Cheno on letterman

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#50A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 11:09am

And anyone who believes she is "overexposed" at this point does not know the meaning of the word. The perspective on this board is ridiculously unrealistic.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

dano Profile Photo
#51A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 11:17am

I don't care what she said in the interview. I'd still do her in a heartbeat!

"Singing is the lowest form of communication" - Homer

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#52A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 11:23am

Well, anyone who has a $14 million musical developed around their specific talents is no slouch. No matter whether you personally enjoy Kristen's skills, there's no denying she's got the goods. I personally don't see why people think Tyne Daly's so good, but Emmy's and Tony's seem to suggest that she's got something going on.

". . . POP . . ."

Hanna from Hamburg Profile Photo
Hanna from Hamburg
#53A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 11:23am

Well, anyone who has a $14 million musical developed around their specific talents is no slouch. No matter whether you personally enjoy Kristen's skills, there's no denying she's got the goods. I personally don't see why people think Tyne Daly's so good, but Emmy's and Tony's seem to suggest that she's got something going on.

". . . POP . . ."

bunchamuncha Profile Photo
#54A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 11:34am

She got great exposure for an inspriational album.
Perhaps my favorite piece of PR, in the current issue of Blender Magazine, with Eminem and 50 Cent on the cover, an article on Kristin (done up as Dusty Springfield in the photo) with a listing of some of her favorite albums.

If you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience..... Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash... Tallulah Bankhead

#55A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 11:53am

Theatreboy, she didn't leave because of the hair flip. That would be foolish because they could just take it out and add something else. She did have an injury during the show, which she performed through and I believe was relatively healed from when she left. She left the show because she had been with it from the beginning. SHe did readings and workshops, the out of town try-out, and finally the broadway show. She was with it a good 3 years. It's actually not THAT uncommon for people to leave after a year. If I were her and I had film roles being offered to me and an album to promote, I would have left too. You can't do anything when doing 8 shows a week. If she had stayed, many of the catty people on here would be bitching that she's always out and should just leave the show. I'm glad she's moved on.
Updated On: 4/19/05 at 11:53 AM

bunchamuncha Profile Photo
#56A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 12:57pm

During the interview, she said the reason she left the show was because of the neck injury.

If you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience..... Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash... Tallulah Bankhead

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#57A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 4:53pm

Who's Cheno?

Isn't that a character in West Side Story?

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#58A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 4:58pm

:cough KRISTENCHENOWETHa.k.a.G(a)LINDA cough:

whoo. gotta get that cold checked, lemme tell ya.

This is my signature.

alphieboy Profile Photo
#59A&E interview
Posted: 4/18/05 at 5:28pm

I missed this...darnit!!!!

"If I have something to say, the whole world (BroadwayWorld) should hear it." - Thenardier

#60A&E interview
Posted: 4/19/05 at 2:34am

i cant believe i missed it!!! is there gonna be a repeat!?!

#61A&E interview
Posted: 4/19/05 at 9:38am

I thought she was really rather annoying ... is she always like that, or just doing ditzy blonde for Letterman? She confuses me. It was irritating.

Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.

shameless Profile Photo
#62A&E interview
Posted: 4/19/05 at 12:18pm

I didn't see the interview so I can't talk about Cheno, but I've seen a lot of actresses play the ditz for late night. The best is when you catch them on a morning show and they're witty and articulate, and then you see them on a late night show (filmed an hour or two later) and it's like they took a stupid pill. I hate it. I don't get why they have to dumb it down for late night.

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

keggss23 Profile Photo
#63A&E interview
Posted: 4/19/05 at 12:22pm

"And anyone who believes she is "overexposed" at this point does not know the meaning of the word. The perspective on this board is ridiculously unrealistic."

Amen to that!

Cheno overexposed? No. Overexposed would be Britney Spears and J.Lo.

The Cheno hate is really starting to piss me off.

"When you're a Jet, / You're a Jet all the way, / From your first pirouette / To your last grand jete." --Brian Kaman

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#64A&E interview
Posted: 4/20/05 at 12:55am

"Did anyone see Kristin's Carnegie Hall concert in September? She did a song about how fat she was (or something to that effect). I think it's ridiculous for a woman who claims to wrigh 97 lbs to be singing songs about how fat she is. Talk about sending a bad message. If she's fat what are all the normal sized people????"

that song was a joke. it was about her being "fat" and losing weight until she got too skinny to be healthy. if i remember correctly, it was when she was talking about people being really preoccupied by weight and that preoccupation being unhealthy.

Whatever happened to class?
