Cole Porter in Vegas Q?

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#0Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:24pm

Glad Cole is returning to the theatre after such a long time,hehe.

3 paragraphs down. Is that this guy's real name?
Updated On: 7/28/05 at 01:24 PM

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#1re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:33pm

It sucks to be him?

#2re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:34pm

Yeah, that's kind, strange. I don't know if it's the Cole Porter, though.

What the puck?!

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#3re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:35pm

If it were the real Cole Porter, he would be appearing by way of an urn of his ashes on the set.

loganp37 Profile Photo
#4re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:35pm

If they say they are double-casting the ensemble, does that mean that there will be two different casts performing the show for half the performances in the week?

#5re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:36pm

That's probably correct.

What the puck?!

Amy Archer
#6re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:39pm

Does it list the understudies for the Las Vegas Avenue Q? I had heard through the grapevine that one of BroadwayWorld's brightest lights had been asked to audition for that company.

loganp37 Profile Photo
#7re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:39pm

It sucks to be the audience not seeing John Tartaglia.

I can't imagine someone's performance beign on the same level as the OBC. But hey, surprize me.

#8re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 1:40pm

Amy Archer- Who was asked to audition?

What the puck?!

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#9re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 2:53pm

I believe Namo was asked to auditon, but they went with someone pretty instead. I could be HAS happened.


BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#10re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 2:54pm

They asked Jule Styne and Irving Berlin to audtition but gave the role to Porter instead.

#11re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 3:33pm

"I don't know if it's the Cole Porter, though."

Sometimes. Patience. Tested.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#12re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 3:35pm

I'm pretty sure it's the real Cole Porter. I heard he's making a comeback.

TxTwoStep Profile Photo
#13re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 4:19pm

i loved Tart, of course, but i bet Foa is pretty dang good in it. i should see it again to make sure!

Will: They don't give out awards for helping people be gay... unless you count the Tonys. "I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life..."

#14re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 4:41pm

He is and you should :)

itstheM Profile Photo
#15re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 5:25pm

I was just about to post the same thing. There is such strangeness in the world....

Baby, dream your dream Close your eyes and try it!

Liz_Bennet Profile Photo
#16re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 6:22pm

Proposed new song: "My Wife, Who Lives in Paris"

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#17re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 7:01pm

How will we know what night/show John T will be in?

#18re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/28/05 at 9:25pm

The article lists 19 names total, which I take to be 2 full casts of 7, plus 5 understudies. (The Bway production has generally used 5 u/s, with one covering Kate/Lucy and Mrs.T/etc., and one covering Nicky/Trekkie and Brian.)

Between things Johnny said in the recent interview, things I've read on the Q fanclub board, and just searching for pictures of the new cast members, I'm trying to figure out who's doing what roles. By the process of elimination, I'm guessing Cole Porter has to be either a regular Brian, or a regular or u/s Princeton/Rod. (I've had no luck yet finding any pics of him or anything, just pages and pages of That Other Cole Porter. re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q? The other one I've found nothing on is Steven Booth.)

"In my own little corner..."

#19re: Cole Porter in Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/29/05 at 12:40am

I'm checking all the nooks and corners to see if anybody I know got the Vegas Q gig, after I put in a very very good word with a casting director intimate of mine.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#20re: Who cannot be named Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:03am

I hope she got it. She does look so much like Stephanie, at least her hair sorta does. I'm sure we're all in her corner.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#21re: Who cannot be named Vegas Q?
Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:20am

Not really Vegas related, but anyone else seeing The Q on Tuesday August 9th in NY?

Variations on a Theme blog:

HopefulKate Profile Photo
#22Vegas Q answers
Posted: 7/31/05 at 9:50am

Answers: Cole Porter plays one of the Brian's. The cast list you saw on is the FULL cast list. There are no more mystery names. So, unfortunately, if you didn't see your friend there, she's not in the cast. Sorry :/ And yes, there will be two casts (one set of understudies). So for the most part, 5 performances a week for each cast. There will be nights when Johnny and Rick won't be playing, but you won't be disappointed! The other cast is also FREAKING FANTASTIC! The casting directors went all over the world to find this cast, so rest assured--they are ALL incredibly talented! As are the understudies, if I do say so myself! Vegas Q answers Oh, and for the person wondering about Stephen Booth, he's one of the male ensemble guys. He's the u/s for the boys--very talented kid and pretty darn cute, too! So watch out, girls! Vegas Q answers
Updated On: 7/31/05 at 09:50 AM

#23Vegas Q answers
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:46pm

Could our little Kate Monster be using a stage name?

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

#24Vegas Q answers
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:55pm

I'm very confused about this "real Cole Porter" thing.
Last time I checked, he died in 1964 when he was 72.

Now unless he faked his own death (which still is highly improbable - as he'd be about 114 years old...and well, that'd just be ridiculous) ... I don't see how this is happening.

Maybe I'm missing the joke?

EDIT: Nevermind - I get it.
Updated On: 7/31/05 at 12:55 PM
