
Jersey Boys quote questions.- Page 5

Jersey Boys quote questions.

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#100re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/4/06 at 10:51pm

popular_elphie: YOU ARE THE GREATEST.

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#101re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/4/06 at 10:51pm

Popular Elphie you ROCK!

Happy 100 posts everybody! lol

And I hate to keep bothering you like this, but do you think you could type Nicky's up? I'd really really really appreciate it. lol

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#102re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/4/06 at 10:54pm

Holy cow! You are freaking amazing! How do you do that? I couldn't type all that out if I had seen the show 8 times!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#103re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/4/06 at 11:03pm

LOL I have....help. I've actually only seen it 3 times.

Here's Nick's:
Nick: "Even after I quit the group, it still had some kinda pull over me. Over the years, if Frankie was playing Atlantic City, or any place near Jersey, I'd hop in the car and check it out. He'd bring me up onstage, we'd do a song or two, and he always had the same question: "Why'd you do it Nicky? Why'd you walk away?" Let me clear that up - it wasn't the side deal, it wasn't the touring, it wasn't the bad food or rooming with Tommy - it just came outta my mouth. But once I said it, I knew it was what I wanted. I wanted to go home. It was what I needed - more than the booze, the girls, more than starting my own group! Alright, I'll be honest with you, it could've been an ego thing. Everybody wants to be up front. But if there's four guys, and you're Ringo? It's better I should spend some time with my kids."

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#104re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/4/06 at 11:19pm

Elphie you truly are the best! Just out of curiosity, lol, what's your "help"?

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#105re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/4/06 at 11:21pm

hehe- That's what I want to know! re: Jersey Boys quote questions. Yes- it is amazing! Thank you so much!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#106re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/4/06 at 11:38pm

Don't feel like divulging your secret? That's ok. lol

Any more quotes you, or anybody else, would like to post? I don't remember any more, but I LOVE reading them. I mean, what Jersey Boys fan doesn't?

broadway betty Profile Photo
broadway betty
#107re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/4/06 at 11:54pm

I think we've gotten all the good quotes but let's not let the thread die! I NEED this thread LOL.

brokenlizard--Let me think what I can add to the scrapbook and I'll let you know!

"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#108re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/5/06 at 7:21am

Broadway Betty- I don't really want the thread to die either.

Hmm....well....how did everybody first hear about and get into the show?

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#109re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/5/06 at 8:49am

Well I first heard about it on here! Everyone is always raving about it, so I figured it would be a good idea to see it!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

broadway betty Profile Photo
broadway betty
#110re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/5/06 at 10:07am

I didn't read any reviews and I didn't pay any attention to any threads on here but NPG kept telling me how much she loved this show. Honestly, I thought she was a little nutty to fall for a jukebox musical. I wasn't dying to see it but I needed to cross shows off my list before the Tonys so I thought I'd get it out of the way and see it already.

I liked it but I wasn't crazy about it after I saw it the first time but then I went home and listened to the cd like 10x a day and fell in love with it. Then I was crazy when I went back a week later. I even cried when the exit speeches started and all through the curtain call. It was BAD!! I saw it for the first time on 2/11 and I've seen it almost every week since then LOL. Blame me on New Philosopgy Girl!!!

"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#111re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/5/06 at 10:20am

haha dd...mootfleg. wonder what rhymes with that?!

broadway betty you love me for getting you into this show!! lol you also love me for being the bearer of good news *wink* love ya!!

so I saw this show about a week and a half after it opened. I just happened to see the preview video here on bww and I thought it looked interesting so I picked up a student ticket after class. the rest is history, as it is now one of my favorite shows ever.

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

broadway betty Profile Photo
broadway betty
#112re: Jersey Boys quote questions.
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:03am

NPG--I do love you for making me a JB Crazy! I do I do I do-oo!! I get so excited everytime you text me b/c there's always some exciting news! re: Jersey Boys quote questions.

"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check

#113use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:16am

Popular Elfie - you missed one crutial line: (see ****) =)

JLY/FV: They ask you - what was the high point? The hall of fame, selling all those records, pulling Sherry out of a hat - it was all great. But four guys under a streetlamp, when it was all still ahead of us - the first time we made that sound, our sound -***WHEN EVERYTHING DROPPED AWAY AND ALL THERE WAS WAS THE MUSIC...**** that was the best. That's why I'm still out there singing. Like thAT bunny on TV with the battery - I just keep going and going and going. Chasing the music, trying to get home."

That's even on the CD, who needs a schmootlegg? use the schmootlegg...

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#114use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:40pm

lol. I love you guys.

Does anybody happen to know the line...it's right before Fallen Angel, but after he gets the phone call. Something about how you try to protect your children? Thanks!

I got into the show by word of mouth. Telly Leung (he plays Boq in Wicked in Chicago) is a friend of mine, and he e-mailed me a while ago (I know the show was still in previews at the time) about his trip back to NYC and these two great shows he saw. Jersey Boys, and A Light in the Piazza. I checked them both out and loved them. But for some reason, I was checking the JB site everyday hoping they'd update. I listened to the short little clips over and over, I caught every tv appearance they did, got the cd the day it came out....I was obsessed.

Lol. I even talked my aunt into going to NYC as my graduation present JUST so I could see Jersey Boys finally. My one major thing was, I was terrified of getting an understudy. I wanted the original Broadway cast. I was pretty lucky with all three shows I saw. The only people who were out were all Swing members.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#115use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 5:13pm

Ahh I feel so ashamed that I forgot that line! *hits self*

Quote after Frankie learns that Francine is dead:
"You pay your taxes. You put your trust in the system, you think your kids are safe. What're you supposed to do, put 'em on a leash? Chain 'em to the bed? They grow up, they grow out, and then some motherf*cker with a needle is waiting and it's over."
I think that's the end - his voice gets a lot lower towards it.

Anyways, the way I first got into Jersey Boys was buying the OBCR. At first, I actually hated it, but I listened more, and could never turn it off. I made a point not to listed to any...boots before I saw the show so that I wouldn't spoil the story. I made the site before I saw the show actually - I just had a feeling I'd love it. I didn't get rush March 3rd, but I was glad because Daniel was out, and I really wanted to see him. I got rush March 4th, and saw it March 5th, and March 6th as well. I love the show, and I LOVE the rush seats.

I think I'm going in the middle of this month, during Spring Break - I've got an internship interview, so maybe I'll be able to squeeze in seeing the show, too.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#116use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 6:55pm

The only reason I went to see JB in the firs tplace was because my granmother wanted to. We were trying to pick a show to see new Year's Eve. I wanted to see Chicago, and she wanted to see Jersey Boys. She won, and I loved the show.

http://www.beintheheights.com/katnicole1 (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Elphaba984 Profile Photo
#117use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 8:47pm

hmmm... how did i get into JB... I think I watched the video clip on here and got "Who Loves You" stuck in my head, asked for the cd for xmas, and yeah not gonna lie... i thought/still think, JLY is hot.

oh and P.S. my name is meg and i'll occasionally pop in to see what's up... classes are currently taking over my life. but I LOVE the quotes!

"You can't stop someone who wants to be an artist. If they're going to do it, they're going to do it... Work as hard as you can on the things you can work on. Until it seems like there is no possible chance you're going to succeed, don't give up." ~ANDREW ASNES avatar: me and jason gillman... in the pouring rain.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#118use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 8:57pm

JLY is definitely hot. use the schmootlegg...

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#119use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 9:05pm

john lloyd young is beautiful. just beautiful.

I thought of another quote that made me smile today. but I cannot think of it exactly. its when they ask crewe if he likes the new name 'the four seasons'. and he replies back so did vivaldi. and then tommy gets all upset. lol. if anyone knows it exactly....

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#120use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 9:14pm

Haha I remember that one by heart :).

I forgot who says this, I think Frankie: "So, you like our new name?"
Bob: "Oh, I love it. So did Vivaldi."
Tommy: "Some guy stole our name? I'll go talk to him."
Bob: "That's okay, Tommy - he's already dead."

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#121use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 9:23pm

thanks elphie!! I love that quote. so cute!

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

#122use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 9:28pm

Broken Lizard,

Have you been to www.jerseyboysblog.com? That would be a great place to post your pictures from the visit. And, other fans post their photos too. Its very interactive and updated multiple times a day. =)

Here's a quote most people wouldn't care about:

"Bedtime!!!!" (Peter Gregus plays a guy hitting on Mary Delgado... and the bodyguard roughly escorts him away.)

Brokenlizard14 Profile Photo
#123use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/5/06 at 11:28pm

Actually Jersey Girl, my photos are posted on jerseyboysblog.com and the guy who runs it is actually going to make an announcement about the book I want to do for the cast, so hopefully we can get more people to submit stuff.

And Popular Elphie, thanks for that quote after he finds out about his daughter. It just killed me.

I wish I lived anywhere near NYC. I'd kill to see the show again. Guess I'll just have to wait till next year and hope the tour comes to chicago.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#124use the schmootlegg...
Posted: 4/6/06 at 8:36am

lol- I totally forgot about that one! That's a great quote. When Frankie gave that one monolouge about his daughter dying, I was almost in tears.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck
