
Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?- Page 7

Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?

#150re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 12:36am

Was just curious. And could you edit out my name, please? Thanks.

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

LeaGirl Profile Photo
#151re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 12:39am

No problem, I'm sorry! Edited! Completely unashamed junkie for this show over here!

Now what would you say if today I started over? Without a thing but this taped together four leaf clover And I'll pretend like everything is already alright And I'll run toward the sun till the castle's out of sight

Tchi4Lif188 Profile Photo
#152re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 11:07am

So I saw this show two times last week and I’m just now getting time to write down my thoughts. Overall, I thought the show was GREAT! I absolutely love it. I wasn’t attached to the NYMF version but I had liked it and was ready to see some change… and I was not disappointed.

There are still a couple things that need to be fixed, but I’m sure it will get there. They seem to be working hard every day to change things. Although the ending did improve by Saturday night, I still think it seems… a little odd. I see what they’re trying to do but I really think that it should end with them all on the three levels. That moment is just SO great that I feel it takes away from the show and the moment when they start to have them all come down to the first level.

I also agree with the fact that “Open Your Eyes” needs to go, although I enjoy it, it just… doesn’t fit so well.

I thought “Feeling Electric” was working well but I heard that they’ve fixed it for the better so I’m excited to see how that number is coming along.

Alice Ripley is giving one hell of a performance each night. She sounds great and looks beautiful. It’s nice to have her back! She’s not overacting at all in my opinion and her voice sounds delightful.

Brian d’Arcy James really surprised me in this role. I had never actually seen him before other than in the Songs For A New World concert last May and boy was I pleased. I didn’t notice it at first, but the way that he just sits there with no emotion on his face during “So Anyway” has such an impact on the following scene where he finally just breaks down. It’s just so powerful. I was really impressed.

Aaron Tveit was another surprise for me. He’s so confident in everything he does yet when his mother is no longer there for him, he is so vulnerable. This kid is great and I can’t wait to see him in other roles in the future as well.

Jenn Damiano is also doing a great job in her role and I couldn’t believe she was only 16. I can’t wait to see her in a few years.

Asa Somers and Adam Chanler-Berat are doing fine in their roles but I have yet to really notice them. I feel like Asa is in a role where he could potentially show off his talent but… it’s just not coming across for me.

All in all, I can’t wait to see this show progress. It’s great already and I’m sure will only get better.

"Wishes come true, not free..."

jordangirl Profile Photo
#153re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 1:43pm

Seeing it Friday (thank you TDF!!) and know next to nothing about it but am psyched. :) I'll report in when I get home. (Especially since I don't have to be up early to rush Come Back, Little Sheba since I got those tickets via TDF as well!!)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

burntplains Profile Photo
#154re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 2:00pm

I hate you Jordan... haha
I've been waiting for it to pop up for friday night and then when I finally logged on they're telling me they're out! re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
I really wanted to go on friday
Updated On: 1/23/08 at 02:00 PM

jordangirl Profile Photo
#155re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 2:06pm

Awww. I understand. I spent most of lunch refreshing because people were holding tickets in their carts. I got in at the end of my kids' music time (where I have to be with them because my prep is now) and they were available ~ so my para started the sun picture project while I bought it. Keep checking...you never know.

For what it's worth, it's still showing available on the master page right now. Perhaps there are some?

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 1/23/08 at 02:06 PM

burntplains Profile Photo
#156re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 2:13pm

you were right! :) :) :)
they just let me add them to my cart!
Updated On: 1/23/08 at 02:13 PM

jordangirl Profile Photo
#157re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 2:14pm

Yay! Guess I'll see you there! :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#158re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/23/08 at 5:30pm

LeaGirl, broadwaybaby and Westernsky, thanks for the kind words. I love this show so much, I just can't stop thinking about it - or writing about it! re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?

I agree with the idea of cutting "Open Your Eyes." There seems to be a general consensus that the song isn't working and I don't think it would be worth the trouble it would take to fix it. Perhaps they could replace it by reinstating some more of the Doctor's material. Much of the dialogue that made Dr. Madden sympathetic toward Diana, and therefore presenting a more "even" view of the medical establishment, has been cut, condensed, or is now spliced in between musical lines or drowned out by music instead of being heard "in the clear." The result (along with Somer's performance in general) is that the show now seems more critical toward psychiatry and treatment. Perhaps that is the authors' intention, but I suspect it is more likely an unintended result of some of the trimming and restructuring that they have done.

Another thing that I think hurts Dr. Madden's character is his "Oops" moment when he mentions the son to Diana in act two. I didn't buy that moment at all. And it makes him look insensitive and incompetent. Plus, I find the way the information came out in the NYMF version with Diana gradually remembering her son and what happened to him when she finds his things to be more moving.

Anyway, when all is said in done, as long as they fix that transition at the end from Gabe's "Hey Dad" to Natalie coming home, I'll be happy. I still think that is THE moment that is keeping the piece from ending on a really strong note.

I was thinking the other day about Caroline or Change. It was so interesting to me while I was watching the Show Business documentary that the Epilogue was one of the last things to be written for that show. In the documentary, it shows Kushner and Tesori struggling to get it right. And the Epilogue is what really nails that show for me. It brings it all together and puts it into perspective. I'm thinking it would be great if Yorkey/Kitt came up with a similar moment for Diana at the end that would really clarify the theme or what they would like the audience to take away from the piece, and it would also work as the transition from the Gabe/Dan scene into the final Natalie/Dan scene.

#159re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 4:08pm

I agree with most of the criticisms of the end, though I didn't specifically find it at all confusing. Kind of like Angel coming back at the end of Rent, I don't take it as him literally coming back from the dead. Nor would I take it as Diana literally coming back home. In a smaller show, with less moments of that kind, I see why others are finding confusion in that. It's just not something that hit me while watching it.

So I agree that the flaws sort of dilute the potential for that huge emotional payoff in the end, but I suppose I disagree that the issue with the ending is dire. Overall, I loved the show. I've never been good at focusing my criticisms. My overarching reaction to the show is so positive, the flaws I found (the ending, Asa Somers, other small details mostly involving Natalie and Henry) seem small in comparison to my enjoyment of the show overall. I'm just disappointed I won't be able to see it again near the end of the run.

Liverpool Profile Photo
#160re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 10:38pm

So. I went back tuesday. Noticed a lot of little changes, nothing too major (didn't notice any cut/added songs or scenes too drastically altered). Alice has really toned down and codified her characterizations. She's not lapsing into bouts of overacting anymore. She's consistently stunning. BDJ is still great. Aaron Tveit, i really just can't say enough good things about him. He's absolute perfection. Jennifer has also improved. She's made her portrayal more consistent (i still don't completely love the change of her character from the NYMF production but she's doing well with what she has to work with) Adam is capable as Henry, the character really gets on my nerves and Perfect for you really needs to be trimmed. I don't have a ton to say about Asa as he doesn't leave much of an impression.

The first act is pretty tight. The revelation of gabe being dead still feels forced. It seems like a really easy fix. After Henry says "I didn't know you have a brother, they should go right into the song "He's not here." Also it would work better if Gabe was there UNTIL the song began, and then he left. Instead of leaving after he helps set the table. Speaking of him helping set the table, it may just be me being anal, but Gabe touching things that people other than Diana touch really bothers me (example, Him hanging up the coats before the dinner scene and him handing the plates to Diana. Him eating a piece of the Cereal near the beginning doesn't bother me because its him and diana alone in the room.

I'm still not thrilled with the change in the way gabe dies or the fact that diana was apparently not crazy until he died, although it makes sense that if you are going to change one the other has to change also. The reprise of I Am the One seemed to have more power tuesday than it had last wednesday, not sure what it was, maybe it was jsut both of them were more on, but it was pretty devastation.

The finale changes are in the right dirrection but it still doesn't work. Michael needs to make a choice. Either the finale is completely removed from the story/plot or it is part of the story/plot. It doesn't work to half way through the song change from telling the story to suddenly being an abstraction. As a side note, after the show, i over heard Aaron talking to some of his friends who had come to the show and one of them asked about the ending (one of them had apparently seen the show once already and seen the hugging ending) and it seemed that even Aaron didn't completely understand it. If the actors don't completely get it, expecting it to make sense to the audience is asking a little much.

anyway. Its better, but it still has a lot of work that needs to be done. The last 10 minutes need an overhaul and I'm not sure if its something that Michael needs to do or something Brian needs to do but one or maybe both of them needs to get on that.

So, Act I gets an A Act II gets B up from a C from last week.

#161re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/24/08 at 10:51pm

Thanks for the update, Liverpool. I enjoyed reading it. Glad to hear that you think Ripley has improved. I'm very much looking forward to checking it out again this weekend.

#162re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 5:02pm

I would like to thank you all for all the information on this show since it started. I am seeing the Saturday matinee. I have been hoping for a good musical with meaningful themes for awhile now. I had high hopes for Spring Awakening but found the book unhelpful in making me feel for the characters, however I have not enjoyed a score like that in a long time. Does one when watching this show want to shed a tear or two?

#163re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 5:34pm

Only through about the last three quarters of it re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?

#164re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 5:47pm

I'll be at the matinee.

Eager to see what's what.

Is Tom Kitt musical directing/band leading, as well? Updated On: 1/25/08 at 05:47 PM

alfgiotir Profile Photo
#165re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 6:00pm

is there any demos out there we could hear? thanks.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#166re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 6:09pm

Mary-Mitchell Campbell is musical directing (and on piano, as well).

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#167re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 6:17pm

Ah. Thanks.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#168re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 11:22pm

Just got in from seeing it tonight. I need to process it some more, but I was blown away. I had no prior experience with it and only vaguely skimmed this thread. I was amazed by how moved I was. I'll try to "talk" more coherently about it once it's kind of sunk in. Just... WOW!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Liverpool Profile Photo
#169re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 11:25pm

i miss my viriginity, im so jaded now.

#170re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 11:32pm

I saw it tonight, too. Best musical I've seen this season. Alice Ripley is ridiculously wonderful, as is Brian D'Arcy. Great show...it's gonna be my new "go to" show when people ask me what is good.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

Liverpool Profile Photo
#171re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/25/08 at 11:38pm

<--loves still having a student ID.

blaxx Profile Photo
#172re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 12:04am

Any chance it will extend?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Liverpool Profile Photo
#173re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 12:08am

if it does well. the next 2ST show doesnt start til late April so they could fesibly extend a month or so. There's also the possibility of a broadway transfer (2ST has had a good record of that lately, including their last musical production, the recently closed Spelling Bee).

#174re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
Posted: 1/26/08 at 11:51am

Joel Grey was there last night. He didn't seem to like it too much, but you never can tell.
