
"Tale" Closing 16 November- Page 4

"Tale" Closing 16 November

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#75re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 4:26pm

Ooh, it'd be great fun to do a show like "Tale" at my high school. It's got a lot of interesting roles and fun ensemble parts. Maybe they'll have rights available in a year or two.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#76re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 4:41pm

Why play another week at 44%? Down from the week before.
Get rid of it Thursday!

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#77re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 4:51pm

I am so upset. I thought it was a great show. It was so moving and when James walked up the stairs at the end it made me cry. It will be greatly missed and I am so mad that they didnt give this a chance! Everyone keeps seeing the same thing again and again(Wicked, Jersey Boys, Mamma Mia) that are all doing so well that they don't even feel like seeing something else cause everyone is like " Oh my god! I love Wicked so much! Wicked Wicked Wicked!" Let it go and see something new for a change. Personaly i did not like Wicked, Jersey Boys or Mamma Mia but loved Tale so maybe its me. I am just saying people need to spread their horizon and see more than one thing which is doing very well and stayng strong for about 3, 4 or 5 years.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#78re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 4:52pm

I'm still baffled the show made it to NY at all. There's a difference between producers who take risks, and bad decision-makers.
HAIR will definitely bring a breath of fresh air to the Hirschfeld.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#79re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 5:03pm

I think it should have come to broadway but they need to stop closing things so soon its so stupid. Give something a chance! No everything is gonna make a million dollors like Wicked did in its first week. Nothing does that! Tale should have at least stayed passed the hoildays it would have done really well during then. Can anyone who was there expand on how the announcment went down at the theater. How did James react?

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#80re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 6:25pm

<< Can anyone who was there expand on how the announcment went down at the theater. How did James react? >>

Was at the show with Sara--- dont know how it went down behind closed doors, but the cast was visably upset when Barbour made the annoucement, that they were informed of the closing yesterday.

At the stage, you could see the entire cast was obviously dejected. I just feel so bad for the little kids in the show.

NGD2225 Profile Photo
#81re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 6:28pm

Were they told mid-performance?

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#82re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 7:11pm

Before the show, I believe.

esparza 333
#83re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 7:14pm

Tale of Two Cities still in my opinion gained a fan base obviously it is not even close to that of Wicked or Rent but it had supporters who really loved it. It opened in the worst of times no pun intended.

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#84re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 7:21pm

Agree.... most of the people at the stagedoor when I have been there, had seen the show multiple times.

philly03 Profile Photo
#85re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 7:52pm

"Tale of Two Cities still in my opinion gained a fan base obviously it is not even close to that of Wicked or Rent but it had supporters who really loved it. It opened in the worst of times no pun intended. "

Unfortunately, I don't think the fanbase is as big as everyone says it is. I don't really know what Jill + Crew couild have done, besides attach someone's name to it for a while and try to tour it perhaps, such as Jekyll & HYDE did with Linda Eder and the pre-Broadway tour. Then the fanbase builds and people from Idaho and North Carolina, etc. etc. get tickets and build the advance and then let the usual NYC fanbase build, which was quite large for this one, and so on.

Also, despite what everyone keeps saying, how many people do you know that liked the novel A TALE OF TWO CITIES? How many people want to see a musicalized version of it? Why spend $120 for a somewhat depressing/in-depth story, when they could go see 3 Tony Award winners in one show, a musical that people know it exists and would make their friends/relatives jealous about/etc.! I'm just being honest, and while I loved the show: I never had read the novel.

And just about everyone on this board looks for some way for a cheap ticket everytime. For all we know, the people who have seen it 5 times paid twice, once with a discount and once a rear mezz seat, and comped 3 times. It's unfortunate, but that's how it's happening right now with the economy.

All I can hope is that the national tour will do well. I agree with whoever said that thing about the midwest states: they'd probably love to get another one of these"MEGA" musicals out there.

me2 Profile Photo
#86re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 9:22pm

This was a show high on my "must see list" if I made it to NYC in the fall. I hope that somehow the score gets recorded. I doubt it'll actually tour though. They always announce a tour on early closers, and they never follow through.
Broadway Mouth: Preparing a National Tour: Don't They Always?

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#87re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 10:51pm

Of course, this could change, but James Barbour said again tonight that show closing 16th.

#88re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 11:54pm

Testing if you listened tonight James said that at the most the show has 2 weeks and at the least 1 week. I work there and it won't be known until Thursday or Friday if it will stay open until the 16th

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#89re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 11:58pm

I have tickets for this Sunday already just in case...

NGD2225 Profile Photo
#90re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/5/08 at 11:58pm

When you say at least 1 week do you mean a week from Wednesday or until this Sunday?

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#91re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 12:13am

I think the poster meant it will either close after one week (this Sunday) or two weeks (Sunday the 16th).

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#92re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 12:17am

<< Testing if you listened tonight James said that at the most the show has 2 weeks and at the least 1 week. I work there and it won't be known until Thursday or Friday if it will stay open until the 16th

I would have listened better, but I wasnt there...LOL

My wife was--- she texted me that James said they were notified yesterday that they had 2 weeks left (which is the same thing that he said last night when I WAS there)

Either way, I hope to be there for one of the last shows... whenever it may be

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#93re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 1:08am

screw this. my friend and I are skipping class at college tomorrow to drive 3 hours so that we can see it for a second time. so worth it.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

#94re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 1:27am

Thanks to all of you who've supported the show. The company and I appreciate it more than you know!

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#95re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 1:38am

I find it funny that the person who posted this would rather spend hundreds of bucks to become "cultured" in other countries rather than support theater...its MTF3's fault it's closing! Oh noez!!!!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#96re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 10:34am

I can't go because I don't get off work until 5 and even if I left straight from here I wouldn't get into the city until 7pm.

If you can go it would be great if we could have a nice turnout for Natalie and Kevin to show them how much we love and will miss "Tale" and that we're looking to their next projects.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

SillySara Profile Photo
#97re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 10:37am

Schmerg, "word on the street" is that Samuel French has already acquired the rights to Tale. So schools may have the chance to perform it before we know it.

As for the argument that has popped up a few times about people reading the book and that giving theatre goers the lack of motivation to see the show. Let me tell you about a conversation with a good friend of mine who is not much of a reader. When I told her about seeing the show, she freaked out saying that she loved the book. People love the book and I do not think the story is confusing as some on here have claimed it to be.

While the numbers don't lie, I just don't think it was the best time for this show to be put on Broadway. Which is a shame...and even more of a shame if we never get a recording out of it.

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#98re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 11:04am

the first time I saw it, i went with three friends. two had read it, the other didn't and neither had i. We all came out of it crying, and we were all loved it.

it has actually made me want to read the book. I have it on my desk, waiting till I have the time to read it.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

#99re: 'Tale' Closing 16 November
Posted: 11/6/08 at 11:51am

may be closing this Sunday....waiting for announcement

**likely to be closing this Sunday Updated On: 11/6/08 at 11:51 AM
