On A Clear Day Cast Recording?

#1On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 10:25pm

Any news on a cast recording for the revival? I really enjoyed the score when I saw it 2 weeks ago (pretty much the only part I did). I just ordered the original cast recording and can't wait to hear some of the music again.

#2On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
Posted: 12/16/11 at 11:08pm


Posted this midst all the the Bonnie and Clyde drama and may have been overlooked


Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#2On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
Posted: 12/16/11 at 11:59pm

With the OBCR and The Royal Wedding Soundtrack you're probably better off. Get the film soundtrack if you like "Go to Sleep" and "Love with All the Trimmings".

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

#3On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
Posted: 12/18/11 at 12:49pm

There will probably be one. Lots of people want to listen to Harry's rendition of the title song, which I hear gets standing ovations every night!

Rockyfan2000 Profile Photo
#4On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
Posted: 12/18/11 at 1:11pm

I hope it gets recorded too! Beautiful songs....

"It's not where you start, it's where you finish!"

denali.fire Profile Photo
#5On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
Posted: 12/18/11 at 1:29pm

Stick with the OBCR and save your $!!! It is great and Cullum has more passion in his voice than Connick did. I was suprized at this. I like Connick but not in this show. Lackluster preformaces. IMHO.

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#6On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
Posted: 12/18/11 at 1:30pm

Harry on Broadway Act 2 anyone?

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#7On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
Posted: 12/18/11 at 3:03pm

^Yes, please! On A Clear Day Cast Recording?
