Rest in Peace Pat Carroll

Lola Getz2 Profile Photo
Lola Getz2
#1Rest in Peace Pat Carroll
Posted: 7/31/22 at 5:26pm

Such a remarkable talent; will always think of her as Gertrude Stein, Cinderella's Step-sister, and of course, Ursula. Rest in peace and thank you for sharing your gift with the world for so many years. We were certainly fortunate souls to have you in our lives. 

Updated On: 7/31/22 at 05:26 PM

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#2Rest in Peace Pat Carroll
Posted: 7/31/22 at 6:03pm

"Ta Ta For Now" Pat.


Non sibi sed patriae

round2 Profile Photo
#3Rest in Peace Pat Carroll
Posted: 7/31/22 at 8:31pm

Sad news to lose Pat Carroll. I was fortunate to get to see her brilliant performance as Gertrude Stein multiple times. Truly magnificent talent.

#4Rest in Peace Pat Carroll
Posted: 7/31/22 at 9:52pm

I'm glad I saw the post here about her passing.  I remember her for decades on television, she was always so good.  Such a great smile and laugh.

Her personal quotes on IMDB about people she had worked with, lets you see what a nice person she was.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#5Rest in Peace Pat Carroll
Posted: 8/1/22 at 12:45pm

Her Falstaff was the stuff of legends.

Rest in Peace Ms Carroll

pethian Profile Photo
#6Rest in Peace Pat Carroll
Posted: 8/1/22 at 1:25pm

She was wonderful. Even her guest spots on sitcoms were wonderful. Her guest appearance on The Mary Tyler Moore Show is a classic example.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#7Rest in Peace Pat Carroll
Posted: 8/1/22 at 2:24pm

I saw Pat Carroll play the Stage Manager in a wonderful production of Our Town in 2001 at Roundhouse Theatre in Bethesda, MD.  Her performance, and that production has stayed with me all these years.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany
