
Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip

Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip

BLAST!ismo2 Profile Photo
#0Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip
Posted: 12/3/04 at 11:37pm

Just watched the new clip and was wondering what everyone's feelings are gonna be about this show. I know it may get some flax since its another show based off a musical group (i.e. Movin Out, We Will Rock You), but I just found it to look really appealing. Curious to see what every one else has got to say. Enjoy!

Good Vibrations Clip

newsieboy23 Profile Photo
#1re: Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip
Posted: 12/3/04 at 11:38pm

I think it actually looks like a blast. Maybe ill put my bathin suit on in february and go on over. hah

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#2re: Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip
Posted: 12/3/04 at 11:45pm

I have to admit it does look OK. They just shouldn't have used "Fun Fun Fun" on the Macy's Parade.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#3re: Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip
Posted: 12/4/04 at 8:54am

Maybe the producers of the show should have hired Broadway.com to film their segment on the parade too. It's still not something I would plunk down a hundred dollars to see but it's a huge improvement. At least the video made it look tolerable. Although the male lead is no Pavarotti(sp).

#4re: Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip
Posted: 12/4/04 at 11:41am

Looks like fun. Lot of energy. I look forward to the cast album, as it isnt on my must-see list lol (yet anyway, it could surprise lol)

#5re: Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip
Posted: 12/4/04 at 11:54am

It loos awesome but who agrees with me that the Band musicals are getting a little over the top. The Who,Abba, Billy Joel, Beach Boys, Elvis.....I think they should be more original.

#6re: Broadway.com Good Vibrations Clip
Posted: 12/4/04 at 9:15pm

"Although the male lead is no Pavarotti(sp)."
AlDente, Thank goodnes, Beach boys music as Opera???? I don't think so
