
Easter Bonnet Competition: Reviews and Denzel

Easter Bonnet Competition: Reviews and Denzel

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#0Easter Bonnet Competition: Reviews and Denzel
Posted: 4/17/05 at 12:01pm

Who's going?

Updated On: 4/18/05 at 12:01 PM

#1re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 12:06pm

Me! I'm going to the one tomorrow, can't wait for it

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#2re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 12:14pm

I'm going on Monday too! This is my first time going, is there a dress code?

#3re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 12:53pm

As far as I know, no dress code. What section are your seats in?

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#4re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 12:56pm

rear orch or front mezz (i hope its front mezz). i didn't go pick them up so i don't know exactly where. so in theory, i could wear jeans? lol i'll be heading over there right after my classes...
Updated On: 4/17/05 at 12:56 PM

#5re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 1:12pm

Oooooh. Have lots of fun you guys. I have always wanted to go.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#6re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 5:23pm

Have fun! Tell us about it! re: Easter Bonnet Competition

incendiary_wit Profile Photo
#7re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 5:27pm

I hate to sound ignorant, but...

What the heck is the Easter Bonnet competition? (I saw the YAGMCB bit, but that's it)

Please tell me about it, so that I may not be so dumb about Broadway things.

1. Ted Allen: Everyone has an interesting life if you ask the right questions.
2. Great buckets of Spoffnor, they're going to sing!
3. "I love shrubs that are historical." -Johnny and The Sprites
4. "We're not singing it to you, we're singing it for us." -Rosario Dawson, about La Vie Boheme
5. "The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours." -The History Boys
6. "Pass the parcel. That's sometimes all you can do. Take it, feel it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere, one day. Pass it on, boys. That's the game I want you to learn. Pass it on." -The History Boys

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#8re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 5:43pm

It's an event to benefit BCEFA (broadway cares equity fights AIDS) and they celebrate all the broadway and off-broadway shows that have been collecting money. On top of that the cast/designers create "easter bonnets" and use them in new/altered skits of their respective shows. it is "the hottest ticket on broadway" says the site lol! i've linked it go check it out! they also give honors to the shows that have collected the most money for BCEFA

Link Updated On: 4/17/05 at 05:43 PM

incendiary_wit Profile Photo
#9re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 6:15pm

*bows* Thank you, Juliet. I feel enlightened now. *clicks on link to learn more*

1. Ted Allen: Everyone has an interesting life if you ask the right questions.
2. Great buckets of Spoffnor, they're going to sing!
3. "I love shrubs that are historical." -Johnny and The Sprites
4. "We're not singing it to you, we're singing it for us." -Rosario Dawson, about La Vie Boheme
5. "The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours." -The History Boys
6. "Pass the parcel. That's sometimes all you can do. Take it, feel it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere, one day. Pass it on, boys. That's the game I want you to learn. Pass it on." -The History Boys

#10re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 6:25pm

Anyone who goes and posts a review here - please be sure to tell us about Rick & Barrett (from AQ), OK? re: Easter Bonnet Competition

"In my own little corner..."

LesMizazz Profile Photo
#11re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/17/05 at 11:11pm

I'm going! I'm not sure where my seat is, but judging that I payed 10 dollars, its probably kinda far back.

"And suddenly I'm flying flying like a bird, like electricity, electricity, sparks inside of me, and I'm free, I'm free" -Billy Elliot

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#12re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 1:05am

im going too. very excited to see the Altar Boyz skit!! do we know what other shows are on Monday?

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

shira467 Profile Photo
#13re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 1:08am

I can't wait to hear about it - last year was hysterical!

Deet: Shira, I Love You!

LesMizazz Profile Photo
#14re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 6:24pm

Did anyone go to the rehearsal performance today?

"And suddenly I'm flying flying like a bird, like electricity, electricity, sparks inside of me, and I'm free, I'm free" -Billy Elliot

Me2 Profile Photo
#15re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 6:57pm

The show is sold out for tomorrow right? Anyone know if theres a possibility that i can get tickets AT the performance? Like, do they have a cancellation line or anything like that?

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#16re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 7:40pm

who went?
details please re: Easter Bonnet Competition

#17re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 7:42pm

Juliet went, but said she is making a special thread for it. re: Easter Bonnet Competition

HURRY UP!! jk, but I cant wait!

Grace: I just gave a quarter to a homeless man. I think it was Johnny Depp.

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#18re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 8:11pm

okay okay hey everyone! and im pretty sure you can go to the theatre and get tickets on the spot if you wait in line early enough. today it was pretty packed but i feel like at least 15% of the seats were sold on the day.

i know someone wanted to know about Barrett Foa and "Rod" so i paid extra attention. :)

okay show opens with "Easter Bonnet in Drag" and Doris Eaton Travis appears with a house standing ovation! 101 years young! she dances with the Easter Bonnet ladies re: Easter Bonnet Competition and the crowd goes wild!

Beauty and the Beast did "hey big spender" but it was "hey big blender" with the bonnet being a blender with Mickey Mouse inside! LOL they blended him at the end!!

Fiddler on the Roof, Hairspray, Lion King, and Movin' Out all did a ballet skit. they were all so moving in this show i have to start investing in going to ballets more often.

Ahh Good Vibrations!! they completely made fun of their show and they had 3 "critics" boo the song as they performed. "what to do? no ticket sales?" says the cast. all the girls took off their clothes and danced in their bikinis singing come see an "average" show!! LOL Bonnet was a beach ball.

The skit that surprisingly made me laugh the most was Little Women. it was called "March Girls Gone Wild!" and the announcer says something like "do you want to see really hot, naughty women this summer? look no further than little women!" and sutton comes out with her frock and grabs herself all over the place and vulgarly says something like "hell yeah woo! you want some of this?!" and attempts to undress and expose her chest a la Girls Gone Wild. of course, the corset/frock had so many layers and was impossible to get off so it was just Sutton trying really energetically to undress and the light fades out! LOL she comes back 2 more times in between other people's skits and each time a little more undressed. Maureen comes out at the end and says "there will be a morning after" and Sutton cries out vulgarly, "F*** yeah! morning after!!" and runs off stage. LOL

Altar Boyz: i made a special thread for this one because it holds a special place in my heart :) my mind is probably hazy for the skits before and after ABz because i was anticipating it so much lol they rocked the house! with a guest appearance by the one and only Jesus who immediately started jammin' with the Boyz

i know i missed some and probably important. i hope someone will help fill in for me and i will post again when i remember! ahhh my head is spinning from the experience!! so much fun!!

Updated On: 4/19/05 at 08:11 PM

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#19re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 8:16pm

here i am talking about Barrett and not actually talkin about him...okay so during the announcements of the skits, Rod confronts Chris Sieber.

Chris asks Rod a question and Rod snubs him.

Chris: "what's the matter?"
Rod: "last time you open mouth kissed me and you never called! it's called commitment!"
Chris says something about being busy.
Rod: "yeah spamalot, spamalot, spamalot..." abruptly turns head away. Barrett follows suit.

Chris later consoles Rod and apologizes. he slyly whips out a rose for Rod. Rod reaches for it and quivers. :) The two almost kiss and Chris stops the moment and goes "Baby steps!"

Updated On: 4/19/05 at 08:16 PM

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#20re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 8:17pm

awwwwwwwwww poor Roddy re: Easter Bonnet Competition

ShuQ Profile Photo
#21re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 8:21pm

Thanks for the review!!! That sounds like it was so much fun. Last year I watched the Broadway Beat episode and it was HILARIOUS. Can't wait for another!!!

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#22re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 8:22pm

oh i am forgetting important stuff again. Denzel will graciously match the money collected for his show for BCEFA!! WOW

oh DRS and Spam performed a didly together with West Side Story choreography and the Holy Grail is non other than..The Tony!

Updated On: 4/19/05 at 08:22 PM

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#23re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 8:23pm

My respect for him has just gone up enormously Updated On: 4/18/05 at 08:23 PM

Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#24re: Easter Bonnet Competition
Posted: 4/18/05 at 8:31pm

WOW - that is so generous of him! Good for him.

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."
