, so I always remember it. I have the OBC poster in my room at home, and her name's on there somewhere; it's the only name that's also a day of the week. AIDA..all we ask of you....
I remember liking her very much, and then going home and listening to the CD and just realizing how different her voice was from Heather's. She had a great voice, but Heather's was a lot bigger and richer. It never upset me that I saw the understudy until I really got into the show and realized that I missed *the* Heather Headley; that's how good Thursday was.

It's alright - you're entitled. Plenty of people don't like him, so I've gotten used to it.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

chess12 Profile Photo
#57AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 12:33pm

Strangely enough, I like Adam Pascal. I saw him in RENT and twice in AIDA. I think he's decent actor. I'm a singer, however, and it hurts me to think of what he's putting himself through. I just don't think it bodes well for the future. Julie Andrews, anyone? And she had crystal clear tones.

crp2000 Profile Photo
#58AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 12:34pm

Speaking of AIDA, saw Verdi's AIDA this past Sunday...LOVED IT!! AIDA was played by Angela Brown - the next (if not current) Opera Diva!!

It was nice to see the similarities and differences between this and Elton/Tim's version.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#59AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 12:40pm

You know, I need to see the opera. My friend has a DVD that was released of a recent foreign production... an Australian one, maybe?

Wasn't the trouble with Julie Andrews not so much her ruining her voice, but the mishap with that surgery? Anyway, re: Adam, I know he's never taken voice lessons, but that he has worked with a vocal coach a number of times. Granted, he does sound his best when he's had a decent break and hasn't been singing a ton of stuff eight times a week, but I don't think I've ever heard him sound strained through an entire performance even though he would crack a note here and there. He's admitted to a history of "beating the sh*t" out of his voice doing stuff with his band before RENT, but he's learned how to take care of his voice, and is pretty careful... I don't think anyone's heard of vocal injuries with him or anything. I think he'll be alright. The problem in AIDA was that he got bored, and probably stopped caring, almost. AIDA..all we ask of you....

A work of art is an invitation to love.

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#60AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/18/05 at 2:01pm

I prefered the tour cast (Paulette, Jeremy, Lisa) to the original cast, but they are both incredible.

I miss that show. Why or why is gone and Mamma Mia is still running?

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#61AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 10:22am

awww i wish i could just see adam in it once...just once...well anyways anyone know what adams doing now??

zippyjen Profile Photo
#62AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 10:56am

Alright i agree with a comment insomniak made earlier. THe score is better than the show. I hated the show but i do like some of the songs and when i say some, i mean some. I think the God's live Nubia is amazing and I know the truth is good. AS for elaborate lives, i don't understand why some people think that song is amazing. Anywho it is their opinion. As for Adam i love him even though he was in this show. I hated Mickey Dolenz!! That is my opininion. :)

"At the opening night party, they had clowns on stilts, jugglers, a chocolate fountain, popcorn, hot dogs. [My son] looked at me like I had been holding back. Like, 'This is what you do?' I had to tell him, 'No, no, darling. Opening nights don't usually look like this.' It's usually a dark bar with a bottle of vodka." ?Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Jan Maxwell plus i proudly share the title of the shortest member over the age of 10 with wickedrentq!

incendiary_wit Profile Photo
#63AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 11:53am

I loved it. I've never seen the show, but the cast racording is amazing! And Adam gets to rock out ("Fortune Favors the Brave" and "Like Father, Like Son") and sing romanctical love songs ("Elaborate Lives" and "Radame's Letter").

Plus, everyone else in it has amazing voices too!

1. Ted Allen: Everyone has an interesting life if you ask the right questions.
2. Great buckets of Spoffnor, they're going to sing!
3. "I love shrubs that are historical." -Johnny and The Sprites
4. "We're not singing it to you, we're singing it for us." -Rosario Dawson, about La Vie Boheme
5. "The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours." -The History Boys
6. "Pass the parcel. That's sometimes all you can do. Take it, feel it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere, one day. Pass it on, boys. That's the game I want you to learn. Pass it on." -The History Boys

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#64AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 1:27pm

jeremykushnier1fan - Adam just released he second solo album (see link in my signature, then buy it AIDA..all we ask of you....) and now he's in San Francisco working on the RENT film. They're filming in New York in a couple of weeks, at which point I'm praying that he'll do a solo performance. After that it's back to SF til June, then to LA to finish. I miss being able to see him on stage every few weeks so badly. AIDA..all we ask of you....

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Chloe Profile Photo
#65AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 2:36pm

How did I get back to this thread so late? Aida is what resparked my interest in theater. As a kid I was quite stage-struck, though I wasn't able to see very much, but by the time I moved to NYC I was only a sporadic theater-goer. However, I was also a big Elton John fan, which eventually led to me seeing this show and also becoming a big Adam fan. I've also probably seen more shows in the last few months than I usually see in a couple of years.

I love, love, love Aida despite its faults. Though some of the music works better on stage than on the CD, as others have noted, as a show it just all comes together for me. The sets managed to be technically complex and wonderfully simple all at the same time, the costumes hit just the right tone for the music and story, and I just adore the music. The book is a weaker element, but it's still good enough for the show to be incredibly enjoyable.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#66AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 2:39pm

wheee AIDA love! I guess it was sort of like that for me; I always liked theatre, but AIDA was the first show I really fell in love with and brought my interest in theatre to its peak. AIDA..all we ask of you....

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Chloe Profile Photo
#67AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 2:44pm

And your peak is quite high, Emcee!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#68AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 2:44pm

*grins foolishly*

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#69AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 10:10pm

thank you, queen muppet. for your ever so genteel correction. anyway...he's annoying. the end.

"Be not like dumb, driven cattle. Be a hero in the strife." A Psalm of Life...Walt Whitman

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#70AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 10:12pm

AIDA..all we ask of you....

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#71AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 10:13pm

haha...sorry luvtheemcee :) but i agree with you on a lot of other stuff!!! :)

"Be not like dumb, driven cattle. Be a hero in the strife." A Psalm of Life...Walt Whitman

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#72AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 10:14pm

'tis okay, I've learned not to take personal offense.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#73AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 10:14pm

haha...good to hear.

"Be not like dumb, driven cattle. Be a hero in the strife." A Psalm of Life...Walt Whitman

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#74AIDA..all we ask of you....
Posted: 2/19/05 at 10:19pm

'thank you, queen muppet. for your ever so genteel correction.'

gen·teel ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jn-tl)
Refined in manner; well-bred and polite.
Free from vulgarity or rudeness.
Elegantly stylish: genteel manners and appearance

YAY, that is SO me! Was about time someone bloody noticed it! *huffs*

If you bash someone, you better get his name right because otherwise you look like a .... erm.... can't think of the right genteel word. AIDA..all we ask of you....


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero
