
SueleenGay Profile Photo
Posted: 8/18/04 at 11:11pm

Just to remind you all that bootlegs are illegal. That is not to say that they don't exist or are hard to come by, but they are a copywright infringement and ILLEGAL. Please refrain from requesting or posting about the darn WICKED script or the tape of some show that has not been released to the public. You are endangering this site by asking for these things.

Updated On: 8/19/04 at 11:11 PM

#1re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/18/04 at 11:12pm

Thank you for the much needed message, Sueleen.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#2re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/18/04 at 11:16pm

Let's just hope the ones who need to see it read this thread. We must all watch and report these requests any time we see them.


bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#3re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 1:04am

Nice to meet our new moderator. lol jk

wickedfan Profile Photo
#4re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 1:17am


"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#5re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 1:18am

No, just stop talking about them here.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."
Updated On: 8/19/04 at 01:18 AM

#6re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 1:43am

If you want the people who are requesting the bootlegs, you should change the topic to "I have Wicked bootlegs" or something like that. then everyone will see it.
we really do need to stop talking about them though.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#7re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 2:05pm



Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#8re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 2:07pm

Just bumping this back up because it seems some people just don't get it.

Edited to say: Wow. In the 30 seconds it took me to find this thread again to bump, the Wicked video post has already been deleted. Nice work, Admin!

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell
Updated On: 8/19/04 at 02:07 PM

Rob Profile Photo
#9re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 2:08pm

Thanks...and agreed!

#10re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:05pm

I had seen that thread in question, and read through it almost in amazement because I just couldn't believe that people wouldn't know it was not allowed. But then I read a couple of posts that basically said 'yes, we know they're not allowed and we don't care.' Welcome to the American value system - degenerating day by day.

#11re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:06pm

Yes, bootlegs= bad. They ruin the whole point of seeing something live and in person and take away from the whole healthy process of giving funds to the shows that deserve them.

There is nothing I would like to do more than act.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#12re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:21pm

Nope. Sorry. Don't agree at all with you. Bootlegs have been around since recording equipment was invented. Regardless if you think they take money away from the theatre (which they DON'T) they serve an important purpose. They give people in the middle of nowhere, with no theatre around them (or terrible theatre) and people who can not otherwise attned the opportunity to see shows and develop a love for it. I've never heard of anyone saying "Oh, I just love my WICKED video! Now that I have this, would never go and see it live! If anything it makes you want to see these shows more.

They also serve as an important document in the history of the theatre. Before shows were taped for Lincoln Center, people were doing it for themselves to preserve them. Do you honestly mean to tell me you believe that, because it wasn't authorized by the producers, that a full recording of Ethel Merman in GYPSY isn't a wonderful thing to have in this world? How about Julie Andrews in CAMELOT? Anyone want to tell me they wish it was never done and that those performances were lost forever?

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."
Updated On: 8/19/04 at 03:21 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#13re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:24pm

Matt makes some very valid points.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#14re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:27pm


"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#15re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:27pm

Matt - I actually agree with you. I wasn't clear about what I found appalling. Even though they may be legitimately justified, they are illegal. The appearance of condoning that illegality could jeopardize this board - and it was that knowledge which some posters said not to care about.

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#16re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:28pm

I say, when a show closes (Like ASSASSINS, CAROLINE, LSOH, etc) those tapes from the Lincoln Center needs to be released for public viewing. Because, people like me who never got to see it because I live too far away and is poor, is left out of the experience.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#17re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:29pm

I agree that bootlegs are a good thing to have exist because they preserve performances (like all those who signed the BFO petition so Hugh's amazing performance is captured, and the more recent Taboo thread started...). Also, for everyone who isn't able to get to New York and see all the shows (and how quickly some are coming and going), bootlegs are a less expensive way to be able to see the show-- less quality yes, but still able to experience the shows in some fashion.

If you're going to argue they stifle ticket sales-- I have to disagree. Most of the people who purchase/trade/sell bootleg videos and audios are also most time more dedicated live theatre fans and have seen many of the shows they own on video (unless it was before their time).

I do agree the posts need to stop coming up on this message board, because the last thing we want is a closed BWW!

That's where I stand on the issue. Just a long... bump.

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#18re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:30pm

Word, Matt.

I'm siding with the Admin that regardless of the pros/cons of having boots, they're still illegal and this is definitely not the forum to be asking/offering to trade them. As Sarah Michelle Gellar says in Cruel Intentions, "Everyone does it...they just...don'" (Just kidding. No flames. But still.)

On the other hand, I don't think that theatre boots impact the industry as badly as, say, pirated music and films. Because for the latter, receiving a copied CD or tape is almost the same as listening to the original or renting the movie (short of having the luxury of owning the CD booklet, etc.)

However, seeing a production is an experience beyond just watching people on a stage. It's actually being there, amongst other people in the audience, and watching a story unfold literally right before you. Having a bootleg of a show is just to have a taste of the show, and really is great advertising for the production, because if people enjoy the video, it'll motivate them to want to see it in person.

Just my 2c.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

BT Profile Photo
#19re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:32pm

Matt's points are very valid. In my case, any sort of unauthorized recording generally tends to make me want to see the production more so I can get a firsthand experience. Getting an copy of live performance in some cases just serves to keep me entertained until the official version is released.

Of course people who do it for their own private commercial gain are the problem. While fan copies are just as illegal, I honestly think a distinction can be made - at least one to allow me to sleep at night! I would only want a copy for my own personal collection - and I would love to have access to Merman in Gypsy. My collection wouldn't be complete without an official cast recording too, though, so the artists and the recording company would have no problem with me.

I'm glad some of the old TV broadcasts are being slowly released in documentaries on PBS, but opera lovers know that unofficial copies of Callas' Lisbon Traviata are precious gems - bad recording quality and all. Perhaps too few live events are recorded professionally.

Good arguments, though, Matt.

I sing for myself. I sing when I want, whenever I want to, just for me. I sing for my own pleasure. Do you understand that?

#20re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:32pm

I do enjoy people taking down the taboo that is the word "bootlegs"
Thanks Matt.
It's true, for people who don't have the ability to see a show, after it closes, now they can.
I understand it's illegal, so no it shouldn't be discussed on this board.
But I'm not against them. They help keep theatre lovers everywhere connected.

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

Matt_G Profile Photo
#21re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:33pm

Let me just add that I in no way think they should be discussed here unless the topic is like this. We all care way too much about this place to let anything happen to it.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

Rob Profile Photo
#22re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:33pm

Yeah, as Type_A_Tiff wrote, it's fine to debate the pros and cons as to the effect of bootlegs on the theater industry is fine, but discussion/offers/requests for actual bootlegs is not kosher here.

#23re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:34pm

It's apparent, Rob, that you have a lot of support for your efforts re: Bootlegs

BT Profile Photo
#24re: Bootlegs
Posted: 8/19/04 at 3:37pm

The electronic age makes it easy to copy a lot of stuff and too often people forget about copyright laws - perhaps I've worked in Washington DC too long - these issues are debated all the time here and there are laws in place. The RIAA and the MPAA are fighting for more laws. Sometimes people just aren't aware that because they can burn a cd or photocopy something doesn't mean then can do it legally... So now you're all aware.

So, if you want to engage in illegal activities, don't do it publicly. lol

I sing for myself. I sing when I want, whenever I want to, just for me. I sing for my own pleasure. Do you understand that?
