
What is the Price of a Producers Program

What is the Price of a Producers Program

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#0What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 9:33am

I went here:


And it said the program was $50! I am going to the tour today...how much is the program?

Also, is $40 the correct price for the DVD, because I've seen it for $12 in the stores!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#1re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 9:36am

I've never seen a souvenir program sell for more than $20. Most are $15 or $18.

Check Amazon for the DVD.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#2re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 9:38am

I know the price of the DVD, just questioning the $40 price tag they put on it.

And I've seen programs go for $10-15, so I was questioning the $50 price tag...weird.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

ChrisLovesShows Profile Photo
#3re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 9:42am

Yes, $50 is ridiculous. You can get it on broadwaynewyork.com for $15.
Producers Program

"Do you know ChrisLovesShows?" "Yes. Why, yes he does!"

venticelli Profile Photo
#4re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 9:46am

seems like ridiculous prices all around for those items. I agree with Chris - for the program definitely go to broadwaynewyork.com, and as far as the DVD goes - you can get that for $10 at a number of stores. enjoy the show.

"What could a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate? I am now telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate!"

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#5re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 10:33am

I think it's so expensive because it the one feautring Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick and it's mostly likely getting more rare and it's probably out of print.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#6re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 10:40am

I agree with TheQuibbler...now, if it was the most recent one, $50 is crazy. But $50 is a crazy price for any program, whether or not Nathan Lane/Matthew Broderick is in it.

I was planning on buying the one on tour, as I doubt it will be $50. I don't think anyone will buy it for that price.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#7re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 12:28pm

When i went to nyc in 2001 just get a program from the show (because i already saw it prebroadway) it only cost 10 bucks. But wow 50 bucks for one?! It does make sense that it would be out of print but 50 bucks is absurd.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

CapnHook Profile Photo
#8re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 4:44pm

Check eBay, Broadway New York, and Amazon.com.

Those prices are, indeed, overpriced, as many companies often do.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Broadwaybaby614 Profile Photo
#9re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 5:36pm

Um...it's $10.

I don't know where you got $50 from...

"And now for something completely different..."

#10re: What is the Price of a Producers Program
Posted: 9/11/04 at 7:13pm

When I saw the show in March in Baltimore, I believe the tour program was $10. When I saw it a week later in New York with Nathan and Matthew, the Broadway program with them on the cover wss $15. The Broadway one seems to have more to it, but maybe that's just me. I saw that website that has them for $50 - I just had to laugh at that one. re: What is the Price of a Producers Program

On a semi-related note, does anyone know if the sweatshirt they have on that site is the same as the fleece shirt they have in the theater? I wanted one but they didn't have my size...


"If you start from a place of joy and charm, you can get away with a lot in the second act. It may be that that's my life. I'm not sure." ~Roger Bart
