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You know you're a B'way geek when...- Page 5

You know you're a B'way geek when...

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#100re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 10:46pm

Yes, when people ask to see you iPod you tell them "it's not that good & you wouldn't like it"
Because it is jam packd with showtunes.

That is definitely me.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#101re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 11:36pm

The iPod thing, a lot of my friends say I'm like a 10 year old girl.

Honestly, a 10 year old girl doesn't know who Sondheim is...

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#102re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 11:39pm

Haha, look what I started.

Oh my god you have no idea, I practically let nobody see my iPod, most people just don't understand it ya know?
We should have a "People whose iPods are loaded with showtunes" meet.

To DRSisLove:
"The iPod thing, a lot of my friends say I'm like a 10 year old girl"

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I would make a fantastic homosexual older man myself;
10 year old girl wasn't very clever of your friends.


Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#103You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 11:44pm

They don't get the whole picture.

The fact that most of them scroll right to Wicked is even more sad.
The fact that my choir teacher takes us to see Wicked every year (as our annual show) is even more sad (which is how they all know the show).

rosekwbp Profile Photo
#104You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/15/06 at 11:58pm

OMG I do SO many of these things. Especially the Ipod one.

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#105You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/16/06 at 12:23am

To everyone who has ever been embarassed or unsure about letting a friend see our iPods & who were ever flustered when our friends questioned why our Artists section wasn't much bands as much as it was "all those peoples names and commas"
More power to us!

To DRSisLove:

Well if it weren't for school trips I might've never gotten to see Les Mis.
But ohhhh god, there is so much story to that.
Most of it is in other boards, one of these days I'll type it out.

Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#106You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/16/06 at 12:23am

To everyone who has ever been embarassed or unsure about letting a friend see our iPods & who were ever flustered when our friends questioned why our Artists section wasn't much bands as much as it was "all those peoples names and commas"
More power to us!

To DRSisLove:

Well if it weren't for school trips I might've never gotten to see Les Mis.
But ohhhh god, there is so much story to that.
Most of it is in other boards, one of these days I'll type it out.

Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#107You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/16/06 at 12:23am

To everyone who has ever been embarassed or unsure about letting a friend see our iPods & who were ever flustered when our friends questioned why our Artists section wasn't much bands as much as it was "all those peoples names and commas"
More power to us!

To DRSisLove:

Well if it weren't for school trips I might've never gotten to see Les Mis.
But ohhhh god, there is so much story to that.
Most of it is in other boards, one of these days I'll type it out.

Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#108You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/16/06 at 12:32am

when you search for differnt shoshana defying gravity clips and compare them.

when orfeh gets in a show and you call your friend freaking out!

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

BroadwayBaby6 Profile Photo
#109You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/16/06 at 2:00am

When you know what Broadway actors are or are not available to cast for an upcoming role.

"It does what a musical is supposed to do; it takes you to another world. And it gives you a little tune to carry in your head. Something to take you away from the dreary horrors of the real world. A little something for when you're feeling blue. You know?"

geekgirl06 Profile Photo
#110You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/16/06 at 2:18am

OMG! I totally do the iPod thing. Granted I don't get to much crap about it because a surprisingly large number of people at my school actually know some of the shows, especially Avenue Q, which I found shocking for an engineering school. But I definitely have the most diverse iPod on the face of the planet.

- When your friends start calling you Kate Monster.

Dancing through life... For the next ten minutes

rosekwbp Profile Photo
#111You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/16/06 at 12:23pm

When your friends are afraid to talk about the color green in front of you because everytime you hear it you start performing the Witch's opening number from into The Woods.

Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#112You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/16/06 at 12:32pm

"When Maya Angelou comes up in English class "la vie Boheme" starts playing in your head"

I get that way whenever someone mentions huevos rancheros.

#113You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/17/06 at 1:52pm're feeling homesick for NYC because it's the time of year when lots of new shows are opening and you now live 1000 miles away. As you wallow in your depression, you decide to accept an invition to a friends house to hang out and watch tonight's episode of "Ugly Betty." When one of the characters on the show is asked what he is doing for Thanksgiving, he replies that he's "going to Schenectady to eat cranberry sauce in the shape of a can and tell all of his relatives about his girlfriend who lives in Canada." You burst out laughing and no one else in the room has a clue as to the reference or why it's so funny.

#114You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/17/06 at 3:52pm

You play the music so often and so loud that your little brother starts unconsciencly starts singing the words

It really said US Navy, but hey, I worked with what they gave me ok.

#115You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/17/06 at 4:05pm

HA! I know EXACTLY what your talking about, sometimes my siblings will sing a song, and I will be like, "Where did you learn that?" "Well you sing it constantly"

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

#116You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/17/06 at 4:21pm

Sibling related -

*When your 12 year old sister picks up your library copy of BROADWAY; The American Musical, and goes through and attempts to identify all the shows she can, and does an EXCELLENT job [And you find it sooo adorable she confused Camelot for Spamalot]
*This same sister knows just as well as you do what does and dosen't belong on Broadway, and you find her expression at the thought of HSM on B-way just perfect.
*When you tire youe 2 year old sister out by putting on Company and watching her run around saying "boby boby boby boby boby boby . . ."
*When the two year old also knows your routine from this summer's production of My Fair Lady and can do the Time Warp on command.
*Your brother's elementary love for Ben Franklin extends to a love you introduced him to of 1776.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

ragdoll4390 Profile Photo
#117You know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/17/06 at 4:44pm

When you see a show,can't stop thinking about it,sing the songs from it all the time,and can't think about anything else but getting more tickets to see the show as soon as possible!And never miss an appearence that the people in the show make.

The whole Ipod thing,I totally understand.Nobody wants to listen to my ipod because all I have are showtunes!

choose to be happy:0)-Grey Gardens

AudreyTwoTwo Profile Photo
#118You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/17/06 at 4:59pm

when people say how they hate racism, and I say, "Face it, Everyone's a Little Bit Racist!"

I also freak out when I see pink and green, and actually say, PINK AND GREEN!

The Best of Times is Now!

AudreyTwoTwo Profile Photo
#119You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/17/06 at 5:03pm

"-you think the upcoming Hairspray movie is a joke"


It's quite funny when my friends wanna listen to my iPod, they dont know a lot on it. Except for one girl who likes Avenue Q

The Best of Times is Now!

Dancinqueen123 Profile Photo
#120You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/17/06 at 5:16pm

"When you're bored off your ass in math class you play "name that broadway diva/show/character/composer/lyricist/book writer/song etc..." and you are now failing because you understand none of the concepts. Whoops."

Yep, that's me. Except I type out the lyrics to Broadway songs on my graphing calculator. It's quite fun and it's much better than math.

<--Sometimes it's easier to get out of a jam than into one

#121You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/20/06 at 8:31pm

You have English homework with the vocab words Anarchy and Erect, so it takes you twice as long to finish it because you have "la vie Boheme B" and "M.U.E." stuck in your head

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#122You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/20/06 at 8:49pm

When that new Old Navy commercial comes on,
with the people jumping in the snow-filled pool and everything,
you hear the music and turn to make sure it's not a "25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" commercial.

Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#123You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/20/06 at 9:02pm

When your friends start calling you Kate Monster.

My friend Justin calls me Kete Monster, and I call him Gay Princeton.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

#124You Know you're a B'way geek when...
Posted: 11/22/06 at 4:37pm

Raviolisun, Just call him Rod.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell
