
Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED- Page 6


442namffug Profile Photo
#125re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 3:38pm

Yeah but was "The Last 5 Years" professionally and legally videotaped? Is it ready to be released to the public?

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#126re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 3:43pm

I'm still laughing at the naysayers who actually DO OWN VIDEOS OF STAGE MUSICALS. LMAO

Doug--u misread Craig. His posts were a challenge to those who were making false claims--not a challenge at you.

I think the idea is a good one--if it happened years after the run. Of course, we would PREFER to see a show live, but once it's closed that production is never coming back unless the revival is an exact recreation with the same cast, etc. I would LOVE to see a whole slew of productions--some I wasn't in NYC for--some I wasn't even alive when they ran.

And, if this were to cultivate new audiences and artists of the theatre, then it would be a huge success for theatre.

#127re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 3:49pm

well this is wht people think of your idea of tapping musicals! so mayb you should rethink and look wht people wrote more carefully

I don't read anything carefully that obviously wasn't typed carefully.

And I'm all for tapping in musicals. What would 42nd Street be without it?

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

JonnyV Profile Photo
#128re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 3:53pm

.... says someone who obviously LIVES in NEW YORK... and can afford to see EVERYTHING. For God's Sake... We (in the hinterlands) UNDERSTAND that live and recorded are different. If I know I love a play or musical, I will seek it out live... Just Look What the Phantom movie did for tickets. But... like SO MANY new yorkers, your opinion is very "Let them eat cake."

His gentle companion: Ha! If they only knew. -Chess ************************* I've seen plays that were more exciting than this. Honest to God... PLAYS. -Homer at the zoo.

SirLiir Profile Photo
#129re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 3:54pm

442 - I wish but I have no idea. Maybe the Lincoln archives has one. That show is just one example of a show that could benefit greatly from a site such as this. All Shook Up and Lennon would have as well.

#130re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 3:55pm

Let them eat cake as they watch their dvds of musicals from the 80s.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#131re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 3:57pm

Forcibly closed down ?? I'm sorry, this a free market we are operating in and if you have a Broadway mafia then I'd be pleased to refer them to Interpol.

In the meantime, this idea will continue to be pursued and worked out in formal business means by having conversations with those who own the script and those who perform it.

A TOP WEST END Theatre organisation is pulling together people who can do this for his clients - so I expect to be the pioneer with the idea and not the one who is going to capitalise on it. That will be someone who has much more to invest in the idea than I have.

I guess I will still be the friend of the fringe, Off Broadway and Off West End who are faced with the challenge from the majors and throw their weight around when they are likely to get competition. Who knows what the future will hold with this idea.

USTHEATER.TV - Passionate About Theatre

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

ljay889 Profile Photo
#132re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 3:59pm

This blows my mind that a newbie could make such comotion in one day.

BROADWAY has a ton of productions for view in the Lincoln Center Library, we don't need every show on DVD. Lincoln Center requires a good reason to why we need to view the tape, but fair enough we have tons of productions archived and saved.

I'm not sure about the Westend, but maybe you should keep your ideas or should I say "dreams" for the Westend Theatre world.

442namffug Profile Photo
#133re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:05pm

I'm getting scared. This is the second time in like...three days...that I have agreed with ljay.

I guess all it takes is a fool like Doug to promote his senseless and destructive idea for the fans and employees of the Broadway/theatrical community to stand up and take notice.

Horton Profile Photo
#134re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:08pm

When you see a live show, part of the magic for me is you know that it will never, ever ever be the same
No. I have nothing agenst making A Rent film or The Producers remake and because those are movies, however what i go to see is live. You are ruining theater if you video it. And I totally agree about the LCT thing

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#135re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:08pm

ok ENOUGH. Some of you are being extremely childish over one man's ideas. ESPECIALLY you, 442. How is he a fool just because you disagree??

#136re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:09pm

Doesn't Lincoln Center make it next to impossible to view their archives?

I don't really understand what the big deal is. And I don't see now the "newbie" caused such a commotion.

"You and your company are ruining the magic of theatre"

"And UStheatre, that is a weak lie."

Someone else used the word "disgusting." I think gleefully playing angry mob and evoking imagery of pitchforks is disgusting, but that's just me.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

442namffug Profile Photo
#137re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:10pm

What do you mean ESPECIALLY me??? Why don't you READ other posts before just reading ONE and making a generalization. Many other people have posted more frequent and "harsh" criticisms. So don't pull this with me.

Secondly, this guy isn't stating an opinion, per say. He's shamelessly promoting a website that, to MANY people, is detrimental to "theatre" in its entirety.
Updated On: 10/30/05 at 04:10 PM

#138re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:11pm

Ya'all, I heard they're tryin' to make movies where the people is actually gonna talk! Talkin' at a movie? What're they gonna call 'em? Talkies?

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

ljay889 Profile Photo
#139re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:12pm

I've heard LCT is very accommodating with the viewing of their archives, they just make sure you have a good reason to view this material.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#140re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:12pm

oh I've been READING the posts here and you have been extremely caustic. Others are being extremely childish. But, your calling him a fool (which IS a personal attack) is crossing a line.

#141re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:13pm

I think that musicals on video should be recorded with the original company but released ONLY after the show closes.

If this had been done in the past, those of us too young to have been alive might be able to see Ethel Merman in Gypsy, Julie Andrews in MFL, etc.

Though a videotaped performance might not have the same energy as a live one, it would still be great to see.

Craig Profile Photo
#142re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:17pm

JRB, you're barking up the wrong tree. As previously noted in other threads, 442 is an extremist and anyone that doesn't have the same worldview is a fool, trying to make theater trash, yadda yadda yadda.

Doug... FYI, you're pioneering this in the UK, but it was actually done here in the US (which some here either didn't know about or don't remember). A company called Broadway Television Network recorded tintypes, jekyll and hyde and a few others. They were offered online, pay per view and at least J&H is on dvd. Here in the US (and I suspect that musical are harder than straight plays because it involved a few extra unions) the company ultimately failed because it was too cost prohibitive and few producers had interest. That's not meant to pursuade you either way - just a recap of a company that already tried over here in the states.

So they naysayers take note - it's been done - whether you like it or not.

I'll also plug the Broadway Theater Archives (http://www.broadwayarchive.com/)

which has a TON of classics (musical and but mostly plays) available for purchase. I own quite a few and they are brilliant.

Edit to add: "to MANY people, is detrimental to "theatre" in its entirety. "

442 - not Many. A few posters on here. I guess it's all how we define MANY, isn't it? I bet if you polled every theatergoer, you'd have far more wanting this idea then not.

I'm not advocating for the taping or not taping - just that your definitive opinions - no matter how passionate they are, are hardly the majority.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka
Updated On: 10/30/05 at 04:17 PM

442namffug Profile Photo
#143re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:17pm

jrb, I could easily argue that you calling my comments caustic is a personal attack. Don't start a "let's have a bickering match" with me. That's not the point of this thread and that was NOT what my initial intention was when I posted.

Don't agree with me? Fine. Deal with it elsewhere. I don't want to hear it here. Say something about his website if you wish, but I don't need your opinion regarding how "caustic" my comments are. Thank you.

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#144re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:17pm

I am really shocked at the rudeness of some people. FOOL ? Where does this guy get off ? There is nothing foolish about this idea. It might be unsettling for those who earn a living from Broadway and that might be where I'm getting the heat but it certainly isn't a foolish idea. If someone can constructively tell me why this idea should not work, then say so. Insults offer nothing but antagonism.

I have posted this thread to the editor of a UK National paper. It has certainly fueled the debate more than I ever imagined. Either way it will make good headlines -


Take your pick.

I've had fun and I do thank everyone for contributing, even though the idea is unbelievable and some may say unworkable, but as I keep saying writers and actors in the UK want me to do this, so I will be meeting their aspirations despite some of the protestations.

Oh, and if anyone wants to pursue the idea and knows of some good off broadway productions which need the support and publicity, I have a film crew being put together in New York and I have a presenter/interviewer at the ready. I could be ready for the first production and online before the end of the year.

USTHEATER.TV - Passionate About Theatre

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#145re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:19pm

442--u are absolutely right that I was attacking you. Don't be a jerk. Keep yourself in line and be respectful while you post. We all need a kick in the pants to remember that and you just got yours. Deal.

442namffug Profile Photo
#146re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:24pm

"If someone can constructively tell me why this idea should not work, then say so."

We have all been telling you. Are you not reading the responses? Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can pretend to misunderstand the opinions of others.

This won't work because:
--First and foremost, the professional industry, union, actors, crew, producers (etc.) will not allow it.
--If it's so hard to just watch a video ONCE at the Lincoln Center Library, what makes you think it's going to be easy enough for you to post, and for everyone to access it from their computer?
--People won't support it because, a majority of theatre goers, want to be just THAT: Theatre. Goers. Going to a theatre.

I can go on, but that should give you a great idea (and summary of other posts) as to why this won't work, and why people are upset over it.

Updated On: 10/30/05 at 04:24 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#147re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:25pm

Doug, I think the problem is (well atleast for me it is..)

You're just joined the BOARD today. You came off very aggressive with this thread. It almost felt like you were forcing these ideas on us.

442namffug Profile Photo
#148re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:27pm

Oh yes that too.

--This won't work because your manner and approach to advertising this thing comes off very sleazy. Your website isn't extremely professional, and people won't know if it's morally "ok" to visit your site and get videos from some guy they haven't heard of, and has no proof of affiliation with any of these shows.

iheartcheyenne123 Profile Photo
#149re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:31pm

can't people just leave broadway as it is and not make it into a tape? Broadway is meant to be performed LIVE, not posted online. Broadway is a wonderful experience, not a tape.Some broadway shows are becoming movies, but that is different! Phantom of the Opera and Rent are going to be a lot different than the show. ITS A MOVIE, not a broadway show TAPPED. thats just my opinion...

--Alex-- "They're singing, "Happy Birthday" You just wanna lay down and cry Not just another birthday, it's 30/90 Why can't you stay 29 Hell, you still feel like you're 22 Turn 30 in 1990 Bang! You're dead, what can you do?" --TTB
