
Illegal Wicked productions- Page 4

Illegal Wicked productions

singinswinga Profile Photo
#75re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 9:01pm

should I be skeptical of what my school's show choir is doing? There WILL be choreography, and the songs we're doing are, "No One Mourns," "Popular," "Defying Gravity," "No Good Deed," and "For Good." Is that too much? Hm.

I know this groc'ry clerk...

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#76re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 9:05pm

how are they doing defying gravity?

singinswinga Profile Photo
#77re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 9:10pm

Well, we're splitting up the alto's and sopranos. Sopranos are doing "popular" and altos are doing "defying gravity." Oh, I think we're doing "As Long As You're Mine," and that's a duet, duh. Other than that I don't know how it will be. Well, besides "freakin' awesome."

I know this groc'ry clerk...

#78re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 9:15pm

Well are you doing the whole songs? Stephen Schwartz said only 3 songs. And can you give some examples of how you're staging it?

singinswinga Profile Photo
#79re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 9:24pm

Sorry, no I can't. I know a teensy bit about the costumes (half in pink, half in black) and what I said before. I'll ask my choir teacher about it when we're back to school on Tuesday. Now I'm paranoid about doing something illegal!

I know this groc'ry clerk...

#80re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 9:41pm

Ok, I understand. Do you only know about costumes? I mean, do you know if its ALL of No One Mourns the Wicked, Popular, Defying Gravity, No Good Deed, and For Good? Stephen Schwartz did say 3 songs was the limit. But if it's like a part of each song it might not matter. But I'm no legal expert. So I could be telling you the wrong things. Sorry If I'm wrong.

singinswinga Profile Photo
#81re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/28/05 at 9:57pm

eh, whatever. I'm just wasting time until SNL. I will have forgotten all of this by Tuesday anyway

I know this groc'ry clerk...

wickedfiyeroofoz Profile Photo
#82re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 12:13am

Well...yes the key word is illegal.but...i doubt anyone is making any money off of it...if anything it could be creating more interest in the show...and truely it's school theater....and its not even like full stage shows...mostly...Its chior performances...and as far as the camps go...Well its Camp...Its not like people who were interested in seeing the broadway show or the tour are going to say "well we could spend the money and go see the quality show....oh no look honey Tall Cedars Theater Camp is doing wicked...I'd much rather hear a 11 year old girl sing popular then JLT" In essence neither wicked or stephen schwartz are losing anything by this...i saw a little review at this restaurant in lebanon pennsylavania...They did dancing through life, poular, what is this feeling, and Dear old shiz...however the songs were takien out of context....it was set in a catholic school rather than In the land of oz...Now I had to pay for that...and assuming they didnt legally get the writes that is definitely wrong... But this just goes to show how much money Schwartz will make once he releases the rights.
So Basically....Its wrong....dont do it....but as long as someone's intentions are pure dont condemn them.

How can they see with sequins in their eyes?

#83re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 1:03am

not sure if this helps...

Certain Other Nonprofit Performances. Section 110(4) exempts the performance of a nondramatic literary or musical work (excluding broadcasts) "without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage and without payment of any fee or other compensation for the performance to any of its performers, promoters, or organizers" if there is no direct or indirect admission charge, or if the proceeds after deducting the reasonable costs of producing the performance, are used exclusively for educational, religious, or charitable purposes and not for private financial gain, except where the copyright owner has served notice of objection to the performance.

#84re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 6:18am

The key phrase in the above is "Non-dramatic". if you are putting on a chior concert and singing some songs from WICKED, that's perfectly fine. If you are dressing up as the characters, doing the dialogue, and essentially performing an abbreviated version of the show, that is illegal.

#85re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 1:24pm

ohh who CARES if people are doing illegal productions of "wicked"? Clearly, they're gonna be bad. The actual Broadway and Nat'l Tour companies have a hard enough time casting their roles-who cares if the TimBuk Theatre Company in Dusty Red State tries to perform it illegally? People fly thru roofs, and try to play the whole score with someone's little brother's drum kit, a bass, a casio, and one flute! AND if your name isn't Samuel French or Stephen Schwartz why do you give a damn? It's no money out of your pocket. A Non-Equity tour is def. more cause for concern. Though- this should be a wake up call to producers all over-$100.00 per ticket-now standard?! Gimmie a Break (does Nell Carter dance)

Thenardier Profile Photo
#86re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 1:26pm

It has nothing to do with good and bad.

It has to do with legal issues.

#87re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 1:30pm

Were doing Defying Gravity in Chorus and I believe the girls are gonna sing Popular which were all turned into chorus songs by some man Emerson something.

#88re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 3:12pm

This is just my opinion (it was probably stated earlier), but:
Yes it Would be illegal to do "Wicked". But even if someone was to do Wicked at a Camp,school, etc It wouldn't compare to the Broadway show or Tour (no offense to anyone who has seen or been in an illegal show). How would they get the enormous set pieces? Even if they did get a close enough set, who would pass up the oppurtunity to go see the actual show if they had the chance? No, I've never seen (or been in) any illegal productions. I do agree with some of the other posters. NOW THAT IS JUST MY OPINION. YOU DON'T HAVE TO AGREE WITH IT!
Updated On: 5/29/05 at 03:12 PM

#89re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 3:14pm

This whole discussion can go on and on and on.....

#90re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 3:23pm

We recently did a home production of Les Miz using our recycling bins for the barricades. It was an awesome production until my little cousin vomited during Castle in the Clouds because she got motion sickness spinning on my mother's Lazy Susan. Also, the runaway cart ran over my dog's tail. And we didn't pay royalties either.

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TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#91re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 3:27pm

A kids and their ideas of "putting on a show". I know Mickey and Judy made it look easy, but.....

First: Do they know how much the original cost?

Second: The reason Samuel French wants to maintain control over the rights is so that there are not cheesy versions popping up all over the place while the original is still running.

Third, the WORST that could happen if you are doing a version without getting the rights is they send you a letter asking you to stop. It's not like the Nazi's caming to get Anne Frank or anything.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Marquise Profile Photo
#92re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 3:49pm

Me and my friends recently did a home production of CATS. We rounded up all our pet cats and some strays off the street and we did it that way. We took the cats and tied strings around their paws and manipulated the kitties like marionettes. Mishu-Mishu (she played "Grizabella") meowed a perfect rendition of "Memory" that left not one dry eye in the house...but the tragedy came later when the mechanical tire that lifts her to the heavyside layer malfunctioned. Needless to say, it was not a pretty sight.

May our little Mishu-Mishu rest in peace. I will never do another illegal unauthorized production again!

Updated On: 5/29/05 at 03:49 PM

#93re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 3:55pm

That's sad.

58012dude Profile Photo
#94re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 6:41pm

Do you guys know what site the script is on?

I know it might be illegal to tell me but I'd really like to know the site.

Common Questions: Yes, my previous user name is idinamenzelfan500109 but that was on my other computer. No, I will never leave the boards. Yes, I do have very strong opinions. No, I am not a girl I am a boy. Everybody who gets annoyed with me, keep it to yourself.

58012dude Profile Photo
#95re: Illegal Wicked productions
Posted: 5/29/05 at 7:57pm

anyone still there that can answer my question?

Common Questions: Yes, my previous user name is idinamenzelfan500109 but that was on my other computer. No, I will never leave the boards. Yes, I do have very strong opinions. No, I am not a girl I am a boy. Everybody who gets annoyed with me, keep it to yourself.
