
BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website

BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website

LesMiz24601 Profile Photo
#1BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/28/19 at 8:03pm

For the past few weeks, whenever I try to access the BWW chat boards on my iPad or iPhone after a few seconds I am redirected to a spam site (currently goodluckday.site). This has persisted despite changing devices, clearing my cookies, and changing networks. Has anyone experienced something similar?

#2BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/28/19 at 9:17pm

Me too.  I sent them the link.  They said no one else had reported it.  They were working on it, but it will be helpful to know that it is happening to more than just me.

#3BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/28/19 at 10:24pm

I have an iPad Pro and don’t experience any issues.

#4BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/28/19 at 10:40pm

I get it too.  In fact, I was going to reply to this post and I got it AGAIN!   

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#5BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/28/19 at 10:45pm

All the time. It’s been months and I feel like I’m flipping a coin any time I visit the site on my phone.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#6BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/29/19 at 7:56am

I've gotten the bogus site so many times over the past few weeks that I no longer click any BWW links in social media when viewing on my iPhone or iPad.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Stage Door Sally Profile Photo
Stage Door Sally
#7BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/29/19 at 8:17am

This has been a problem for a long time. There have been other threads about it and BWW appears to have done nothing about it. Not sure why.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#8BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/29/19 at 8:44am

This happens to me over and over again only when I'm using an iPad. I have reported it to BWW via email, and I was asked to copy and paste the URL's and send it to them. I have done so several times, and the response has been...dead silence. Not even the courtesy of a response, let alone a thank you. 

This lack of response has been very disappointing.

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

#9BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/29/19 at 10:24am

Hi all, thank you for chiming in. As others have said this is something that we are aware of, and are working on. Unfortunately, this is coming from bad actors exploiting one of our programmatic partners. This is an issue that plagues the internet and is a bit like whack-a-mole in trying to combat; once you stop one, they come up with a new one. 

Nonetheless, we always send over all of these URLs to our partner to block, so please continue to send them to us at moderator[at]broadwayworld[dot]com. 

Obviously the ones that we've recently sent over to them have not curbed the issue like we would have hoped, so we have asked them to take a deeper dive into the issue. Hopefully they will come up with a solution soon. 

#10BWW on iOS redirects to spam/malware website
Posted: 5/30/19 at 9:46am

Hello all,

We wanted to update you on this process. our partner that we referenced yesterday paused a few of the sources that seem to have the most issues like these. 

So, we ask that if you see these types of things happening again to email us at moderator[at]broadwayworld[dot]com. Or, if you previously had those issues, but no long do, please let us know that as well. As we get more information, they will continue to play with sources to try and pinpoint where the problem is coming from. 

They also recommend that just to be on the safe side to help combat this that you clear your Safari caches to get rid of any offending cookies. 

Thank you again for your help and patience. 
