Tick Tick Boom

tmz814 Profile Photo
#25re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/10/05 at 11:26pm

toodramatic: My friend just did it as a recital piece last year/ I am pretty sure that they just took out the "happy birthday" on the piano at the end... It went over really well with the audience. Everyone lvoed it.

I love TTB by the way. 30/90 and Louder Than Words are my fav songs. My friend and I used to put that cd in and sing therapy at the top of our lungs when we were driving around town while we were in college... hehehe... I was seriously upset when this show closed. It was such an experience for me when I was there. Such fabulous performance (especially by raul) and you sort of got the feeling that you really were in the presence of Jon. It's sad to think of what he might have accomplished in his life if it hadn't ended so abruptly...

I think I have to go listen to TTB on my ipod now.. haha

We've all got our junk and my junk is you!

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#26re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/10/05 at 11:26pm

I love this recording.

#27re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/10/05 at 11:31pm

One of my all time favorites. 30/90 and See Her Smile are brilliant songs. It's also what got me to really love Raul, and he signed my CD the first time I ever really spoke to him. Unfortunately I never saw him in it, but I did see the tour and New Brunswick productions. I wish I could have seen it in London, I heard the wonderful NPH was amazing.

#28re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 12:32am

I absolutly ADORE tick..tick...BOOM! Jonathan's lyrics in that show are absolutly breathtaking. Come To Your Senses is my most used audition piece and 30/90 gets stuck in my head for days at a time. I end up singing "30/30 90 WHAT CAN I DOOOOOOO!" in the halls at school. I cry every time i listen to "why." I have a huge soft spot for that song.

TO those of you wondering about Suger...YES it is literally about suger. Lyrics:

She can be white,
she can be brown,
shes always easy,
going down going down.

she dont care, what
i look like or how i dress,
she never says "no"
always says "yes"

Oooh Sugar, she's refined,
for a small price she blows my mind,
Sugar, she's got the power,
soothes my soul for half an hour,
half an hour, half an hour!

Hope that clears things up a bit.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#29re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 12:37am

"OH MY GOD! Twinkies?! I LOVE THEM!" re: Tick Tick Boom

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#30re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 12:38am

Not to be anal, but it's: tick, tick...Boom!
And yes, I love it. I first stumbled upon the cd at my towns local Barnes and Noble. In Hicksville, GA. The fact that they actually had ttB and that it was at the listening station is remarkable as it is. Anywho, I had noticed it becuase Alan Cumming had mentioned the cd came in a gift basket he recived. He had said some good things about it, and that started my curiosity. So I'm in BandN and I see the cd on display at the listening station. I mean, come on! It's lime green and almost impossible to miss. I picked it up, and played the first song. 30/90. That voice. It absolutely knocked me off my feet. He reminded me so much of Adam Pascal. It was entrancing. I had to find out who he was. So I flipped over to the back, and read "Raul Esparza." Oh god, why does that sound familiar? Why why why??? It took me a second and then I realized. OH HOLY SH*T! That's who I will be seeing in Cabaret in a couple of months. SOLD! I bought the cd right there and then, and have loved it and Raul Esparza ever since.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#31re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 12:50am

i also thought sugar was about something else and was slightly embarassed during certain lyrics when listening to it with my mom and was very surprised when i saw the show.

it's an incredible show and raul on that cd is priceless.

No Child: http://www.epictheatrectr.org/
I Love You Because OCR: http://www.psclassics.com/cd_iloveyou.html

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#32re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 12:51am

It really doesn't help that right before the song, there's a line about being seventeen and buying condoms for the first time.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#33re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 12:59am

measureinlove16, those lyrics you posted are exactly why I DIDN'T initially think the song was about sugar, so it hardly clears anything up.

Emcee, the line about buying condoms is after the first verse. The lines immediately before the song are:

"On 9th Avenue I duck into a nondescript storefront. Only one thing can cure me now."

Um, yeah I don't mean to sound so anal, but I'm looking at the libretto right now, so it's handy.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#34re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 1:02am

heh, I knew it was *something* like that. Still.

And honestly? Raul discussing anything remotely sexual gives me problems. Ones where my knees just turn into blobs of jelly.

Now, seriously - I love that song. It's a lot of fun, especially in the car.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 9/11/05 at 01:02 AM

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#35re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 1:05am

i liked it before but now that i know that it's literally about sugar, i love it even more. it's become a better song.

No Child: http://www.epictheatrectr.org/
I Love You Because OCR: http://www.psclassics.com/cd_iloveyou.html

#36re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 9:59am

Crysanthemum- not to be anal? yeah...

Lamenting- give it another listen. I didn't care for it too much the first couple times. The only one I could listen to was 30/90. You gotta keep with it. It's amazing.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#37re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 12:05pm

No one has mentioned loving "real life" and "johnny can't decide"! They are amazing!

#38re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 12:33pm

Yes, I like both of those songs. I saw the show in London, and loved it, but after the show it hit me that they didn't sing Boho Days. Was that actually sung in the original, or was it an extra on the CD?

Be a BE*liever! Feel the electricity!

wickedrentq Profile Photo
#39re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 1:01pm

Broadwaybaby, I said "Real Life" was my fav song of them all.

"If there was a Mount Rushmore for Broadway scores, "West Side Story" would be front and center. It snaps, it crackles it pops! It surges with a roar, its energy and sheer life undiminished by the years" - NYPost reviewer Elisabeth Vincentelli

absolutely fabulous Profile Photo
absolutely fabulous
#40re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 1:12pm

the soundtrack is awsome. im also a big "30/90" fan and i love "louder than words" too. really, the whole thing is just amazing.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#41re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 1:31pm

AlexL, "Boho Days" isn't part of ttB, it's a recording on Jonathan Larson singing. It was originally part of the one-man-show he did that ttB is based on.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#42re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 2:10pm

Boho days is amazing 2. Just another show of Jonathan's extreem talent. I think it really adds to the soundtrack. I know the show was gonna be called "Boho das" originaly.

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#43re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 3:16pm

i need to buy tick, tick..BOOM!, the first time I listend to it I borrowed it from the library and didnt give it back for like a month becuase i loved it so much. Now I'm seriously going through a withdrawl because aparently someone else in my neighborhood loves ttb and keeps on taking it out! I've been having the songs stuck in my head for the past two weeks.

I didn't realize Sugar was about sugar until just now.. i never really listened to that song that closely, I didn't like it that much..but maybe now i do haha.
Updated On: 9/11/05 at 03:16 PM

BWIDB Charlie
#44re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 3:39pm

Re: Louder Than Words ending:

When the show was playing Off-Broadway, they had a cd sampler (as many shows do) to advertise the cast recording and show. It had a Single version of LTW. Basically, they do they "louder than.." and instead of the piano playing Happy Birthday, there is a small drum solo and guitar chords, and they sing "words."

In a performance setting, it's pretty easy to drop the ending. Such a great song, though!

There will probably be many regional performances of the show in the coming months/years, as MTI not represents the piece. For a while, it was next to impossible to license the show, as you had to track down the right agents, etc etc. I "think" the Larson estate/agents saw the high demand for the show. Or, MTI wanted to represent both of his shows.

*end schpiel*

- magicpiane@kc.rr.com
Updated On: 9/11/05 at 03:39 PM

#45re: Tick Tick Boom
Posted: 9/11/05 at 3:57pm

...yeeeeeah, definitely didn't catch Sugar's *actually* about Sugar...I'm sorry, I just get distracted by Raul!

It's also not one of my favourites, so I just sort of skip it to get to "See Her Smile." *melts* I want to be Susan opposite the Sex God. Dayum.

Anyway. tick, tick...BOOM!=Love.