
Illegal Wicked productions- Page 3

Illegal Wicked productions

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#50re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 1:10pm

I do't think people are flipping out because some 8 year olds are singing a couple of the songs with their choir, it's the people who are doing illegal productions of it.

It is a copyright infringment, plain and simple.

And I STRONGLY suggest that if anyone is involved with an illegal production, that they bring it up with their director andpoint out the fact that they are breaking the law. It's stealing folks, just like buying a pirated DVD in Times Square.

I won't even start on the topic of, not only productions that are illegal, but one's that are completely re-writte by the director. That's also a NO-NO

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

thenextfiyero Profile Photo
#51re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 1:44pm

iis this whole thing a joke?

525600minutesWicked Profile Photo
#52re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 1:50pm

Namo.... what do u mean by ur Elphaba "blew threw the roof"? Why did u have to cancel the second act?? Im confused.... Didnt you guys have understudys or standbys??

PS-- How could neone dare to impersonate Idina ON STAGE in that song ?! I mean I sing with the cd all the time but actually think that Im equal to her ability ?! How could someone attempt that?!

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#53re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 1:54pm

jesus christ people. no one blew through the roof. it was a joke. why is that so hard to grasp???

Thenardier Profile Photo
#54re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 2:06pm

CATS - look who we are dealing with...

#55re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 2:10pm

Love all the chastizing in this thread.


Thenardier Profile Photo
#56re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 2:14pm

Well, would you expect anything else?

re: Illegal Wicked productions

#57re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 2:17pm

I probably shouldn't be antagonizing people either. This topic just sets people's hearts aflutter with righteous indignation.


#58re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 2:19pm

I'm so frightened that everyone who posts here will yell at me. I think maybe I should try and stop. Lylas!

"I am the sound of distant thunder, the color of flame." CARRIE the Musical
Updated On: 5/26/05 at 02:19 PM

#59re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/26/05 at 2:59pm




#60re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 4:20pm

(Sorry, I'm rewriting this. I accidently cleared this message when i hit edit message. i'm new to Broadway World. Basically, I had mentioned my friends were interested in doing Wicked for fun and just show friends or family. I wasn't gonna be in it. I thought it was illegal so thats why i posted this reply; To ask if they were breaking some law.) Updated On: 5/28/05 at 04:20 PM

Thenardier Profile Photo
#61re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 4:30pm

If they aren't charging for it, and it's a small little family thing - I don't see why not.

singinswinga Profile Photo
#62re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 4:34pm

Specific upcoming Wicked production:
My high school show choir is doing "Hilights from Wicked" for the show next year. My choir teacher bought the sheet music and everything, and it's completely legal as far as I know.

I know this groc'ry clerk...

#63re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 5:19pm

under copyright law, as long as u dont charge admission, and as long as u only invite selected people, its called a "home production" and its completely legal :)

#64re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 5:26pm

(Ok Sorry, I had to take this off. Long Story)

Updated On: 5/28/05 at 05:26 PM

#65re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 5:28pm

(Had to take it off) Updated On: 5/28/05 at 05:28 PM

Thenardier Profile Photo
#66re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 5:28pm

As Derek said, if itt is for a small family audience and there is no "admission fee" - it's fine.

#67re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 5:45pm

(sry had to take it off)
Updated On: 5/28/05 at 05:45 PM

#68re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 5:59pm

(had to delete it) How do you get the rights to a show?

Updated On: 5/29/05 at 05:59 PM

Thenardier Profile Photo
#70re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 6:16pm

The rights are released when the show closes. RIGHT?

#71re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 7:22pm

This IS a joke, right?

Someone is "doing WICKED" for family and friends? Where? In their living room?

It doesn't matter if you are charging admission or not. The show isn't available. Where did these people get the script? The complete score? Or are they really just singing some of the songs from Wicked?


#72re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 8:13pm

Ok to anwser your question:
Some of my friends wanted to "do wicked". I thought it was a bad idea. That's why I asked. I talked to them about it, and they decided not to. You're right, it does sound stupid. I mean, I'm a big fan, but I wouldn't do that. They're NOT doing it and they were only gonna sing some of the songs. Ok?

#73re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 8:21pm

This is gettin really stupid. Those people I know aren't doing the show. I talked to them and it turns out they were only doin a short version of it. Do we have to keep bringing it up? They're NOT doing it. Ive said it loads of times already! And to be honest, they probably would have never gotten around to it! It sounds so stupid to "act out Wicked"
Updated On: 5/29/05 at 08:21 PM

#74re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 8:55pm

I had to take my messages off for a certain reason which isn't important. As I've stated over and over, My friends would never get around to do the show and as it turns out: they just enjoyed some of the songs (someone had ASKED me about finding the script and I said I didn't know because I had ONLY seen the show). I made the mistake and assumed they were putting it on. My apologies to Jon, Thenardier,Derek, and to whoever else I bothered. My friends were just talking about an idea of doing the show but it was I who made the mistake. I'm sorry for everyone who responded to my question. IT WAS ALL A BIG MISUNDERSTANDING!!!

Updated On: 5/29/05 at 08:55 PM
