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Based Papering Service - 2021?

macbeth Profile Photo
#1Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/25/21 at 7:07am

I know we're not supposed to share specifics that are available, but are there any new or existing services that have more shows available than the others do? 

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#2Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/25/21 at 2:03pm

Are you asking for the BEST papering service? I can't speak to all of them but Gold Club is trash. There's been very little available and everything the last 2-3 weeks have been nothing worth noting.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

#3Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/25/21 at 3:42pm

I joined Gold Club a few weeks ago and I've actually enjoyed it thus far. I've seen 2 shows and will be seeing a 3rd this week. None of these have been Broadway productions, but it's been a nice way to check out some shows I'd never want to pay full price to see.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#4Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/25/21 at 4:03pm

Will Call has had (I believe) two Broadway plays since the reopening, plus a handful of off-off-bway titles.

#5Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/20/22 at 6:02am

Anyone know a good service that has papered tickets to other non-theater events in the new york area? Like sporting events, arenas, mainstream concerts, popular comedy, etc. I remember seeing one site that looked promising but I forget the name now.

Updated On: 10/20/22 at 06:02 AM

#6Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/20/22 at 10:17am

Theaterextras often has these. I've had the service for years and there are ups and downs with it but its been good lately. Note that sports events are often not the nominal fee but usually in the $15-20 range. 

#7Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/20/22 at 5:41pm

I got some good shows through Gold Club earlier in the year, including a few Broadway shows, so it really depends on when you're using it, but it has definitely paid for itself already.  Just started Theater Extras and the offers look promising though I haven't actually gotten tickets to anything yet, and it seems more extensive than Gold Club.  I think both have had things like comedy shows and baseball games.

If you sign up on their website I think both Theater Extras and Pay by Play will email you with a list of recent offerings.

Show-Score also generally has some good options though you usually have to be quick.  The plus is you don't 'have to pay a subscription though.

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#8Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/20/22 at 7:13pm

AntV said: "Anyone know a good service that has papered tickets to other non-theater events in the new york area? Like sporting events, arenas, mainstream concerts, popular comedy, etc. I remember seeing one site that looked promising but I forget the name now."

For a monthly five bucks, you can get a lot of offerings on Club Free Time. I saw Paradise Square twice through it, also Birthday Candles and another Broadway play I can’t remember. I recommend if your focus isn’t just Broadway. 

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#9Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/20/22 at 9:18pm

Show Score has been REALLY good lately but as others have said their offerings go VERY quick

lily carver
#10Based Papering Service - 2021?
Posted: 10/21/22 at 2:04am

I only have play by play but think it has a good mix of non theater offerings. Very little sports since a reupped in April but good selection of concerts, dance, some offbeat stuff. There have been some MSG events but not sports.
