NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#0NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 11:20am

So, now that FRINGE is over, what is everyone looking forward to in the New York Musical Theatre Festival?

My pick: THE BIG VOICE, GOD OR MERMAN? from the creators of the Last Session. I saw a backer's audition last summer and it just had me rolling on the floor, laughing!

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

2day4u9704301 Profile Photo
#1re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 11:21am

HUGE Michael Arden fan, so I will be at The Woman Upstairs!

MadeofGold Profile Photo
#2re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 12:10pm

I'm with 2Day, I'll be at the Woman Upstairs to see Michael Arden. I could listen to him sing all day and never get bored. :)

I'm also seeing Altar Boyz so I can finally hear Cheyenne perform in something! :)

Hopefully my reservations to Caligula will go through because I needs to see me some Euan. It's been far too long.

And totally psyched about the Jeremy Kushnier concert. Love him, love him, love him!

"... Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's going on..." Damien Rice

#3re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 12:29pm

Here's the link:

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

dramafreak13 Profile Photo
#4re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 12:58pm

i helped out with the staged reading of God or Merman? last year, and i am so glad that they are doing it again at the NYMF. i hope i do get to see it, but there are a very limited amount of times i can come in and see a show.

"Contentment it seems merely happens, It appears Accompanied by no bravos and no tears" "The world is good you said Enjoy it's highs you said The summer flies you said So make a parade Of every moment Now throw away your hate And focus on what's great instead" ~William Finn

MichaelCassara Profile Photo
#5re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:07pm

Unfortunately, Michael is no longer doing THE WOMAN UPSTAIRS, due to a scheduling conflict. However, the show is well worth seeing - with a terrific cast including two-time Tony nominee Alison Fraser, Kate Shindle, Aaron Ramey, and Deb Heinig.

More details will appear soon, I'm sure.


2day4u9704301 Profile Photo
#6re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:09pm

Please tell me you're kidding....

MadeofGold Profile Photo
#7re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:12pm

Ummmm...seriously, please tell me that's wrong.

"... Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's going on..." Damien Rice

Rob Profile Photo
#8re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:20pm

It is correct that due to conflicts with Bare rehearsal that Michael won't be doing the Woman Upstairs, buuuut... I have heard a lot of Brian Lowdermilk's music, and the rest of the cast is fantastic, so while you might not get your Arden fix, you'll still have a great time. re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)

2day4u9704301 Profile Photo
#9re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:21pm

I do like the music that I have heard from the show, so hopefully it will be a good time! Thanks for the info!!

And, if I can't meet Mr. Arden, at least I get to meet MoG! :-P

#10re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:26pm

No Michael in The Woman Upstairs?? I was planning a special trip to NYC just to see him! I'm still excited about the festival but I was mostly excited about Michael in TWU re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)

#11re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:33pm


you best all be going!

omg I have to watch him get killed... It's not gonna be pretty in the audience... haha

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

MadeofGold Profile Photo
#12re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:33pm

Thanks for the info Rob. I'm sure the show will be great even without Michael. *sniff*

And, if I can't meet Mr. Arden, at least I get to meet MoG! :-P

Awww, you're so sweet. re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!) As long as you're still coming in I'm happy!

"... Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's going on..." Damien Rice

#13re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:36pm

awww re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
No Michael?!

That's okay cause MoG is gonna come to Caligula since I threaten friends re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!) and then I can meet her!! :)

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

MadeofGold Profile Photo
#14re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:40pm

That's okay cause MoG is gonna come to Caligula since I threaten friends and then I can meet her!! :)

LOL! And because I answer well to threats, I am trying my hardest to go!! :) I would love to meet up hon. re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)

"... Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's going on..." Damien Rice

#15re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:48pm

Any recommendations for shows to see?

I have 'The Woman Upstairs', 'Top Gun: The Musical', and 'A Hundred Years into the Heart' so far. I have one more ticket to use. I will be getting in town either late Fri, Oct 1st or early Oct2nd which makes my choice of shows to see very limited.

#16re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 1:51pm

*cough* Caligula: An Ancient Glam Epic *cough*

look at my icon, the beautiful Tony nominated Euan Morton is the star!!

Come on, you know you wanna!

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

#17re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 2:09pm

*cough* Caligula: An Ancient Glam Epic *cough*

look at my icon, the beautiful Tony nominated Euan Morton is the star!!

Come on, you know you wanna!

I do want to see that!! But work issues are keeping me in DC until Oct 1st thus I can't go to all the shows I want to see re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!) Updated On: 8/30/04 at 02:09 PM

#18re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 2:16pm

"The Man Who Would Be King" looks interesting, if for no other reason, because it stars Marc Kudich and Brian D'Arcy James.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

SCBWannabe Profile Photo
#19re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 2:19pm

Oh man....seriously bummed about Michael not being in the show!

MadeofGold Profile Photo
#20re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 2:21pm

I know Newcomer. So am I. re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)

BTW, I think I'll just follow you around on the board because I think our icons look cute back to back.

I'm dorky like dat. re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)

"... Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth. Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt. Still a little hard to say what's going on..." Damien Rice

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#21re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 2:23pm

"Any recommendations for shows to see?"

The Big Voice! (of course) It's a two man show about falling in love (with each other). HUGE humor value and a heart.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

#22re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 2:23pm

Wouldn't Euan Morton be playing Caligula, not Ceasar? I saw the concert reading with Kevin Cahoon (he played Caligula). the cast was good, but the show itself was way too long and not very interesting. Music was ok, nothing very memorable though.

#23re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 2:49pm

The Big Voice! (of course) It's a two man show about falling in love (with each other). HUGE humor value and a heart.

Ooh, that looks like it could be good! Thanks!!

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#24re: NYMF (now that Fringe is over!)
Posted: 8/30/04 at 3:48pm

Margo~ Mark & Brian will not be doing "The Man Who Would Be King". Both just recently were cast in other projects. However, Merwin Foard WILL take over one of the roles. Look him up, he's done a zillion shows.

I am scheduled to do an article and interviews with them this week.

Pati. b

www.pbentertainmentinc.com BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"
Updated On: 8/30/04 at 03:48 PM
