
Quick Question About Characters In "Children Of Eden"...

Quick Question About Characters In "Children Of Eden"...

ljay889 Profile Photo
#0Quick Question About Characters In "Children Of Eden"...
Posted: 6/12/05 at 6:04pm

The production of COE that I just tried out for is not having any actor play two roles. So for instance - Adam and Noah will be played by a different person. All roles that were suppose to be shared will be played by seperate people.

Now can someone tell me about these roles.. Do they have a lot to do? How about their singing?


So yes, do these male roles have a nice amount of stage time?

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#1re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/12/05 at 6:37pm

They only show up in Act 2, but are featured in 3-4 songs, I think.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

#2re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/12/05 at 6:38pm

Well, Ham and Shem are 2 of Noah's sons. They have a few lines, and sing with the family, but never have solo singing lines. They are onstage for a lot of the second act.

Seth does virtually nothing. He comes onstage when Eve talks about him in her dying monologue, but never has a line. He only sings with the chorus in the title song at the very end of Act One.

Hope that helped. If you have any other questions, let me know!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#3re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/12/05 at 6:38pm

Do you think it would be better to be part of the Snake or be a Storyteller, than being Ham, Seth, or Shem? Updated On: 6/12/05 at 06:38 PM

#4re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/12/05 at 6:56pm

Well, I was part of the Snake when I did the show, and had a lot of fun. I think being in the Snake is a bigger part (you get a whole song), but if you want more stage time, go for Ham or Shem. In addition to being in the Snake, I was a Storyteller. You're onstage for most of the show as a Storyteller, but you're essentially the chorus. So it depends on what you want.

Even though Seth is a named role, you would get to do so much more as a Storyteller. If it's a choice between those, go for a Storyteller.

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#5re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/12/05 at 6:58pm

I would go for being a Storyteller. You will get to do much more- in terms of acting and singing. Noah's sons get to sing in a few songs in the second act, but as Blair mentioned, its very limited.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

ljay889 Profile Photo
#6re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/12/05 at 7:02pm

Here is my issue, I'm kind've stuck here.

Today, I basically tried out for all the lead male parts, except Japeth, and Father. And I didn't get a callback for additonal singing or acting. But they kept saying if you didn't get a callback they probally already made their mind up for you.

So I was thinking they might put me as Ham or Shem. But I think the Snake sounds really cool too. So this should be interesting to see how this turns out.
Updated On: 6/12/05 at 07:02 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#7re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/16/05 at 10:54pm


Well I'm apart of the snake. And a storyteller for the rest of the show.

I'm a little dissapointed. Does the snake do a lot? Besides their song.

ess2484 Profile Photo
#8re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/16/05 at 11:15pm

I would be happy to be in the show again. I was a storyteller last time I was in it. The snake is a good part. You should be happy with that.

#9re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/16/05 at 11:17pm

Just be glad you're in an amazing show. There are no small parts, only small actors...re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...

rKrispyt Profile Photo
#10re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/16/05 at 11:35pm

Also, there are lots of lines, and solos for the storytellers - how big of a group is it (the storytellers)?

When I did the show, I was Aphra and a storyteller for the rest of the show, including one of the Wasteland soloists, but they put that (the soloists) on the cast list - have yours been decided? Cause there's QUITE a handful (some entire songs - like Wasteland is sung by 4 soloists each getting a verse or two, generations is an entire song sung by 2 soloists, others are smaller like the death of abel, etc.) to be handed out t hat wouldn't be too shabby, especailly along with being a storyteller and the snake.

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

#11re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/17/05 at 12:23am

The Snake has a scene and then does the song and leaves. It's a whole lot of fun. You can be an audience favorite if it's done well. And just so you know, we bowed after half of Noah's family. It's not as small as you would think.

I'm interested to hear how your director is going to interpret it. We were directed to be very sexual in the scene. We had 4 girls and one guy, who was our "leader". The girls had big hair and red lip, and all that jazz. Very different than most productions, but interesting none the less. Let me know what you guys are doing!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#12re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/17/05 at 12:31am

This is a High School production of COE. Incase some of you were wondering.

I am also curious how our snake number will be. I am one of two guys, and 6 girls in the snake. Unfortunatly two girls of the snake aren't very good singers nor dancers, and were put in for sympathy because they are seniors. but being apart of the snake should be fun regardless.

Updated On: 6/17/05 at 12:31 AM

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#13re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/17/05 at 4:44pm

I think doing the show without the double casting is not effective. You kinda miss the whole point of the two stories being similar yet the ending differently to show change. I think that is a poor choice on your director's part.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

rKrispyt Profile Photo
#14re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 6/17/05 at 7:33pm

Wonderboy - I actually disagree.

I personally also prefer the double casting, but if you're doing it withi a large group, I think it works just as well to split it up and add more roles.

I think the show is written to make the parallels soooo obvious - they're like a slap in the face IMO, with the wording for scenes being exactly the same, how could you miss em'? I don't think the double-casting ruins or enhances that at all really, ti all depends on the director - it can be missed if you don't handle it right and don't double cast, or it can be way too much and cheesy if you DO doublecast and just do it wrong, y'know?

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

Elphaba Profile Photo
#15re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 7/22/05 at 6:45pm

just bought the cast recording today........FABULOUS!

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

ljay889 Profile Photo
#16re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 7/22/05 at 6:58pm

I decided not to this production anymore. So that means no Scotland fringe for me - oh well. Who knows if they will even be allowed to go - with all the terrorist attacks over there.

kas Profile Photo
#17re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 7/23/05 at 8:52am

as a community theater/high school director, i have to say that i hate double casting. you cannot devote enough time to coaching each actor, and they can suffer from lack of direction/stage time to explore their character. plus, it sounds bad, but what if it turns out that there is a "better" cast - the actors of the other cast secretly feel like crap.

oh - but you might be just talking about whether or not to create an ensemble (like Once on This Island). In that case, the more the merrier, as long as it works.

Elphaba Profile Photo
#18re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 7/23/05 at 9:51am

when we did YAGMCB, I cast two Lucys and two Peppermint Pattis mainly because we had 4 really good people and wanted them all to have a chance.
It worked out extremely well....but then, that was a lot different than a whoel second cast.
I'll never for get that both Lucys were incredible.....we had people come twice just to see them each do the part.
Ah, the old days

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

#19re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 7/23/05 at 1:33pm

"as a community theater/high school director, i have to say that i hate double casting. you cannot devote enough time to coaching each actor, and they can suffer from lack of direction/stage time to explore their character. plus, it sounds bad, but what if it turns out that there is a "better" cast - the actors of the other cast secretly feel like crap."

kas, I think you misunderstood what was meant by "double casting" in this case...although perhaps double casting isn't the most appropriate term. The two acts of COE feature completely different characters (minus the storytellers and the Father), so in most productions the same actors are assigned to play two different characters, one in the first act and one in the second act. For instance, the character playing Eve in Act One would also play Mama Noah in Act Two. And I agree with whoever said that they like that idea as to establish parallels between the two stories.

kas Profile Photo
#20re: Quick Question About Characters In 'Children Of Eden'...
Posted: 7/23/05 at 4:30pm

i realized that might be what you meant after i wrote it! :)
