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Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed

Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed

#0Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 8:56pm

So today was Hutner's last day as Leo Bloom in The Producers...The show was, of course, great and every cast member did an awesome job.


The first major one was during the "Keep it Gay" scene when Bialystock and Bloom first arrive at Roger Du Bris' house. Brooks Ashmanskas (Carmen Ghia) walks over to the two producers and inroduces himself. He says his name and everyone in the audience started laughing. Brooks tried to hold straight face, but it didn't work, and he started laughing and said (in a rough, racecar-driver voice), "Carmen Ghia!" using his hands to immate the steering of a car...(hopefully you all get the relation)...

He leaves and Richard Kind (Max) and Hunter sit on the couch and try to avoid the big purple lips pillow. They do this really funny bit. Finally, Leo asks, "So, is Roger Du Bris any good?" Kind starts laughing, as does the audience. Hunter says, "Gimme a break! I'm leaving!" The whole pit roared with laughter (I was sitting first row center) and the few people tht knew he was leaving clapped.

Curtain Call:

After bowing, Richard Kind quited the audience and gave a speech. Basically, he started by saying he thinks he speaks for most of the cast by saying Hunter is a great guy. The he talked about how he is the new guy on the block (wrong show, huh?) and Hunter has been very supportive of him and his a very strong actor and was the foundation for [Kind's] performance.

Kind then announced that Hunter can next be seen at the Kennedy Center, in "Mister Roberts" as Ens. Frank Pulver (in the movie, the role was played by Jack Lemmon).

After that, the cast performed "Goodbye!" and as they stepped I could see Hunter say "thank you" to Kind... Updated On: 1/9/05 at 08:56 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#1re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 9:02pm

awwww!!! So sad to see such a talented guy go. Hopefully he'll at least get *some* attention in the midst of everything else going on today.

Best of luck to him on his next project. Love ya, Hunter!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#2re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 9:15pm

I had the great fortune of seeing Hunter perform this role shortly before Christmas and though I had always avoided this show in the past, I loved it. I will definitely catch him at the Kennedy Center. For once, it actually pays to live in DC!!

Hope this thread gets some attention too!!

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#3re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 9:25pm

Thanks for the review.

I have been a fan of Hunter's for some time now, and I heard that he was really great in this role.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

#4re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 10:21pm


Idina's not the only one...

Up In Won
#5re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 10:29pm

Aw. I love Hunter! I got to see him in Little Shop and The Producers, and ADORE him on the Urinetown recording. (His voice was sort of, well, sexy.) Lol. I never saw the OBC Producers, but I loved Hunter as Leo. My brother saw the infamous two, and he even said that HUnter was great. Aw. He's adorable! I love him.

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

#6re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 10:31pm

Thank you so much for such a great report! I saw Hunter last August and thought he was amazing. He owns Leo Bloom and gives Matthew a run for the money. I wish I had gotten the chance to see him again, but fate was against me on this one. I wish Hunter all the best in whatever the future holds for him and he is welcome back anytime. re: Hunter Foster Leaves  'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed

And how was Richard? I've heard not so nice reviews but that was really sweet of him to give that little speech at the end. I hope he can grow into the role as time goes on.


"If you start from a place of joy and charm, you can get away with a lot in the second act. It may be that that's my life. I'm not sure." ~Roger Bart

#7re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 10:43pm

Well, I like Hunter better than Matt...

I have seen three Max's (Nathan, Brad, and Richard)...Richard is the worst of the three, but still very good...he's not as a good a singer, and he sounds different than the other facial expressions are great, though...

#8re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 11:01pm

I'm soo happy he is joing the touring cast. I will be seeing him in Pittsburgh. Gotta love Hunter!!!!

#9re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 11:08pm

Well, if he does join the tour, it won't be for a while as he is doing something else (as mentioned above)

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#10re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/9/05 at 11:13pm

aww i love hunter foster!!

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

#11re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/10/05 at 7:45am

Yay Hunter! I was there yesterday as well. It was my tenth time seeing him in the role and this was definitely his best performance. This was my third time seeing Richard Kind as Max and he has gotten a hundred times better since the first time I saw him. The ad-libs on the couch were hilarious and his curtain call speech was very sweet. Hunter will be sorely missed on Broadway. I can't wait to see him in Mister Roberts though. re: Hunter Foster Leaves  'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#12re: Hunter Foster Leaves 'The Producers,' Next Role Is Revealed
Posted: 1/23/05 at 4:44pm

Hunter Foster is the only reason I will go to the stage door.
Every time I see him at the stage door, I cry.
Even at Little Shop in Florida (with Alice Ripley).
I can't explain it.
Here's to another sobfest at Mister Roberts.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.
