
Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED- Page 7


Craig Profile Photo
#150re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:33pm

It doesn't matter when he joined the board. He has a website, he promoted his site and its purpose. I think he actually would have had MORE of a thrashing from everyone if he was a well known poster and all of the sudden talked about his site.

He didn't come off agressive - he came off passionate about why he created his site. His aggressiveness only came after people completely SCREAMED heresy on here. Anyone would either stop visiting/posting or do what he did - which was to defend his position.

He never forced a single opinion on anyone. Contrary - it is the naysayers who are trying to force him to concede. Guess what everyone - neither side will ever concede. Some feel one way, others feel another.

442 - You present reasons why it won't work. That doesn't mean he shouldn't or couldn't try. If everyone listened to the naysayers (in ANY business) I shudder to think what this world would be like.

And as I already stated, unfortunately - I believe you to be in the minority of theatergoers. You're passionate - and that's great. But the average joe? They couldn't care less. They'll see shows and/or buy them on dvd.

You honestly have no right to tell him it WON'T work. You can only tell him why you don't think it's a good idea. Truth is - no one knows until they DO IT.

And believe me - if there's $$ to be made - people will go for it.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

442namffug Profile Photo
#151re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:33pm

I agree iheartcheyenne123.

(Not with your spelling of "taped" re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED, necessarily, but with your ideas and presentation of basic principles. So, thank you!)

ljay889 Profile Photo
#152re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:35pm

Well we all interpret things in our own way.

And I interpretted this differently than others have. I agree ofcourse it's not right to tell him it will never work, and it's wrong to attack his ideas.

But I just don't like how he did this whole thing.

442namffug Profile Photo
#153re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:36pm


Once again, it's not just ME who is presenting these ideas. It happens to be my opinion that is part of a much LARGER group of people.

And he was extremely aggressive when he first posted on the board. Maybe not aggressive in the stereotypical sense (yelling, defensive). But his presentation of his idea was aggressive and his decision to litter his link on multiple threads was aggressive.
Updated On: 10/30/05 at 04:36 PM

Craig Profile Photo
#154re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:37pm


Go back and read the first post in this thread. Try and read it without your bias. Sincerely - and see if it's the poster of someone forcing ideas, or someone who is passionate and wanted to share his passion/thoughts with everyone.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

iheartcheyenne123 Profile Photo
#155re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:38pm

Thanks 442!! how did i spell it? ...lol it was a typo

--Alex-- "They're singing, "Happy Birthday" You just wanna lay down and cry Not just another birthday, it's 30/90 Why can't you stay 29 Hell, you still feel like you're 22 Turn 30 in 1990 Bang! You're dead, what can you do?" --TTB

Craig Profile Photo
#156re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:39pm

442. With all due respect, and I do mean that sincerely. You are one of the last people this week that should be talking about being overly aggressive about ideas and how people interpret those ideas.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

442namffug Profile Photo
#157re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:40pm

His first post (on this thread, and others) was VERY pushy. It was a very sleazy/salesman-y thing to do. Instead of presenting the idea and opening the floor up for DISCUSSION, he seems to have purposefully sparked a debate and continues to aggressively assert his ideas.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#158re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:42pm

This thread is at 7 pages. I say, "Bravo". And, it opened a controversial discussion with new ideas that actually changed my mind some.

442namffug Profile Photo
#159re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:43pm

There is a huge difference between trying to advertise something that is extremely controversial and isn't a "done deal" yet, and asserting my opininons.

All this guy did was spark animosity and promote something that is probably never going to happen. All I did was promote an opinion about a show and its content. Big difference.

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#160re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:43pm

Thanks for that.

I have only presented the site as it is and my ideas. Then I got calls of GARBAGE and someone suggested ILLEGAL and BOOTLEG content on my site and the Senior Editor had to step in and he started saying WHERE, WHERE ? Show me the illegal content..

Of course there is none and it was just people trying to win a debate.

I get all my online material from promoters in the UK and recently I have had reviewers in NEW YORK, CHICAGO and PHILLY. Who 100% support the site and its concepts. I also have 1000s of actors who I promote.

An important point is that I earn NOTHING from the site and I have been working on this every day for FOUR YEARS and several years before that building up a Film Network.

I am not forcing any ideas on anyone.

1. The actors unions will embrace this. It means their members get paid for the theatre performance AND any revenue from filming. GOOD NEWS FOR ACTORS.

2. The Theatre Productions will not only fill the houses due to the increase publicity of their performance online, but they will have the extra revenue that the online pay-per-view material brings in. AND if it dents the audience figures in house, then they take the video offline. They could put it online in quiet seasons for example ?

3. To suggest its not morally okay is another slanderous remark. My background is working for major global banks, I am member of BAFTA and Equity, to suggest that I would break the law with this affiliation and background is bordering on libel.

I really believe it will do the industry good. The idea is being pursued by MAJOR THEATRES. I cant say who but I know for a fact.

Thanks again for everyone's input. I will let you know progress if you register FREE at the website. Ask any other member there what I'm like and they will tell you the truth, not hearsay on a bulletin board from assertive individuals. Its grown by word of mouth over FIVE YEARS, you don't get to live that long in this business if you are a fraud !!

USTHEATER.TV - Passionate About Theater

_________________ www.uktheatre.net
Updated On: 10/30/05 at 04:43 PM

Craig Profile Photo
#161re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:45pm

His ideas were explained in detail. Pushy? perhaps. It's hard to believe that now the debate is how it was presented. Who cares? What's the REAL issue here. It's not at ALL the way his first post came off. If that was the issue - the very first objection would have criticized THAT and not the content. let's not confuse the REAL issue.

At least his initial post explained his position clearly - regardless of whether I agree with him. I can at least give him credit for setting up a debate based on information. Not just "I think shows should be taped and anyone that thinks otherwise is a fool"

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#162re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:46pm

And, once again, the senior editor was doing that in YOUR defense. It is on this note that I offer a newbie the advice of learning who people are and the relationships on here before jumping to conclusions. Craig is a great guy.

Craig Profile Photo
#163re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:49pm

JRB.. thanks.. I think Doug gets that. I think his point was that there IS no illegal material - and I asked people to show me it and no one could.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#164re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:53pm

ITS A MOVIE, not a broadway show TAPPED

Tell that to Ann Miller.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#165re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:55pm

CRAIG YOU ARE GREAT GUY ! As you correctly point out it was only my intention to inform.

To everyone else, I'm one of the good guys for those who don't know me. I've built up an equivalent site to Broadwayworld.com on my own using the money I earned from freelance IT for banks. I have been promoting theatre for 5 years since I started as an actor and I will continue to. When I'm next in New York (before Xmas), I will offer an opportunity to discuss in a less heated forum. Over a beer at BIRDLAND ?

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

Craig Profile Photo
#166re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 4:57pm

Here's perfect example of hypocrisy.

On another thread, someone posted a link to material on an unofficial website that had illegal content from a show. The person, who has posted in this thread arguing against the recording of shows, was the one who not only posted the link but told everyone how great it was.

I'm sorry folks - you can't have it both ways. You can't say it's wrong to LEGITIMATELY record a show for public consumption and also post how wonderful it is to see shows you love (in part) on sites hosting illegal material.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#167re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 5:14pm

Thanks for pointing that out Craig, I think you should name and shame the individual as he is likely to have been the one claiming "illegal" and "bootleg" at the beginning of this thread and why should he get away with that ? If the National Press pick up on this thread tomorrow, they will be looking through this and see no apology for those remarks and then a comment about hypocrisy with no name attached.

_________________ www.uktheatre.net
Updated On: 10/30/05 at 05:14 PM

jimmirae Profile Photo
#168re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 5:58pm

I believe this guy is on to something here. Of course, It is always preferable to see ANY event, Theatre or Otherwise LIVE, However, Do NOT tell me that you all do not have great theatre libraries here on video or DVD. Almost every Sondheim show has been taped (And very well I might add!) for airing on PBS as well as for sale. Also a zillion shows you never even know of are pro-taped here on Broadway, Initially for "Japanese TV", Some are lost afterward and some are released on DVD like "Victor/Victoria" and are delightful to watch, Of course, It is not like sitting in the Marquis and enjoying it "Live", But theatre CAN be taped quite well - Other GREAT pro-shots include "Purlie", "Sophisticated Ladies", "Into the Woods", "Sunday in the Park with George", "TRU", "Lucifer's Child", "The Magic Show", "Contact", "Elaine Stritch At Liberty" and the list goes on.
Tell me it wouldn't be great to have better footage of the Original Broadway Cast of "Chicago" with Gwen Verdon & Chita Rivera instead of the small "home movie" clips that some say Fosse took himself which aired on PBS as a segment on one of the "Lost Treasures" series - and some of the older shows WERE pro-shot but not released as you saw in "Lost Treasures" - and I am not talking about the dis-jointed mock footage from the old Tony Broadcasts, Look at the series again and you shall see which was which.
Yes, I believe ALL the cast, crew, tech, et al should be paid, and WELL, and they can be, But I say absolutely - Draw up the contracts, tape the show just before opening with Original Cast, then lock it away till it wont hurt ticket sales or whatever, But release it and when a Legend dies their performance will NOT.
I am happy to know that in 30 years if some young fan asked me what Elaine Stritch in "At Liberty" was like I can throw in a DVD and say "See for Yourself" other than having to rely only on memories, It is much greater to see Elaine tell her own story.
This is a great idea - and by the way, Why doesn't PBS air anywhere near the amount of Broadway Shows that are aired on Japanese Television anyway? They don't even speak english - if they did the shows wouldn't be so marred with subtitles. And it would be much better than anything the Billy Rose Library has to offer. I wish this venture well and it will lower theatre costs as well as make actors get paid more of what they are worth, and the crews, at al. It's a win-win!

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#169re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 6:08pm

Now...before I start the debate going again....I'm not saying that opinions against the idea are all wrong, as I do believe that experience of LIVE theatre HAS TO REMAIN AT ALL COSTS and should not be threatened. However... A BIG THANK YOU for these last sensible opinions. A breath of fresh air for me today. I can sleep easier tonight now that I've convinced at least ONE person in the United States Of America.

I'm off to Stratford Upon Avon in a few weeks to visit my sister and I will film Shakespeare's Birthplace and the theatres around it and put it online. I'm positive that will be of interest to someone on this messageboard. I may get lucky and be able to film some of the performances, though that's a long shot at this stage.

USTHEATER.TV - Registration is FREE and I would welcome YOUR support

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

Craig Profile Photo
#170re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 6:09pm

Who's Shakespeare?


"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#171re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 6:24pm

re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED Whew.. had me going there. It's almost midnight here and I thought I'd mispelled the bard's name.

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

jimmirae Profile Photo
#172re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 7:29pm

Mate, Not all of us in the States are morons. You do, However, Run into a lot of very young teenage girls here who only know their Theatre from things like "WICKED" their parents bought them $100+ tickets to so they wouldn't have to endure their squealing and squeekings at home and they only love a Play or Musical for some "Hot Bod" young nobody-as-of-yet Actors in some parts - which is a sad thing because when we theatre goers who actually saw "Pippin" (i.e. Have been going to the Theatre for years that is - Not just since "Wicked" opened or Stamos did "Cabaret") go see a show now that one of their "Hunks" are in we have to endure this screaming and squeeking everytime they finish a line of a song or utter a phrase, Most of the time interrupting the natural flow of an otherwise good show - Just to let you know what is happening over here in the States. You have a great idea and I wish you all the best - and just remember, They laughed at the best in history so I'd say you are in good company. Keep your pecker up, Anything is possible! Cheers!

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor
Updated On: 10/30/05 at 07:29 PM

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#173re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 7:31pm

Doug- I have a question for you.

If you filmed a MAJOR production (BROADWAY, West End etc.) when would you release it?

I support you if you answer after it closes because this gives everyone a chance to see a piece of theatre history.

I do not support the release of the videos prior to the show's closing because it REMINDS me of bootlegs of feature films(SEE THE WORD REMINDS!!! I AM NOT ACCUSING YOU) that you can buy on the streets of NYC. All they are is a cheap way to see something that is better in the movie theatre.
However, I do support the release of 'trailers' of your videos before the show closes because it will not only benifit your company but might also get more people to see the show LIVE before it closes.

I hope that you understand this post, and please remember that I am not attacking you or your beliefs.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

#174re: Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED
Posted: 10/30/05 at 7:50pm

Doug, I read every post on this board and I COMPLETELY support you. If it wasn't for the filmed Broadway version of JEKYLL & HYDE, with the exception of the awful Hasselhoff, I wouldn't have fallen in love with Frank Wildhorn.

I do agree that the video should be released AFTER the show closes, but I couldn't support your idea more.

Best of luck to you.

- Michael
