
Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door- Page 4

Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#75Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 4:45pm

Sebastian looked totally bored with the person he was talking to he was glad to get away. It was lucky, it was outside Birdland and the 3 gals I was with were enthused, just like stagedoorers.


oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#76Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 4:48pm

Preach it, Phyllis.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#77Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 4:48pm

PRS you're right, I'm one of the creeps, but it's so rare.


Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#78Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 4:50pm

Oh naturally, South Florida. Sebastian looked bored and the women you were with were bigger fans of his, which meant you were entitled to impose on his conversation. I understand now.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#79Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 4:51pm

Be nice. He saved that man! And that man is married to his little girl!

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#80Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 4:52pm

So would that make Sebastian his little boy? That's just as weird.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#81Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 4:55pm

Huh, I pulled a coup de tat. This was almost 10 years ago and Sebastian was not a big issue at the time, he had done Wicked on tour, he was happy to get noticed. I saw all the people outside the Belasco, and even sitting in the restaurant across the street just to get a glimpse, or to touch NPH, that's weird.


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#82Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 4:58pm

he was happy to get noticed

Sebastian looked totally bored with the person he was talking to he was glad to get away.

I can't believe you can't see how this reads.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#83Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:01pm

Sorry, it definitely seemed that way, he left that guy fast to get his pic taken.


Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#84Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:06pm

He's been very cool the few times I've seen him. Once at Birdland before they were married and I watched him mesmerized watching her sing. Another time just passing him on the street and saying "Hey you, taking care of my girl", he smiled, turned around and said yes in passing. At Birdland he was extra cool, at the end of the show I said "Sebastian we need you outside and although he was talking to someone, he came out in the street and took his pic with my wife, stepdaughter, and friend.

^Not remotely creepy, no siree.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#85Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:09pm

I don't see it Jay.


#86Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:10pm

South Florida, I don't have a problem with you. But you can't have it both ways. Doesn't matter if it happened 10 years ago. Your encounter, as it is being described, is the equivalent of us "creeps" stagedooring. I wonder what similar encounters are in Hogan's closet.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#87Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:12pm

I'm not trying to be mean, but your earlier posts in this thread invite me to expose your double standards. You need to work on your continuity.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#88Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:14pm

Yeah, I'm a little creepy too. Sometimes people start threads in here "what's the stage door like"? Why would you ask that?


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#89Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:23pm

Seriously! They could be grabbing performers on the street instead of waiting in an area that looks like it's been set up for people to wait for performers.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#90Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:26pm

Are you even a fan of Sebastian? Or just of his wife?

As I said, not creepy at all.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#91Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:29pm

Not to project anything to a specific performer, as some have already done, but from the sounds of it, it seems like Chita LIVES to talk to her fans and quite enjoys the experience. If this is indeed her last Bway show, then she probably wants to soak up all the love she can. Oh, and of course stage dooring is an ego thing by the fan. However, that in itself doesn't make it bad. I think one can stage door respectfully and maturely. Obviously bothering and maligning a tired performer who doesn't enjoy the experience and refuses to sign or take pictures or is just tired and needs to get home is indeed bad fan behavior. But in this case, it looks like if Chita could, she'd talk about her experiences and love of theatre forever.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#92Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 5:47pm

Scotty, I think some people are just nicer than others but there are few if any actors who do anything remotely close to "living" to talk to fans. Most actors live to perform, and to be loved by an audience, from the other side of the fourth wall. This stagedooring nonsense is hell on earth for performers when all they want to do is get home or to dinner and drinks or to a party. Only the entitled ones have egos big enough to think an actor is interested in hearing what they have to say. How would you feel if a gauntlet of people assaulted you after you left your job?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#93Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 6:37pm

You've already established you know what other people think, so why even ask?

HogansHero Profile Photo
#94Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/28/15 at 6:41pm

PRS, When did I establish that? What I know is that most actors despise the prospect of walking the gauntlet of crazies at the stage door after a show. Even the ones who are too nice to let it show once that door opens. They are, after all, actors first and foremost.

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#95Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/29/15 at 12:29am

Why are you people even trying to reason? Why does Hogan still make the same argument in EVERY DAMN STAGE DOOR thread? I'm going to clear it up.

1. Some actors enjoy the stage door experience. Some do not. The ones who do not, go out a different door or go out the stage door and just walk away.

2. Most people that go to the stage door are sane, rational people. Not every stage door is the If/Then stage door, very few are.

3. Some people enjoy the experience for a number of reasons. They enjoy thanking the actor, they enjoy getting an autograph or a picture for personal reasons, etc. It is not a bad thing and if actors are willing to do it and enjoy to do so, there is no issue with it.

4. Please do not speak for every living actor on Broadway. It's stupid and though I do not think you are, it makes you look like a troll.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#96Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/29/15 at 12:42am

Personally, I love stage dooring because I get to thank the actors for just being great. As a studying actor, watching these performers on the stage, I am learning soo much- Wither they realize it or not- they are teaching us Actors in training. Meeting them allows me to let them know how much I appreciate learning from them and how much they inspire me.

Darreyl with an L!

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#97Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/29/15 at 12:50am

@ Mike Costa - Stage dooring started LONG before messages boards dude. Read all the stories of people stage dooring and meeting Ethel Merman, Judy Garland and the like.

Darreyl with an L!

#98Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/29/15 at 3:01am

As I said, I am a TV star and former Broadway actor and I love fan interaction. Everytime I'm approached for autographs or pictures, it lights up my day.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#99Chita Rivera and The Visit Stage Door
Posted: 3/29/15 at 8:26am

n2nbaby-Thank you for clearing things up.

1. I do not post the same argument in every thread; this is the second one this year and I have just ignored the many others. I posted earlier in a thread about a mega-star who had bedlam at the stage door. I posted in this one because I felt for the victim.

2. I agree that there are no universal truths: certainly there are some actors who like it (including the one who posted in this thread). But the evil is in creating the situation that has evolved into modern day stagedooring. And it is not correct that most actors have a "choice" to avoid the crazies. (Yes, Darreyl, there were stage door stories before this century, but they bore no relation to what's going on now. Ask any older actor; ask anyone who has worked at a Broadway stage door for decades.)

3. I agree most people are sane and rational. Those are not the people to whom this is direected. They are not "stage-dooring" and they do not post queries on the internet regarding how the stage door "is" at x. But there is a pathology associated with stage-dooring, and it is exemplified by the ego-centrism evinced by Darreyl in his latest posts. Bernadette Peters does not "enjoy" posing for selfies with you so you can post them on the internet. Any more than actors enjoy you making a bootleg of their performances.

4. As I said above, there are no universal truths, but I think most who have personal experience with stage-dooring (actors, crew, publicists, friends who just want to go to dinner, etc) will tell you there is little joy in it for anyone other than the self-entitled crazies waiting in the freezing cold or rain or sauna-like heat with their playbills waving vigorously at full extension and their cell phones set to autoflash.

I hope my clarification of your clarification makes you realize I am not trolling; I just think people need to think about what they are doing, whether it is stage-dooring, bootlegging, stalking, papping or whatever. Updated On: 3/29/15 at 08:26 AM
