
Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See

Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See

My Name in Lights
#0Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 2:53pm

Another thread raised this question in my mind. Although that thread mentioned prices, I'm more concerned with content.

Have you ever been at a show where younger children were present in the audience, and the show was clearly not age appropriate for them, whether due to images or content? I experienced this at more than one show. However, the one that stands out in my mind is THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW, which was great for the rest of us, but totally not for children. It surprised me how many times there were children in the audience as young as 8-9 years old. I mean it's not as if this were a new show and most of the audience wasn't sure what to expect.
Updated On: 8/21/05 at 02:53 PM

stagebeauty Profile Photo
Georgeanne Profile Photo
#2re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 2:55pm

It's not really your decision to make whether or not a show is appropriate for a child.

It depends on maturity, not just on age.

Me, I like to live.
Me, I like to laugh.
Me, I like to love.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#3re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 2:55pm

The children's theatre that I used to work at did a show for teens about violence and hate crimeand someone brought their4 year old. I had to tell her to leave. It was great. re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See

#4re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:00pm

RENT is probably not appropriate for children under 10, but that does depend at the maturity of the child and the decision of the parents. but i wouldnt an 8 year old to see it!

Bob: "there is a chance, albeit a microscopic one, that our baby at some point in his or her formative years will get lodged in a tree" ~Related~

My Name in Lights
#5re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:01pm

I wasn't making the decision. I was just asking the question whether or not anyone else had witnessed this.

Although shows make recommendations for age appropriateness, it is still usually up to the consumer to decide. However, when the children are as young as 8-9 (or gasp, 4, as mentioned by BobbyBubby), how mature can they really be to see SOME of the things they get to see?

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#6re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:04pm

There are no shows suitable for children. God help the child that sits near me and makes noise during a $100 show!! Broadway is the reason babysitters were invented.

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page www.myspace.com/jasonklemm

Georgeanne Profile Photo
#7re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:04pm

It's a parental decision, I think.

I don't know if a anyone but a parent can make the decision on whether or not a show is appropriate for their child or not.

Me, I like to live.
Me, I like to laugh.
Me, I like to love.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#8re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:06pm

I always thought Gypsy was a little innapropriate. Stripping, smoking, drinking, arguing.
I've seen children around 5 or 6 years old at that show. I think (maybe) 11 or 12 is okay to start seeing that production. BUT I will say something that I recall saying in the past...it's a matter of the maturity level of the child. I know 10 year olds who are more mature than some 16 or 17 year olds when it comes to theatre.
4 or 5 is way to young for a lot of productions.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

Patronus Profile Photo
#9re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:12pm

I tend to agree with phillyactor.

Even if the material in the show is age appropriate for children, often times the theatre atmosphere isn't.

Little Timmy may be perfectly capable to handle the story line of Wicked, but if he can't sit still and be quiet for 3 hours then he shouldn't be there.

It does seem that most theatres have a policy where the child must be at least 4 years old to be admitted.

My Name in Lights
#10re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:16pm

Phillyactor, you made me laugh, but what you said about the noise and cost is very true.

I went to see CHITTY, which is basically a children's show, because of some of my favorite performers who happen to be in it (Raul Esparza, Kevin Cahoon).

I was in the front center mezz, in the middle of many children and their families. During the performance, there were MANY candy wrappers making awfully, audible cracking noises throughout the theatre, that I felt sorry for the actors; a child behind me who kept telling his dad that he had to go to the bathroom (which is understandable), and the dad kept ignoring him! At the end of the show, the floor of the theatre looked like the dirtiest movie theatre floor you could imagine. Bags and wrappers of all sorts on the floor. So, I see your point about the babysitters; but we shouldn't penalize the children who know how to behave, but rather the parents who ignore them.

Thanks for the laugh.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#11re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:24pm

I saw a man bring his small child to the Tony Rehearsals this year! That is longer than a typical Broadway show. All in all the child was pretty behaved considering; but she didn't seem to understand anything that was going on. She kept wanting to leave. I don't blame her. At that age, I would not want to sit through people making fake speeches either.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#12re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:27pm

They had a child (Maybe 8 or 10) on stage during SPelling Bee, the second time I saw it. It was a bit awkward during some of the more adult moments of the show.

Conor Profile Photo
#13re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:31pm

YES! When I saw spelling bee there was an 8 year old, and he was teh last speller to be eliminted and a few times I just cringed because what was going on was so inappropriate for him. I also was sitting next to a 6 year old at Avenue Q. Her parent's had thought it was in the vein of Sesame Street... they left during intermission.lol.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#14re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:31pm

I would think Sweeney Todd might be a little much for a small child . . . with the meat pies and all of the blood.

But, parents should not be taking small children to most Bway shows, period. People just don't have much common sense or common courtesy anymore.

Chitty, well that is the target audience, but I sure wish that if I went to see a show such as Chitty or Annie, that there was something akin to a kids section where people who bring younger children have to sit. Will never happen, but it would be nice.

GlindaChenoweth Profile Photo
#15re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:33pm

My mom took me 2 see Rent wen I was bout 7 years old cause her friend was in it (u prob never heard of her Idina Menzel?) but half the stuff i dint get and she took me out 4 Contact and in La Viva Bohem she would cover mi eyes cause of wat Maureen did wen theyd cuss shed have 2 cover mi ears she regreated wat she did bout takein me 2 see a M rated show but now she's goin 2 take me and mi best friend Jaimie 2 see it Friday and this time ill hopfully get 2 see the whole thing

moowithme111105 Profile Photo
#16re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:35pm

yeah, i can't wait to see it again this friday with you. finally, i'll get to see the whole show!!!

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#17re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 3:37pm

I have a baaadddd feeling about this . . .

Patronus Profile Photo
#18re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 4:13pm

Yes, I sense a "Code Elmo" in the very near future.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#19re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 4:15pm

I prefer code Bert.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#20re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 4:16pm


These two shows are filled with sexuality and adult themes. I would honestly only reccommend them for kids over 12.

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#21re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 4:18pm

Did I also mention that I also root for the witch in Hansel and Gretel. Seriously though, as an actor myself, there are quite a few adults in the audience that need a babysitter as well. I was doing a show once when a patrons cell phone went off for the SECOND time in about 5 minutes. Thankfully the show was a comedy , as I subsequently brandished the murder weapon at the troll in the front row (to spontaneous applause I might add..lol!). And don't EVEN get me started about blue hair matinees and their goddamn hard candies! Too bad theatre actually needs the audience to be there....alas!

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page www.myspace.com/jasonklemm

buffyactsing Profile Photo
#22re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 4:28pm

Awww shucks theaterbaby, Gypsy was my favorite movie when I was 9.

Like others have said, it depends on the child. Apparently some adults couldn't behave like big boys and girls during Passion previews in 1994 and kept yelling out. Someone should have spanked them.

"This ocean runs more dark and deep than you may think you know...I'll be the fear of the fire at sea." -Marie Christine

GlindaChenoweth Profile Photo
#23re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 4:30pm

Watca mean baaaaaaaaaaaaaad and that burt and other thing stuff

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#24re: Shows That Are Inappropriate for Children to See
Posted: 8/21/05 at 4:34pm

OK - Bert, Ernie, Elmo and Dr. Dillamond, me thinks we are being played . . .
