
Tarzan got mixed reviews?- Page 3

Tarzan got mixed reviews?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
jv92 Profile Photo
#51re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/7/07 at 11:31pm

I was looking through a scrapbook of reviews I've written on shows I've seen. I would post them more often, but I don't particularly think they're good. But my review for Tarzan, which I spared posting because I felt it would seem redundant after all of its pans, I feel, perfectly hits the nail of the head and sums up the critics complaints.
(Oh and my little OC remark is in regards to the third season. Some of the dialouge in the fourth season was quite good actually. Didn't want any fans to kill me.)

“Tarzan is a miserable failure.”
(on Tarzan: The Broadway Musical- no stars)

It’s been a very weak season for new musicals. One show, The Drowsy Chaperone, is a complete success and a second, The Color Purple, has a talented cast, a great design concept and some interesting songs, but a weak book and weak directing. Other than those two entries, in my opinion, every new musical has failed. Tarzan isn’t as weird as In My Life, but it’s on the same level of stupidity. The sad thing is that theatre professionals (with the exception of its songwriter) have created it.
The one person who is making his Broadway debut in the creative team is Phil Collins and sadly, his score is the weakest element of the show. It’s just bad. There’s no other word to describe it. Although I’ll admit that I found his songs for the Disney animated feature charming and tuneful, onstage, they sound bland and annoying. His new material is worse. One number performed by the ape parents of Tarzan is a weird, tribal version of “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better” that has no wit, no tune and no rhyming pattern. It’s on the verge of pretentious. The same goes for a song that Tarzan’s love Jane sings at the end of Act I. It first starts shooting Latin plant names at the audience and then goes into a banal pop chorus.
The cast of the show doesn’t better the weak songs. In fact, you might say that the young man playing the child version of Tarzan made his forgettable song worse.
The book by David Henry Hwang is lame. The Lion King’s book was lame as well, but this is awful. The jokes don’t go over well and the dramatic lines sound like lines from the weaker episodes of the current season of The OC. The structure of the book is also hard to follow. Hwang also changes the Disney screenplay and the Edgar Rice Burroh’s novel drastically. He turns Jane’s uptight British fiancé of sorts into a manic Southern killer among other weird changes.
Bob Crowley tries his best to stage and design this mess, but it doesn’t work. You might even say his designs are tacky. The man who designed the brilliant sets and costumes of Carousel and Mary Poppins should feel ashamed of his work here. The set is green. Just green. Green ropes, green scrims, green flooring. It looks like a green screen used on special effect shots in films. This green set doesn’t work. Crowley’s costumes don’t work either. The ape characters are dressed in stringy wigs that make them look like unclean pot dealers. The character of Tarzan is also dressed this way. However, his costumes for the humans are passable.
Natasha Katz’s lighting, though far from her best effort, does give a sense of professionalism to the production.
Now onto the cast. What a disappointment! Josh Strickland as Tarzan is atrocious. His acting, or lack of it, is awful. His singing is constantly off key and his swingingdancing is unnoticeable. Jenn Gambatesse is also off kilter. Her English accent gets in the way of her performance and her off key croaking of her songs don’t help much either. Shuler Hensley could give a great performance. He seems to want to give one. However, his material is so bad, he can’t. His sub par performance was the best of the evening.
Tarzan may be the weakest new musical of the season. It’s, poorly written, poorly staged and designed and poorly performed.

Updated On: 4/7/07 at 11:31 PM

#52re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 12:03am

So don't see it. Go see something you like. Stop spreading hate.

Seriously, though, have you any idea how hard it is for theatre folk to get work? If you don't, don't answer. If you do, who are you, nay, who is ANYONE to deny them a living? How would you feel if someone started chanting to shut down the company you work for just because they didn't do everything they were "supposed to"?

jv92 Profile Photo
#53re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 12:12am

Oh I know it's hard to get work in any industry, especially theatre. Did I say that the chorus kids were awful? No. I just said that Josh Strickland and company, who certainly weren't starving on the street, were pretty terrible.

D2 Profile Photo
#54re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 12:16am


Whatever anyone feels about TARZAN - good, bad or indifferent - the fact remains that the show is NOT closing anytime soon and regardless of its questionable quality, it has been running for nearly a year so obviously there are audiences who are continuing to enjoy it! Can we discuss more important matters?

Like what's the real story behind the originator of this post and Nom de plume and their very public courting session this afternoon? re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

#55re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 12:28am

Well thread-jacked, my friend.

D2 Profile Photo
#56re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 12:30am

I'm good at thread-jacking, as you may have realized!

And so are you. So, back to the dirt!

Rentrox? Nom? Anybody?

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

#57re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 12:46am

What CAN I say?

Love will out.

D2 Profile Photo
#58re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 12:47am

Now THAT'S the way to end this thread!

re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

Mouses Magic
#59re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 1:43am

"If it cons money out of nimrods like the fanboy shills on this board, then huzzah and hurray for showing them to be the fools they truly are. "

The only fools here are you close minded ***hole "thesbians" who cant let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. NO ONE is ever a fool for liking a show. EVER. Its why we have opinions, its why we are who we are. If you dont like a show, it is your DAMN OPINION but dont ever call people fools for liking a show because it just makes you look immature and mindless.

"Get a life, folks. TARZAN is a piece of BS that should be an embarrassment to the Disney name. "

So does that mean every person associated with Pirate Queen should be ashamed and considered an embarassment to theater, or is Tarzan only an embarassment because it is a Disney show? Pirate Queen got WORSE reviews than Tarzan so I guess in your words Pirate Queen is an embarassment to Schönberg.

#60re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 1:47am

Happy Easter, everyone.

Christ is risen!

God bless.

winston89 Profile Photo
#61re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 3:38am

The reason why Tarzan is still playing is because its produced by F*CKing disney. It's not like it is being done by a group of producers who are loosing tons of money each day a flop prodcution of thiers plays. Disney knows that tarzan isn't doing as well as they had hoped but to them they aren't making much money keeping it open but they aren't loosing any money eaither. I get the feeling that they think that they might as wel keep it open so they can milk it for all its worth and realy on the fact that tourists are comming to see this show because they see that it is disney thus it is good.

Had this show been produced by any other producer it would have closed a long time ago.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

tazber Profile Photo
#62re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 5:58am

As far as that line, Can YOU do any better? goes, I say:
Yes! I absolutely can!! It wouldn't take a genius to write a better show. In fact, it wouldn't even take a moron. Just a monkey and a keyboard.

....but the world goes 'round

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#63re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 6:14am

No pun intended, right, taz?

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

tazber Profile Photo
#64re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 6:19am

I knew you were gonna say that. No pun intended.
It could be any animal with digits and a keyboard.

....but the world goes 'round

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#65re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 7:14am

>> The only fools here are you close minded ***hole "thesbians" who cant let people enjoy what they want to enjoy

Sigh. Reading comprehension time again, I see.

Did I say you couldnt enjoy it? Nope. If you want to waste your money (or, as is the usual standard around here sometimes, getting other people to waste their money so you can get the cheap tickets available to very few), that's fine with me. Go for it. Knock yourself out. There's an audeince out there for everything, including TARZAN and BROOKLYN and even VIA GALACTICA.

Does that make any of those three good theatre? Not a chance, bucko. Does that make of those three worth the millions spent in presenting them to a gullible public? Not one whit. But if you want to enjoy them, Mouse Magic (and if that handle doesnt scream "shill", nothing does), have a great time. It's your choice (and I can anticipate the response: a decisive stamping of the foot and a petulant "Darn right I can!"). Just remember, I actually saw this piece of twaddle. It was two-plus hous of my life I can never get back.


#66re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 1:16pm

And we should all feel so sorry for you. Aw. You poor poor theatregoer. Let's all cry for Sean, Argentina.

Oh, and btw, Winston, TZ has never been in the losing money category. True, it's not makeing WICKED money, but then, nothing is equalling that freak-success. TZ is doing fair. Never below 50%, and I'm sure they are meeting their payroll. Now we should be worried, becuase a well-reviewed show like JOURNEY'S END is playing to 30%. That's not a good sign.

And btw, I am not a shill. You cannot refute it.

#67re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 1:25pm

Now, I'll admit that I skimmed over most of the thread, so I'm coming in new.

Bah - you are indeed correct that Tarzan has rarely (if never) lost money week-to-week. For proof, just check out the grosses.

I saw Tarzan twice (once on my own, once as a birthday present from a friend). I didn't enjoy it either time, but it certainly wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. I saw an early preview of it and it was in significantly worse shape then than it was six months later when I saw it the second time. Shuler Hensley was visibly bored throughout, Josh Strickland and Jenn Gambatese weren't very convincing, Hwang's book is awful, and the only one who even looked like he was having fun was Chester.

A terrible show it ain't, but it certainly isn't a very good one, either, IMO.

I'd place the blame on Disney completely. They took a risk with Bob Crowley, a very inexperienced director, and failed. They took a risk staging much of the show in the air - not realizing (or ignoring) the fact that the last 5-7 rows can't see a blessed thing.

Mouses Magic
#68re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 1:36pm


The point I was trying to make is I dont think anyone should be made fun of for liking a show. If you dont like TARZAN, which many people dont, than that is perfectly fine. But don't call people who do like shows that you dont like, fools. Again, no one is ever wrong for liking a show. Im a technical design theater major so for me, I enjoyed Tarzan from a technical aspect. With my background, I dont like shows with deep plots and "amazing" books...it does 100% nothing for me. Im bored out of my mind. Thats why I dont enjoy Grey Gardens or Company. Am I wrong for that, absolutley not. I know those shows aren't my cup of tea so I dont go to them. I stick to my big extravaganzas because again, I am a technical design student and its what I like. But I know that many of you LOVE your deep, moving life changing plays, and thats fine. I dont call you fools for liking them. Different folks, different strokes. And in my own defense, please dont judge me by my handle. I think I carry myself and my points very well. Happy Easter everyone!
Updated On: 4/8/07 at 01:36 PM

#69re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 1:55pm

Curtains isn't a thinking show.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#70re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 5:30pm

I don't think the end result of Tarzan was worth all the time, effort and money Disney put into it. I completely agree with whoever said it looked like the entire show was performed on green screen. It looked cheap, like they were going to be adding all the amazing special effects in post-production. It looks like it should have been a first step, not a final product.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#71re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 5:56pm

Yankeefan007: Hwang's book was bad? I'm SHOCKED! Absolutely SHOCKED!

Seriously, I love M. Butterfly and all, but he needs to stick to straight plays and get the heck away from musical theatre.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#72re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 6:05pm

Nah, I just thing Hwang needs to write his own musical, not process someone else's. Think: his 3 shows: AIDA, FLOWER DRUM SONG, TARZAN. All old stories that he was brought in to "save". I'm curious to see what he'd do to an ORIGINAL musical.

You must admit: he is a brilliant writer. And writing the book for a musical is HARD. I only hope he can do something of his own.

#73re: Tarzan got mixed reviews?
Posted: 4/8/07 at 7:08pm

Hmm, you're right. I hadn't considered that.

And, yeah, I adore his writing. Like I said, M. Butterfly is one of my favorite plays, ever.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
