
Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls- Page 4

Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls

bella cantato
#75re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 11:47am

I just wanted to say that maybe they put the weight thing in there to perhaps encourage all to audition so that they can find talent first and their body can be secondary. It might encourage someone who is a few pounds overweight with an awesome voice to audition, who might not out of fear of being too "heavy" compared to the Hollywood norm.

And also I just wanted to put out there that I am not excited about Beyonce being cast at all. I think she does her thing very well as a pop star, however I do not think she can necessary tackle the role. This isn't Pink Panther, folks... it's real acting. I am interested to see if she sinks or swims though. I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, however I find myself to be rather pessimistic towards her acting abilities. We shall see when the time comes. And whether or not you agree with my opinions, I have just as much right to post them on here as anyone else.

And furthermore, if so many of us are pessimistic to her being cast, don't you think there is some validity in it?

"You know, a little orphan girl once told me that the sun would come out tomorrow. Her adopted father was a powerful billionaire, so I supressed the urge to laugh in her face. But now, by gum, I think she might have been on to something!" --Reefer Madness

#76re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 1:56pm

Everyone is in favor to have there own opinions when it comes to Beyonce being casted. I personaly feel she could do Deena very well. You don't know what she's doing to prep for this film. She has said that she will begin rehearsing for the film in December and maybe she will get some pointers and help from Sheryl Lee Ralph. After all if anyone knows the role of Deena best it would be Sheryl Lee Ralph. Also like Marquise has said and I always felt that who they cast as Effie is going to make or break this film.

#77re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 2:20pm

I am utterly shocked and quite offended that nobody on this thread has cited Jennifer Hudson's show-stopping performance in the Actor's Fund's HAIR benefit as an exciting piece of pre-audition material.

Her rendition of "Easy To Be Hard," it seems, could single-handedly skyrocket her to the top of an Effie shortlist.

"I am the sound of distant thunder, the color of flame." CARRIE the Musical

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#78re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 2:22pm

I agree. Miss Hudson tore that song up!

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#79re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 2:23pm


A lot of people have commented on Jennifer Hudson's other more "obvious" bids at the role -- two video clips on her website of her singing "I'm Telling you I'm Not Going."

I think she's a great singer. I love her on the HAIR album, but I'm not that impressed with her songs from DREAMGIRLS.

Marquise Profile Photo
#80re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 3:15pm

TennesseeTwang go cry in your milk. Okay? At every given turn at any given moment you seize the oportunity to dis Beyoncé and how *you* feel she's not right for the role and blah, blah, blah.

Well guees what? GET OVER IT. Because she has the role. Geffen has been wanting to do this film for years and he wants it done right. Do you honestly believe he would allow someone to be cast in any of the roles that he didn't feel were up to playing them and do them justice? NO, I DON'T THINK SO.

Geffen and Condon BOTH have FAITH in BEYONCE as DEENA and THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME.

DREAMGIRLS is my all time favorite show. It's the show that introduced me to the magic of live theatre. I had the privilege of seeing the OBC three times and the 1987 revival 15 times. DREAMGIRLS is in my blood and I have the utmost respect and admiration for this show. I have been waiting for this film to happen for 23 years!!

Also, thank you for twisting my words around. I wrote thatONE OF THE FACTORS Beyoncé got the role was because she was a hot commodity, a well-known pop star. I never wrote that it was the ONLY REASON she was cast. Britney Spears is also a popular pop star, but I doubt they would have offered her the role.

Oh and i never used the word f- in my post, that was totally you. It's funny how people on this board see what they want to see and read what they want to read.

Also, yes you do have the right not to like Beyoncé, or her singing style, or her hair, etc. That is your choice, your perogative. It's all good. What you seriously need to get over the fact that she's in this movie. And that goes for the rest of you Beyoncé haters as well.

This all reminds me of the same bullsh!t that went down here a year ago when Rent was being cast. People her were whining and complaining, either the OBC was too old or they wanted the OBC to do the film. Then when Rosarió Dawson was cast as "Mimi" everyone got upset because Daphne Rubin-Vega didn't get the role. All of a sudden there were comments of "She can't sing. She can't act." Then there was the casting of Tracie Thoms, no one knew who she was and began to question everything from her singing ability to would she be able to hold her own against Idina.

Now that everyone has seen clips, read interviews, blogs, etc. everyone is "Oh how great this movie is going to be". "I can't wait for November 11th......" blah, blah, blah. These are the very same people that were knocking the casting choices and even the fact that "Rent" was being made into a film.

So my point is, wait until this movie is actually done before you pass judgement on anyone's ability to be in this movie.

But that's okay, you keep complaining...you'll be proven wrong when the film is released. Mark my words.

Updated On: 7/5/05 at 03:15 PM

Thetruth Profile Photo
#81re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 4:41pm

Marquise, you don' said it all! I'm loving your avatar as well.

Orangeskittles, I was just joking about the Tracie comment partly because of what Marquise was saying. At first, everybody was scared and was wondering who she was. Now, after hearing her story, everybody is loving her.

Marquise Profile Photo
#82re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:16pm

You know that's right Truth. I just had to get "ghettro" 'cuz I was just sick and tired of reading all this whining about Beyoncé and her casting. Enough is enough already it's a done deal.

And I'm loving your avatar of Miss Lauryn Hill holding how many Grammys? LOL! re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls

Marquise Profile Photo
#83re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:28pm

bellacantato wrote:
And also I just wanted to put out there that I am not excited about Beyonce being cast at all. I think she does her thing very well as a pop star, however I do not think she can necessary tackle the role.This isn't Pink Panther, folks... it's real acting. I am interested to see if she sinks or swims though. I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, however I find myself to be rather pessimistic towards her acting abilities. We shall see when the time comes.

Would you care to say to Steve Martin and Kevin Kline that you feel that their being in "The Pink Panther" isn't real acting just because *you* think it isn't? What an insult to the entire cast of a movie!

And whether or not you agree with my opinions, I have just as much right to post them on here as anyone else.

You can post your opinion a hundred times in succession for the next 365 days, knock yourself out. Is it going to change the fact that Beyoncé was cast as "Deena" in "Dreamgirls"?

And furthermore, if so many of us are pessimistic to her being cast, don't you think there is some validity in it?

So "many"? Don't flatter yourself. A few, yes. Is it valid? Hell's no it isn't. Bill Condon and David Geffen hold this project in the highest regards and they want to make it a great film. They personally cast Beyoncé in the role which means they cast the best person they felt could do the role. And that my friend speaks volumes. CASE CLOSED.

Updated On: 7/5/05 at 06:28 PM

#84re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:32pm

Marquise I have to admit that the little tag team Amen corner thing you've got going with TheTruth is cute. Likewise the sistergirl snap, snap attitude.

But you couldn't have read that many comments from me about Beyonce because I haven't been posting on this board that long. And I'm certainly not so interested in her that I post about her frequently. You greatly exaggerate how much I've criticized her to make your point.

As to them casting an unproven actress in the role, that's done all the time for box office considerations.

And although I doubt it will happen, people drop out of movie roles all the time. So it's never a completely done deal until post production.

Updated On: 7/5/05 at 06:32 PM

Marquise Profile Photo
#85re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:37pm

Bill Condon and David Geffen hold this project in the highest regards and they want to make it a great film. They personally cast Beyoncé in the role which means they cast the best person they felt could do the role. And that my friend speaks volumes. CASE CLOSED.

Updated On: 7/5/05 at 06:37 PM

#86re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:48pm

Oh,God Beyonce is Deena simple as that Love or Hate it. Now I really want them to announce who they've casted as Lorell, Marty,and Michelle. I'm sorry I dont care what no one says and you can't convince me that Eddie Murphey was a good choice for Jimmy. He is vocally wrong , we have all heard Eddie singing and he doesn't posses the vocal power for Jimmy.

#87re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 6:57pm

"Oh,God Beyonce is Deena simple as that Love or Hate it."

I hate it. I said it. Big deal. People mouth off about all kinds of things on these boards.

Kerry Washington did musicals in College. I wonder if her singing is strong enough to land her the Lorell role?

#88re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 8:22pm

I had to laugh at Beyonce's comment about now she gets to act. She will basically be playing her self in this film all. Nothing is different about it. She sings for a living and cries on TV. It is not Million Dollar Baby or anything. ANd TLC is the highest selling female group.

#89re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 9:27pm

It doesn't matter who the highest selling female group because even in the year 2005 The Supremes are still the female group with the most #1's. Still solidifying their legacy. I think Kerry Washington is a wonderful actress but the only thing with Dreamgirls is that it's not just enought to be able to act. For Dreamgirls a person will have to have some serious chops to pull off whatever role they are casted in. Especially a role like Lorell. The OBC of Dreamgirls is perhaps the hardest cast standard to live up too. Updated On: 7/5/05 at 09:27 PM

Thetruth Profile Photo
#90re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 11:00pm

Tennessee, I havn't said anything to you, so I don't know why you're bringing me into a dispute that you and Marquise are having. I'm showing love because I like his avatar. What is it to you? You mentioned you're new to this board. Maybe you better lurk in the chorus for a while and take note on how to better represent yourself before you make a lot of enemies. I'm going to let this one slide, cuz you're a newbie. But make no mistake I will shut this board down. Speak when spoken to.

Ron, me and a friend were having a debate about who sold more TLC or Destiny's Child. I believe TLC sold more CD's (Artists sold more then because of burning, etc) But I believe that Destiny's Child sold more singles, concert tickets, DVD's, merchandise, etc. So, I think that's why DC has adopted the title of "best selling" even though they might not have sold more CDs

#91re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 11:19pm

"Tennessee, I havn't said anything to you, so I don't know why you're bringing me into a dispute that you and Marquise are having."

But you're definitely in the Amen corner.

If you disagree with my arguments, by all means go at them. Lay out all your points as to why you think they are bunk. This is after all, a public message board and I know better than to expect everyone to agree with everything I post. But it's out of line to lecture anyone about their opinions because we all have them and we all have a right to them.

As long as you don't lecture me about what I should feel or say, we'll get along just fine.

"I think Kerry Washington is a wonderful actress but the only thing with Dreamgirls is that it's not just enought to be able to act."

I agree. That's why I wondered if she can sing at a professional level. She mentioned in an interview a couple a years ago that she wanted to do musical theater professionally because she'd done lots of musicals in college and loved it. so I suppose it's possible that she can sing at a professional level.

Marquise Profile Photo
#92re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 11:45pm

I don't know what this "Amen corner" b.s. is but Twangy here better get a clue. . .

Marquise Profile Photo
#93re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/5/05 at 11:47pm

On second thought, I won't give it a second thought. Let him boo-hoo at the fact Beyoncé is "Deena" in the "Dreamgirls" movie. That's good enough for me.

And yes I was being smug. sarcastic and a smart-ass all at the same time.

Thetruth Profile Photo
#94re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/6/05 at 12:37am

"But you're definitely in the Amen corner. "

You must be mad because nobody is cheering you on? Go find some of those other hags and bring them in here to be in your corner. I'm ready for 'em!

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#95re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/6/05 at 1:49am

Thetruth, no worries, I just wasn't sure if you seriously meant everyone will probably all change their minds about Beyonce because Tracie had the same situation.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#96re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/6/05 at 1:25pm

I hope they don't let Beyonce's mom desighn the costumes for the movie.

#97re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/6/05 at 1:36pm

dreamboy! that was the best comment ever on this board!

marquise-i'm a huge fan of beyonce in the role. i think it's perfection...

tennesseetwang-kerry washington went to my college. she has done lots and lots of theatre (she was a theatre scholarship student)... i think acting-wise she would be great for lorelle, and the girl can sing, but i don't know if she can sannnnng for this movie next to beyonce and i hope jennifer hudson.

Thetruth Profile Photo
#98re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/6/05 at 2:39pm

All this waiting for the other roles to be announced is killin' me.

#99re: Idol divas audition for Dreamgirls
Posted: 7/6/05 at 2:51pm

"tennesseetwang-kerry washington went to my college. she has done lots and lots of theatre (she was a theatre scholarship student)... i think acting-wise she would be great for lorelle, and the girl can sing, but i don't know if she can sannnnng for this movie next to beyonce and i hope jennifer hudson."

Kerry's my girlcrush. I'm betting that she can "sang." And she seems to be pretty aggressive about going after parts that she wants. Plus, she's got a great reputation in Hollywood.

But I fear they are looking at people who are known for thier singing first and actresses second.
