
Posted: 3/23/04 at 10:39am


I just visited NYC for the 2nd year in a row and last year, only saw one show, Cabaret. This year, I saw 3, Little Shop of Horrors, Match, and The Boy From Oz. Although these people are human just like the rest of us, is it wrong to put them on a pedestal to some degree? Specifically, I thought Hugh Jackman was phenomenal, and because I have admired his acting for some time, seeing him in person was the thrill of a lifetime. I even came home and rented most of his movies, including ones I'd seen before, to see him in a different light. Anyone else feel this way after seeing one of your favorites in person in a completely different role? I am 30 and I feel like I did when I was in grade school, when I would admire a music group or an actor from afar.

#1re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 10:46am

Yeah, yeah, we've all been there :) Don't worry. It's different for Broadway fans because we can see and talk to our idols.I was always one for developing bad infatuations on entertainers. (Chris O'Donnell, Harry Connick, Jr. and Matt Damon come to mind...also, I was always falling for guys who were either old or dead...Frank Sinatra, Paul Newman, Tom Brokaw, Richard Beymer...) Then I got into Broadway and found a whole bunch of people to admire!

It's so special to be able to see your Broadway heroes on stage and meet them to tell them how great they are. VERY special. I think we're really lucky that we have that :)

#2re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 10:49am

I didn't meet him or anyone else, but I wish that I could have. I know somebody from the cast of TBFO from high school, but we haven't spoken since then...too bad. It's just a great feeling to be in the audience of a great show.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 11:01am

There's no problem in putting deserving theatre actors on a pedestal. I figure it's better to admire someone like most Broadway actors who actually earn their props as opposed to some of those stupid teenybopper film "actors" who can't act/sing out of a paper bag but earn accolades and millions (Yes, Hilary Duff, I'm talking to you). And as long as you're not the one by the stage door jumping up and down and screaming and crying. (Although with Hugh, we can make exceptions. : )

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#4re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 11:03am

Its so true...who better than Broadway & Stage Actors to throw compliments at?

#5re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 11:23am

How can he be so darned gorgeous and have a voice, dancing talent, and acting chops as well? He is the complete package all rolled into one....ok, I need to cool down now....

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#6re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 11:26am

Eddie Varley would love if you would worship and adore him over on the off-topic board (Welcome Eddie Varley thread). He'll do just about ANYTHING for fan adulation!

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 12:26pm

Hahaha When I saw the title for this thread, I thought it was about the diner that was renamed "Euro." lol

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#8re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 12:27pm

SHEESH!!!...When I met Raul Esparza for the first time I was rediculous! I'd been a fan for a while but it had taken years for me to actually get to see him on stage. I had him sign the copy of The Berlin Stories that I get every actor in Cabaret to sign. He was so sweet and talked about the show, but me (who usually can speak for hours and hours about Cabaret) was speechless. So, I guess it's natural.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

EddieVarley Profile Photo
#9re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 12:31pm

AMAZINGLY I AM wonderful to my fans, why I am even known to let them take me to lunch or dinner, or buy me stuff like shirts from Holister(med) or DVD's (comedy)...and not because I need these items, but because it means something to THEM!

But enough about me, let's talk about me.

HAHA, seriously many years ago when Phantom first opened Michael Crawford invited me backstage, it was a thrill and I'll always treasure his words of inspiration, and his jokes!

It's good to have people to inspire us!

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shira467 Profile Photo
#10re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 1:07pm

Funny, I don't think I've ever been starstruck - and while I'm get really excited and am happy and smile giddily, I don't scream up and down. What's funny is my friend always it (she just froze when she saw Kerry Butler, even though I'm not a huge fan) And she brought me along just so I could talk to Kerry for her! I guess I'm calm and collected - who knows why. But I can tell you w/ assurance, if I ever met Julie Andrews, I would look like a codfish.

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

#11re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 1:52pm

Chrysanth....there are not enough superlatives in the Universe to toss at Esparza....

#12re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 2:20pm

It was kind of funny after I saw tick, tick...BOOM! I wasn't starstruck at all when I met Joey McIntyre but when Kristin and Idina made their entrances in Wickied I was.

#13re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 2:31pm

Chrysanth....there are not enough superlatives in the Universe to toss at Esparza....

Yet, when it comes time to say them to him, they all seem to disappear, rendering one speechless.

Or... maybe that's just me?

I think it's normal to put people up on a pedastal. What gets hard is balancing the fact that some people are incredibly talented and perhaps more talented than we will ever be, and the fact that they are just humans who aren't perfect. Other than that, I think it's human nature, and meeting people we admire will always be a thrill. Some people just have that aura about them.

#14re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 2:37pm

GFfCanada.....Esparza's talent is so mind-blowing one can't help but be blown away

say what?
#15re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/23/04 at 4:26pm

I saw Clay Aiken at the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade last year and was starstruck. No joke.

"SUNY Binghamton, yes. I'm sure getting a degree from SUNY Binghamton is very useful. Normally to get a degree with that kind of credibility you'd have to study in Guatemala or Haiti."

Posted: 3/23/04 at 11:00pm

I havent had "starstruck moments" while talking to a celeb.. but rather AFTER I had talked to them.

When Daisy Hilton and I met Chita Rivera we were both cool and collected and had a very lovely conversation with her. She called us cute and hugged us -- it was very sweet. When we got around the corner however, we both screamed! haha

At the final performance of Hollywood Arms I was in the front row with a bunch of my friends (we had friends in the company). At intermission we had stood up and were surveying the audience. 6 rows behind us was Julie Andrews. I called my grandmother right then and there and said "dude! (yes, in my excitement I called my grandmother dude) Julie-f*cking-Andrews is sitting 6 rows behind me!!!" My grandmother damn near had a coronary on the other end of the phone.. it was pretty funny. lol

I have to say though, when I've met a star I've never had a "typical meeting." It's always been something very unusual and unique which has made a great story down the line Starstruck??


"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#17re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/24/04 at 9:10pm

What NativeNewYorker said is true: "It's different for Broadway fans because we can see and talk to our idols."

I get so starstruck, it's terrible. I always know what I want to say, and then just can't say it. I'm getting much better though. I love that as Broadway fans we can meet the people we admire so much. And as for "putting them on a pedestal," there's nothing wrong with it! These people are incredibly talented, and they deserve it!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#18re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/24/04 at 10:15pm

It's not just meeting them at the stagedoor and being able to thank them for their performance - but somehow, stage stars seem more like normal people ( unlike Hollywood stars - although I haven't really seen too many re: re: Starstruck??) when they come in to work or when they leave the theatre for home re: re: Starstruck??.. And if it is not overly crowded you can even enjoy a few minutes of conversation. And some of them can be really very nice. I met Stephanie Block twice. She was very friendly the first time around. The second time around - she even gave me a big hug!

During the last GYPSY competition, I was lucky to have seen the event and was led out of the theatre on the left side doors. It was fortunate that it led right to the stagedoor - and I was happily surprised to be right in front of Bernadette...followed by Harvey... as they were interviewed on TV... Moments later, Hugh came out with his wife and later on joined by their son ( who was brought to the stagedoor by someone else). As I watched the family scene I noticed two young ladies standing right next to me - completely bemused, practically fainting with excitement, and sighing loudly while looking at the family scene in front of us ( Hugh and his family stayed for some time)...As I smiled at the two young ladies (as if acknowledging to them that we were really seeing the whole family) - I wondered : OMG, did I also look like them re: re: Starstruck??re: re: Starstruck??


Updated On: 3/24/04 at 10:15 PM

#19re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/24/04 at 10:28pm

The only times I've ever kinda rambled was for Adam and Sutton. I look young, though, so I can get away with more...And when Gavin asked me what my last name was I pretty much forgot it. Almost had to take my driver's license out :)

I've never met Bernadette Peters...I have no idea how I'd react to her.

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#20re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/24/04 at 10:41pm

I was a bit starstruck when I met Meryl Streep

tinamm2fan Profile Photo
#21re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/27/04 at 7:47am

Two years ago, in Nashville, TN I saw "Mamma Mia!" for the first time. It was the second city for the 2nd National Tour. There was an understudy on for "Sophie" that night, so I wanted to back again to see Kristie Marsden in the role. ( I'd seen an interview with her and Monique Lund on local tv). After the second time, I met Robin Baxter ( Rosie ) and Pearce Bunting ( Bill Austin ). I was hooked! I was ( and still am ) , a bit miffed about the lack of recognition and respect this cast received during their two years. But, shortly after my second show in Nashville, I started to follow this particular cast and eventually met everyone. I have nothing but wonderful comments for each and every one of them. Over the course of 151 shows I have many many memories of this wonderful group of people. Not only were they my idols, but they became friends as well. During their last week in Greenville, SC, I attended all 8 shows and "whooped" and cheered them on. Pretty bad that they all know me so well as to when they hear a certain "whoop" at the end of a certain song... I'm told the ensemble all look at each other and say "Tina's here...thanks Tina". Closing night in Greenville was tough for me. I had to say "so long" to seven of the best people I've come to know. ( Pearce had already left the company in January). These people deserve to be on pedestals and deserve much more respect than they ever received. The only thing I can keep my fingers crossed for is that some ( or all ) of them will be asked to join the Broadway company when contracts are up in October!! Honestly, if they are there... I'll be in NYC at least twice a month! ( Gary and J9, make sure you get a 3 bedroom apt!!)
Ok... soooo now I'm off my soap box... but "my cast" if you're reading this... I miss you terribly!

#22re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/27/04 at 12:45pm

StraightToHeaven: I completely agreed with your starstruck-ness, and I was going to ask when you saw ttB in Boston with Joey...then I looked at the username and I was like "oh, Steph! I saw it with you!"

I get so all my photos with Broadway people I have this HUGE smile on my face that looks like I had too much caffeine or something...

#23re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/27/04 at 1:46pm

I met Heather Headley when she was still in AIDA. I think she is just amazing. What a powerhouse. I was completely starstruck--after the fact. When I met her, I told her she gave me chills and she said, "I hope that's a good thing!" We ended up having a short conversation about her gastro-intestinal problems (the first time I had seen the show her stand-by took over after intermission and no one knew why--it was so sad! So I had to go again!) I left with an autograph and a huge smile...but I could barely talk on the way home because of the shock I was in. Starstruck, you bet :) I felt stupid about it for awhile, but you're all right--it's just so special that we get to meet and speak to Broadway stars who inspire us. We're lucky :)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#24re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Starstruck??
Posted: 3/27/04 at 2:06pm

"in all my photos with Broadway people I have this HUGE smile on my face that looks like I had too much caffeine or something... "

lol, citylights, you said that so well! I do the exact same thing.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
