
ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)

ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)

#0ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 12:57am

Well peeps. What can I say- ASU rocks my socks. I went into the theater having seen the show back in June and loved it.

As you all know Jenn Gamabetese is out on vacation. But when I went Leah Hocking was also out and her understudy Jenny Lynn Suckling was on. So I go in and get to my seat, Im front row... like right infront of the orchestra and able to see people on stage and make contact (more that later)

ACT 1:

Love Me Tender- Julie was on, she was really good. Mark as usual was hilarious. I always laugh at the "I have to go get drunk now" line... its hilarious. I finally saw the bride leave in the car.

Heartbreak Hotel- Awesome as usual. Nikki and Sharon always amazing. The dancing is amazing. Like being in Row 0 last time I saw the dance but you feel it when you're two feet from the stage, you get that engery feel. Plus my seat vibrated from the drums.

Roustabout- Hello, Cheyenne rocks.. he's freaking the man. I mean seriously its like the most awesome thing I've seen. I mean he is just freaking amazing. The girls of the enesemble cracked me up when they first see him. Hilarious.

One Night With You- Julie was hilarious. She did alot of Jenn's movements, and adlibs, that make the song hilarious. The reprises had the audience laughing.

C'mon Everybody- Clapped my ass off. Sang alittle. But it was cool to be able to see so close up just how awesome the change from dull to alive is. I mean they really do come alive when he touches the jukebox.

Follow That Dream- Julie was awesome. Cheyenne as always was right on. He seriously was just on. When he did the "I've been with alot of women" line, he pointed at the lady next to me and she like blushed. Ironically her husband and her moved seats later. How strange :-P

Teddy Bear/Hound Dog- Jenny Lynn was amazing vocally, not so good in the acting department, she seemed kinda weird. Like she wasnt fully prepared. (How many times has she actually gone on?)--- Cheyenne, Julie and Mark were right on and awesome. I die everytime Cheyenne says "When I see a hott woman who digs hott art, I say hott diggity", it cracks me up.

Thats All Right- Mark made the crowd laugh with his nerdy "Thank ya very much" and Sharon and Nikki rocked it. The ensemble has changed alittle since I was there in June, but they still have Justin Patterson, my favorite ensemble male ensemble and Trisha Jeffery is my favorite female ensemble although Cara Cooper may have stolen it (you'll see why later)

(You're The) Devil In Diguise- Alix is so evil, she is just.. Ah, you just wanna slap her. Poor Curtis being thrown around like some rag doll. Alix was hilarious. The crowd laughed at the fake flames. I as the ASU Super Fan went wild. Can I officially be called the ASU Super Fan? Nah, Liz beats me. Love ya Liz.

Its Now or Never- I love this song, Nikki and Curtis are just too cute. Its just amazing. I love the bike, its just so cute and Ah. She's too cute- I 3> NIKKI (why... you'll find out) and I noticed Brad Anderson was on the bus, I recongized him from Bryant Park.

Blue Suede Shoes- Julie looked so funny in all Ed's stuff, her beard looked really real though. Justin doing his blue suede shoeing, always a good one. Cheyenne rocked it.

Dont Be Cruel- A new glasses girl has come to town, she is very good, I believe I met her but Im not sure. But otherwise, John and Cheyenne hit it! The "COOL" makes me die.

Let Yourself Go- Leah's version rocks. Jenny's verison was pretty good. She doesnt really have Leah's "Im so classy" thing, she seems really too snobby. Its kinda weird. Me and my stautes, love those statues.

Cant Help Falling In Love- My favorite song in the song, its so pretty. When the wall between audience and cast is broken during the final part, I love it. Cast rocked it.

During intermission when playbill collecting and bought a poster for stage door. Also talked to some people who enjoyed the show and might come back.

All Shook Up- Awesome. Its like the title song, I mean come on. Cheyenne and his gutair. It was awesome. Julie was on, she was quite good at being Ed.

Its Hurts Me- Mark Price is a star PERIOD. I mean this song is so heartful and touching you feel bad for him like I know what happens and before I did, I felt bad for him.. but I know good things go Dennis's way....

A Little Less Converstation- Woah. Julie rocked. She was into it, just insane. I love that song, its truly the moment where Natalie just has had it with Chad not noticing her feelings and even as Ed she expresses them well.

The Power of My Love- This song makes me laugh just because John and Cheyenne are so clueless in the beginning. Jenny was good, but I missed Leah.

I Dont Want To- "OH ED, I'VE NEVER FELT THIS WAY BEFORE", Oh how I love this crazy number. Cheyenne was so freaking hilarious. Him on the merry go round. Oh. my. god. I died laughing.

JailHouse Rock- Got good applause and had people clapping. This is most deff for the Elvis fans in the audience because its so true to form of the movie. Cheyenne and ensmeble rock it.

There's Always Me- Sharon is a star. This song proves it. She sang her ass off again. She is just awesome- not just cause she's the "WHAT BABY" lady from Two Weeks Notice.

If I Can Dream- I love this number because truly If you can dream you pretty much can do anything- date interacially, fall in love with you're sidekick whose really a girl deeply in love with you--- yah know the small stuff. Cheyenne, Nikki, Curtis rocked. The flying motorcycle angels- HILARIOUS. I love them. Them and the statues--- my friends that whats life's all about.

Cant Help Falling In Love (reprise)- Hilarious. Only comment- GO JOHN JELLISON and "SON YOU'RE A BLACK MAN"- HILARIOUS.

Fools Fall In Love- Julie nailed it. Truly great. She is so awesome. Jenn has one awesome understudy. She was so upset and all like Jenn was. Its awesome. Go Julie.

Burning Love- The cast rocks. That song is where I made contact with Nikki, she saw me singing along and clapping and kept smiling at me and being really awesome. Alix flipped her fan at me.

The encore of C'mon Everybody- strong, rocking, crazy fun.

Standing O for Cheyenne from me.

Stage door- *BEST EXPERIENCE ever!*

Went to stage door and I began to notice people remembering me. Justin remembered me and told me it was awesome I came back. Cara Cooper comes out and goes "I had so much fun watching you Mr Front Row" and I kept laughing. Julie was really nice. So were John Eric Parker and Micheal Cusumano. As always Trisha was sweet. So Nikki comes out and goes "Hey Mr. Front Row, singing along, clapping and all, I was watching you" and I was like "This is my second time" and she goes "Obviously" then I told her about our plea and she said that it was really awesome. Cheyenne came out. He remembered me. He told me he thought our plea was great and to keep going. Alix was awesome too. Jenny Lynn ran by, she apparently was meeting her husband. No Shows included John H, Sharon, and Mark. I met Sharon and John before but Mark P still aludes me, WHY MARK WHY!

ASU rocks one and all and thats what its all about. The crowd was really good. I'd say about 70- 85% the mid mezz and orch were rocking. I'd say this weekend was good for the show. Im planning on a third trip when I can get back up here again. Basically people- If you wanna laugh, If you wanna sing along, or clap- come see ASU.

Its offical- IM IN LOVE--- IM ALL SHOOK UP.

*Mr Front Row*

Updated On: 9/18/05 at 12:57 AM

#2re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 2:25am

how was Curtis at the stage door? People tend to skip him. Just wondering. he's my fav. part of the show, such a good voice.

liotte Profile Photo
#3re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 7:58am

Thanks for the review!!

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#4re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 8:46am

Did Cara Cooper go on for Jenn at all this week? Just curious as to how she did.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#5re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 10:20am

Thanks for the great review! The show is a lot of fun, it just seems like no one knows it exists, like if it advertised right it could have all of the Elvis fans, and there are a lot of them.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

chrissly Profile Photo
#6re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 10:50am

Wow. What an awesome post about an awesomely awesome experience. With such an awesome critical eye, you should write for the NYTimes. That would be awesome.

willact4food Profile Photo
#7re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 12:11pm

chrissly, that's not necessary.

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#8re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 12:29pm

does anyone know why the billboard isnt up in front of the palace anymore? I was at TKTS yesterday and noticed it was gone...is this a bad sign.... re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#9re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 12:38pm

They're replacing it.

new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#10re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 12:40pm

Okay, that's good...I was getting a little worried...when is the new one going up...any idea?

Sponsor me as I walk the Philadelphia AIDS Walk - Sunday, October 16, 2011. Many of our friends, family and neighbors are in desperate need of health care services and other life-saving programs, but with cutbacks in government dollars , these programs are often under-funded. Now, more than ever, your donations are needed to support organizations providing HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention education, counseling and testing and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS. http://www.aidswalkphilly.org/users/index.php/profile/detail/186643

#11re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 12:45pm

Great Review! glad you enjoyed the show.

#12re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 7:02pm

Answers to Questions-

Curtis- nice guy... really nice got pix with him

Julie went on for Jenn

Aww thanks chrissly for those kind words

Im planning to go back in either Oct or Nov

#13re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/18/05 at 7:07pm

I would NEVER even dream of slapping Mama Korey.

Them's be the devils words.
Updated On: 9/18/05 at 07:07 PM

#14re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/20/05 at 6:54pm

HaHa. She's so evil. its hilarious.

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#15re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/20/05 at 7:05pm

mark came out the stage door the first time i saw the show back in april, but i haven't seen him since! I LOVE MARK PRICE. i'm always looking for him. even if i see another show, i'll stop by the stagedoor to see if he's there. he never is! wahh.

mark, where ever you are...i love you.

#16re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/20/05 at 7:13pm

I met Mark right after Bway on Bway because I made that my meeting spot to meet my aunt. So we waited and he came along with his I-POD on, I stopped him and got a picture with him. Also remet Julie, Cheyenne (who I matched shirts with), Nikki, Leah and saw Curtis and Sharon go in. It was so awesome.

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#17re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/20/05 at 7:26pm

that's so cool! i didn't know mark was at bway on bway! i was there. i wish i saw him! but that sounds like a cool experience for you.

#18re: ClumsyDude gets ALL SHOOK UP again. (9-17-05 8:00 show)
Posted: 9/20/05 at 7:32pm

He wasnt. I meant to say the ALL SHOOK UP stage door was our meeting spot. He was so nice.
