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And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....- Page 3

And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....

itstheM Profile Photo
#50re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/1/06 at 7:38pm

This movie is absolutely horrid and THAT is why I am obsessed with it! The songs are crap, the acting/singing is crap, and the entire story is crap, but somehow it creates this form of Super Crap. (Kind of like most shows on MTV that I just can't stop watching.) I mean this show isn't even about putting on a musical, it's about musical auditions and callbacks. It's full of cliches and stereotypes, which help make this the best piece of crap I have ever seen.
Translated onto a stage though, I might have to kill myself.

Baby, dream your dream Close your eyes and try it!

EmieMarie Profile Photo
#51re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/1/06 at 7:40pm

they aren't even GOOD theater cliches in the movie
IT had SO much potential, but they don't know anything what real theater is like and what they did was "makebelieve theater" that thought they were brilliant because they made one tiny sondhim referance

Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone and ta'en thy wages: Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. ~Cymbeline

EmieMarie Profile Photo
#52re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/1/06 at 7:40pm

they aren't even GOOD theater cliches in the movie
IT had SO much potential, but they don't know anything what real theater is like and what they did was "makebelieve theater" that thought they were brilliant because they made one tiny sondhim referance

Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone and ta'en thy wages: Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. ~Cymbeline

#53re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/1/06 at 7:48pm

HSM is dumb, pointless, and has cheesy larger-than life characters. Enough said.
My camp did Into The Woods, but a watered down version.
Still, I played the Witch and it was fun.
I see a bunch of kids obsessing over that stupid movie, and now, I'd like to ram my head against a wall. Stagedoor does do some good stuff!

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#54re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/1/06 at 9:44pm

"A high school near where I grew up is on that list."

Orangeskittles...where do you find that list??? I looked and couldn't find it! Help!!

jennykett89 Profile Photo
#55re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:02pm

I was in the Stagedoor production of High School Musical (as Ms. Darbus) and I've got to say it's not as bad as all of you are making it out to be... I mean I know I'm going to get thousands of posts back chastising me and telling me how wrong I am but I think it was actually alright. I'm definitely not going to go so far as to say it was amazing but... not awful.

I hadn't seen the movie when I was cast in the show so when people were making such a big deal about it I was kind of like Wha??? and then I watched the movie on my friend's Ipod and I was like oh dear god, the next three weeks are going to be hell. It's true that the movie completely sucks - I'm going to agree completely with you on this one... or almost completely at least. I have to admit I only watched the first half.

When we started rehearsals I realized that it is changed in many ways from the movie. There are more songs added in (quite a few more actually), characters have more depth - Darbus, for example, is an actual person rather than a charicature (and has a 3 page monologue - yay me), there are more scenes... It makes it feel like an actual story not just a Disney movie. I mean I'm not going to say it's completely undisneyified and should win the Pulitzer Prize but I *am* saying it's more meaningful and something I wouldn't mind watching the whole way through.

Obviously if you're going to see something like High School Musical you're not expecting the greatest thing ever but I do have to say that the stage show is much much better than the movie. However, I might be just a bit biased...

The set was done really interestingly at Stagedoor. Stage left had a classroom set up, stage right had like a locker room type thing, up centre were stairs that looked like the outside of the school/auditorium. That way you could have the classroom scenes and the basketball ones going on at the same time and you could have everything else happen centre stage. The set really was quite amazing.

Oh and the Getcha Head in the Game song was quite possibly the most hilarious thing I've seen in my entire life. They got five complete and utter theatre kids playing basketball in sync whilst dancing and singing. The balls ended up in the house too many times to count...

Again, I know that I'm biased but I do think that the stage version does require really talented kids - I mean we had to do these amazingly elaborate dance routines, play basketball, act our asses off, sing along to a backing track (which is surprisingly hard), all whilst keeping our "Disney smiles".

So. Don't knock the stage version of HSM until you see/do it. It's not the greatest thing in the world but it's not the worst either...

Good luck to all those who are doing it!

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#56re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:05pm

Wow- jenny! Thank you so much for your opinion. It's great to hear from someone who was actually in the show. Did you notice any other changes from the original movie to the script you used? What was your monolouge about?

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#57re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:07pm

Do you have any pictures jenny?

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#58re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:09pm

Hey, glad you had fun and had nice sized monologue. I am a stagedoor kid as well. Was David in Company second session in the cabaret theatre. Anyway, I am glad to see that it went so well. Who was in the cast? I have been meaning to talk to third session kids who were there second session as well. Well, until 2007! re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

jennykett89 Profile Photo
#59re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:19pm

Apparently there were quite a few differences - I only watched a little bit of the movie so I don't know many but hmm I shall ask other people in it... My monologue was in the classroom and I was mainly talking about the auditions and the "magic that is theatre". I don't have many pictures - just some backstage ones which I'm willing to share if you want. When I get the DVD of the performance in a couple of weeks I can do some screen captures and post them then if you're still interested...

The cast was:

Troy - Jordan Campbell
Gabriella - Andrea Ross
Sharpay - Olivia Baackes
Ryan - Dyland Tedaldi
Chad - Eric Reinemann
Taylor - Sarah Konowitz
Zeke - Cullen Heater
Ms. Darbus - Jenny Kett
Kelsi - Caroline Page
Martha - Charlotte Maltby
Coach Bolton - Justin Berger
Jack Scott - Jesse Kaplan
Emma Pelosi
Meme Smith
Kyle VanZandt
Mark Rosenbloom
Natalie Kleeman
ALi Oremus
Chris Anderson
Lauren Bambino
Samara Bliss
Alexa Caruso
Dominique Cuoco
Breck Gallini
Lauren O'Neil
Christie Portera
Dia Seskin
Nikki Silinger
Emily Via

There were lots of newbies and quite a few long timers... It was an interesting mix.

#60re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:22pm

yeah, that sounds really cool, jenny!
my drama teacher is dying to do this, but now im not so reluctant as i was before i read your post
and ive never seen the movie, but i am quite amazed at what a phoenomenon it has become, so i might check it out

broadway86 Profile Photo
#61re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:47pm

I honestly don't know what people see in this movie. I thought it was dreadful. "Get your head in the game"? Shut up!!! But then, everyone loves it, so what do I know?

broadway86 Profile Photo
#62re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:48pm

I honestly don't know what people see in this movie. I thought it was dreadful. "Get your head in the game"? Shut up!!! But then, everyone loves it, so what do I know?

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#63re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 11:13pm

Yay Justin!

But, Meme only got ensemble? That is dissapointing for someone so talented, especially because she was Muzzy in Millie second session, so its a big step down.

Anyway, glad you had fun!

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

jennykett89 Profile Photo
#64re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 11:39pm

yeah I got the feeling that she was pretty upset about that...

Wait you're friends with Justin?!?!?!?

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#65re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 11:42pm

Oh yeah! Second Session 2005, I met him for the first time. He was in Aida then, and he had the famous popsicle stint at the camper showcase, which resulted in a trip to the emergency room! But he is awesome!

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

#66re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/21/06 at 11:44pm

Guys, this show/movie isn't the damn plague. Yes, it's spreading, but that's what things do when people enjoy something. They market. The Disney corporates aren't evil, corrupt bad guys who are any more despicable than usual. It's a damn show. It's not going to kill you. This is really getting nauseating reading these posts in which people complain to the point that they swear like they're going to get infected. Let it go.

If your school is doing the show and you "don't want to be within earshot of this crap", or whatever, don't be in the show! Don't go see it! Don't go near where the rehearsal is! Is your local community theatre doing it? Don't buy a ticket! Are the kids you babysit watching it? Put the bitches to sleep! Just let it freakin' GO.

jennykett89 Profile Photo
#67re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/22/06 at 12:02am

HAHA I heard about the popsicle thing!!! Poor Justin... Yeah he was one of my bestest buds at camp... aww i miss him...

And for the record I agree with thevolleyballer... If you don't like it, don't have anything to do with it. You have no idea how many times at camp people were like High School Musical is such crap. It just really pissed me off because there I was giving sooo much effort and people just kept going on and on right to my face... Someone came up and was like "Hey wanna hear a joke??? HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!" and it's like ok maybe it's not the greatest story but if people are going to be out there working on it at least respect the people and don't be mean about the show... ok so i've gone off on a tangent........... Hmmm I've obviously got some pent up rage towards the jealous people at Stagedoor...

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#68re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/22/06 at 12:43am

Here's the reason some highschools and such are jumpin to do it. Theatre teachers don't think it's some great piece of art. We are not that dumb. It's because it will make a ton of money and people will come see it. In fact most schools will sell out because of the movie and Disney. Theatre teachers slave to put on wonderful shows only to not make the money they spent back on the production or play to half empty houses half the time. Doing HSM guarantees you both money and an audience. It's actually smart to be the first school/group in your area to do it. You will be guaranteed an audience cuz everyone will want to check it out. Just my two cents.

Be the change you want in the world....

#69re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/22/06 at 12:51am

I see how you're reasoning, Hairspraydoll, but there's also a huge amount of people, like on this board, who swear they won't come near the thing. Granted, I'm sure half of those who swear against it would most likely check it out, if given the chance, but if everyone continues to be mortified by it, then it may not be that big a seller after all. Of course, I'm probably completely wrong. :)

Hairspraydoll Profile Photo
#70re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/22/06 at 7:01am

I don't think you're wrong....Well think about the people who watch Disney. They will support it. I think it depends on the community. One of the high schools listed in my area is doing it and I know they will make a killing based on this area. I agree most real theatre people may not see it, but I think it's geared towards a different audience. Plus we all have sick curiousity.

Be the change you want in the world....

All_For_Laura Profile Photo
#71re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/22/06 at 11:13am

The stagedoor story is soo typical of some people there, but I still love it. I think I will be going 1 and 2 for my third summer next year. And the rumor is, second session C show is Sunday in the Park with George! How exciting is that! Seeing as I am alwas in Sondheims when I am there, hopefully I'll be doing that next summer.

...What happened next, was stranger still, a woman breathless and afraid, appeared out of the night, completely dressed in white. She had a secret she would tell, of one who had mistreated her. Her face and frightened gaze, my mind cannot erase...But then she ran from view. She looked so much like you...

SamIAm Profile Photo
#72re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/22/06 at 12:08pm

If you consider that this type of project may get kids interested in theater (more than just the kids who live in NY and can make it to NYC to see shows) and in the genre at large, I think it is a great idea. Numerous entertainers and actors have put their support behind such projects in an effort to grow the concept with live and musical theater with teens and kids.

It isn't the next serious play or even the next classic musical production, but for what it supposed to be, I think it works.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

#73re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/22/06 at 1:28pm

Two groups in my area are doing it this fall.

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#74re: And the 1st Licensed Production of High School Musical Goes To....
Posted: 8/22/06 at 3:12pm

How is there already a rumor going around about the C show for NEXT summer?

Oh the popsicle- THAT brings back memories!

One of the community theatres in my area is doing HSM next summer for their summer camp. I don't know what my opinion is on that. Hahah.
