
Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder- Page 8

Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder

bta212 Profile Photo
#175re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:46am

smartpenguin--I see that you have used English words, and I understand what each of the words means individually--but when you string them together in that particular way it means absolutely NOTHING to me.

Say...what's in this wine???

"They have never understood, and no reason that they should. But if anybody could . . . " --SS

Pinguin Profile Photo
#176re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:47am

sp78: HAHA...you have a good memory,I applaud you for remembering my political affiliation :0)

bta: like sp78 says, we're a friendly bunch. party on.

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#177re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:47am

Me no wanna kiss a girl . . . me wanna kiss a nice boy with a decent job that is not allergic to cats and like girls back . . .

Do I hear Man of LaMancha playing in the background?

Damn, time to pour myself another glass.

And the wine: Trader Joe's finest.

Updated On: 11/4/05 at 01:47 AM

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#178re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:48am

BTA: Which post? The one to YWIW?? or the one to you. It helps to know "artspeak" if you wish to make it in one of his threads, he has been bringing us these terms for loe these many months.

YWIW?, that is not sounding "libido" liberal enough at all!

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.
Updated On: 11/4/05 at 01:48 AM

Patronus Profile Photo
#179re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:52am

Last post before going to bed...

YWIW, it's officially a P as far as I am concered as well.

Once Pinguin weighs in, we will officially be The 4Ps, which means we need to start calling ourselves something different. The Forpeez perhaps?

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#180re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:52am

I know - I will work on it. I just want to be a libido liberal when I grow up, rather than a boring, tolerant hetro woman. Is that so wrong?

I will try to tongue a neighbor one night when she is a little drunk. Will that get me back into the club?

bta212 Profile Photo
#181re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:53am

<<<<"It is the "Libido Liberals" (and libertarians for Pinguin) who are throwing every gay ideal through the "anti-gay shredder">>>

I didn't know there were specifically "gay" ideals. Was there a committee meeting that I missed? Or do you just mean stuff like not wearing white after Labor Day?

And still with the shredder. Seriously guys, what is the shredder???

"They have never understood, and no reason that they should. But if anybody could . . . " --SS

Popular Profile Photo
#182re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:54am

Just have to say that this thread actually made me laugh outloud. You guys are too much. And TRADER JOE'S WINE ROCKS!!

Pinguin Profile Photo
#183re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:55am

Oh, I definitely vote YWIW? in...the 4Ps are a STRONG bunch...that means I get to make a new logo...I'll get right on that :0)

bta: The shredder is art's invention...and nonsensical it is...

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#184re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:56am

The shredder is something Art2 devised - and it scares me a bit. Sounds kind of like a wrestler, or a zombie X-games participant.

Patronus - a real P? - that would be even better than being a libido liberal. But, then I might have to call myself "YouWanttoPeeWhen???

Pinguin Profile Photo
#185re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:57am



-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

bta212 Profile Photo
#186re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:58am

Yeah. Nonsensical is an understatement--it reeks of paranoid delusional pychosis.

I'm gonna pull the tab on another box of Trader Joe's and head over to the band shell; I think the Indigo Girls are about to do another set.

"They have never understood, and no reason that they should. But if anybody could . . . " --SS

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#187re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 1:58am

Well, I am out for the night.

Popular, you get to drain the last glass in the bottle. Consider yourself poured a nice hefty glass of cab.

bta - there might just be enough left for a glass for you as well.

Good night one and all.

Shredded Dreams.
Updated On: 11/4/05 at 01:58 AM

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#188re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 2:01am

BTA: I see, the way to understand those words is: first to realize I do not believe them, and second to be fluent in "artspeak," then (and this is most important) you must beat your head repeatedly against your computer (this is to emulate the experience of trying to reason with Art2.)

YWIW is officially a P.

FourPeez: sounds pretty solid.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

bta212 Profile Photo
#189re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 2:06am

SP--I really appreciate your patience in explaining this to me. I may just skip the self-abuse part for now, if that's O.K. I'm just going to enjoy the last of my wine and contemplate the shredder. Embrace the shredder. BE the shredder....

Good night all....

"They have never understood, and no reason that they should. But if anybody could . . . " --SS

smartpenguin78 Profile Photo
#190re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 2:10am

I think that is why we have brought in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their villain: SHREDDER! re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder

It's ok BTA, probably better not to be beaten. Although, I still contend you will not understand Art until you do it.

I'm off to bed as well.

I stand corrected, you are as vapid as they say.

Pinguin Profile Photo
#191re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 2:27am

re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder

Goodnight :0)

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

#192re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 2:29am

Dude..you are high....I just saw the film tonight and the Colin Angel relationship is the heart and soul of this film...sweet, touching, tender, spunky, loving and real. "I'll Cover You" is a joy to watch and the kiss at the end is magical.

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#193re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 2:46am

Please wait till you've seen the movie to judge Columbus work. Too much speculation on this site!

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#194re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 3:41am

Wow, much love happened while I was away! But I see Art has yet to return. Oh well...

Goodnight all my little homophobic shredders in drag.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

#195re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 6:33am

Many movie studios and directors are terrified of showing an erotic male-male interaction even if there is a pivotal male-male relationship in a movie. I have visions of Sony executives issuing edicts regarding how any male-male intimacy could be shown in RENT, possibly stipulating that any male-male kiss must only be performed with at least one of the parties in drag so as to ameliorate the maleness of the occasion. Let me stress: never underestimate the potential homophobia of studios and directors out there. Many of them are extremely, extremely homophobic to the point of going into anxiety attacks about it.

#196re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 8:41am

Would anyone care to fix the broken record? Man, art2...getting EXTREMELY repetative. Actually I'm pretty sure you've said the exact same thing in nearly all of the posts you've made in this thread.

You're beating the dead horse, so please go on your not so merry way and let it rest in peace

Pinguin Profile Photo
#197re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 9:20am

"I have visions of Sony executives issuing edicts regarding how any male-male intimacy could be shown in RENT"

-what other visions do you have? Do scary monsters live under your bed and come out and night to taunt you for your homosexual desire for Colin Farrell after seeing Alexander? Do voices speak to you in the darkness when no one else is around? What do they say?

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

Patronus Profile Photo
#198re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 10:07am

Oh my God, I totally forgot to mention this in a thread and I swore that I would the next time the "artster" poked his head out of his libido liberal free hole.

I walk to work every morning and there is a car that passes me every now and then with the license plate:


Every time I see it, I laugh out loud.

I think I am going to retire RaphaelEmcee for now because I think people on the board otherwise are scratching their heads, but I will post him in this thread as an ode to overwhelming power and leadership he brought to a now sovereign nation of Ps. re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder

re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder

Magdalene Profile Photo
#199re: Sony and Columbus appear to have put RENT through the anti-gay shredder
Posted: 11/4/05 at 10:18am

art2, methinks you doth protest too much....

what are YOU hiding?

