Posted: 5/19/06 at 6:46pm

I just heard about this new musical "HONK!" while looking for potential musicals to do next year at my high school. I heard the demo disc that was sent as a sample of the score and so far I really LOVE what I hear! And after doing some reading around online, this show souns AWESOME. Anyone ever seen or done it before? How do you like it? Is it as good as it sounds?

We are looking for a show with capability for a small cast with limited males... so far "HONK!" is the best we have found. Any other ideas?

AND... anyone have the cast recording and/or know where I can find one for a good deal? So far I have found an "Original American Cast Recording" and a "Scarborough" version. Which is better? And is there anywhere I can find it cheaper than 28 bucks? (!) (Apparently the music is out of print now or something like that so they REALLY getcha on the price!)

Thanks for your reviews!
Updated On: 5/19/06 at 06:46 PM

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#1re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 6:54pm

I workshoped Honk! Jr. It's basicly the same but meant for elementry school children. I don't know if high schoolers would be to keen on doing it though, I was in it the summer before 6th grade. When I was in it there were about 25 people in the entire cast. It's a good show to do if you don't have many males. Most of the male parts can be played by females. You only really need two guys to play Drake and Ugly. It's also a great show to do because you don't need to spend a crapload of money on sets and costumes. If you google Broadway Junior you'll get their website and I know you can order the cast recording of Honk Jr. there.

#2re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 6:58pm

Thanx. The Jr. version isn't the only one available is it? And, what exactly are the differences in the jr. version?

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#3re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:01pm

I'm not quite sure. There aren't many differences. I think that they make the music easier to sing, and there are a few diolouge changes here and there. Another Jr. show I've workshoped is Dear Edwina Jr. It's perfect if you have a lot of girls to cast but again it might be too young for high schoolers.

I don't think the Jr. version is the only avalible one. I've seen high schools do the regular Honk. Updated On: 5/19/06 at 07:01 PM

broadway86 Profile Photo
#4re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:04pm

I think Honk! is one of the most underrated shows. The music is fun, there's some great roles, and it's touching and adorable without being too cute for its own good.

#5re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:04pm

Updated On: 5/19/06 at 07:04 PM

#6re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:09pm

In hopes of not sounding stupid, can you define workshopping for me? I know what it means in regards to Broadway workshopping before rehearsals, picking actors, etc. but thats about it.

And btw: who are the lead roles in the show?

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#7re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:09pm

Workshop in what I did was before Honk Jr. was released to the general public and MTI had wanted to make a Jr. version of Honk so they got together some people gave us a script of what they had so far and directed. We worked on it for two weeks so they could see how the age group would respond to it and if it was a good idea and what not. After the two weeks we performed it for an audience and the MTI people were there seeing which songs and characters worked. I haven't gotten to see the finished product yet.

#8re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:12pm

Gotcha! (thanx 4 the clarification) ...and who are the lead roles?

RCCS_5280 Profile Photo
#9re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:14pm

I have choreographed HONK twice and I love it. It is a great piece with a great message, especially for a High School. Between the two recordings, I like the American recording better. The orchestrations are fuller.
The lead roles are Ugly- The Ugly Duckling, Ida- Ugly's Mother and The Cat- The 'Villian' in the piece. He is the one that steals Ugly away and througout the rest of the musical the Cat and Ida are both in a search to get to Ugly first. There are tons of supporting and character roles as well which make it a great ensemble piece.

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#10re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:15pm

Ugly (the main character) Drake (Ugly's Father) Ida (Ugly's Mother)and his siblings are all pretty big characters. There's a breakdown and character discription http://www.broadwayjr.com/store/showkitproduct.asp?oid=13
^there. It's for the Jr. version but all the characters are the same.

forget regret <3 Profile Photo
forget regret <3
#11re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:17pm

I played Ida in a production of Honk Jr. two years ago at my middle school. I really didn't enjoy it. The music isn't that bad, but with a group of middle school kids with bad voices singing makes it seem so much worse. I don't really like the show as a whole either. I guess it is okay for a middle school, but I know as a high school student that I would definitely not want to do that show now. Maybe Into the Woods?

"forget regret <3, I love your post.....you give me hope for the next generation!" -Elphaba
Updated On: 5/19/06 at 07:17 PM

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#12re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:20pm

Into the Woods only works if you have amazing talent. Sondheim is hard to pull off. They have a Jr. version of that too...lol.

WhenURScrap Profile Photo
#13re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:22pm

I LOVE the show. My university did it Fall semester and I cried. It's an adorable show and really great ensemble show. A high school could pull it off if you are also aiming to perform it in front of the other schools such as elementary and middle.

When I was volunteering for the music teacher and acting club in my elementary school, we looked at doing Honk Jr. as a production I would help direct.

The show can also be taken on a different view depending on your audience. The production my school did really brought out the fact that the Cat seems to be a pedophile and costumed the cat like Michael Jackson. But that can be played down as just a Cat and Duck chase.

I have the CD to the American One if you want to e-mail me I can maybe hook you up with some songs or something or more info. I love this show and I have a lot to say!

Email: cmractor@gmail.com

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#14re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:23pm

Once Upon a Mattress might be good. You need two strong guys though, and a great character actress who is an alto.

forget regret <3 Profile Photo
forget regret <3
#15re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:25pm

Haha yes, I was Cinderella in Into the Woods Jr. last year also at my middle school. We really didn't have amazing talent, and it still turned out okay. It ended up being MUCH better than Honk. We may do the full version next year at my high school, and I think we can pull it off. We have some very good female talent and not so much for males, but I think we can handle it. I, personally, would take Into the Woods over Honk any day.

"forget regret <3, I love your post.....you give me hope for the next generation!" -Elphaba

DayDreamer Profile Photo
#16re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:25pm

I saw a regional production of the show and really enjoyed it.

Celebrate Life

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. - Randy Pausch

Renthead#1 Profile Photo
#17re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:36pm

Honk is ok it is just a musical version of the ugly duckling.

Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall

broadway86 Profile Photo
#18re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 7:51pm


The main characters are:

The Cat (can be male or female)

#19re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 8:05pm

The middle school over in my town just did Honk this year. It was adorable and definitely enjoyable... as a middle school show. It is not a good high school show at all; it's meant for 7th/8th/9th graders (and 9th is pushing it for sure). A friend of mine's younger sister is in a production this summer and she's just out of 8th grade.

My high school has almost no males but plenty of female talent. We're doing Into The Woods next year.

#20re: HONK!
Posted: 5/19/06 at 11:26pm

I was in the professional midwest premier of HONK (as beaky) and worked with the actual book writer/lyricist Anthony Drewe. It is a wonderful show with many great parts.I have the Original Cast recording as well as the US Premier cast in Kansas. I think that the Kansas one is better (I got it on amazon). I LOVE HONK!!

#21re: HONK!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 12:46pm

Sorry to bump this up, but I selected Honk as the musical next winter for my children's theater, but I haven't nailed down whether we're going to go with the original or the junior edition. I have persuals for both on order, but I am wondering if anyone has actually seen/read through both and know of the cuts and changes from original to junior.

Our age range is usually pretty wide, we cast children as young as 3 and usually have a few adults which have ranged into their 70s. The largest portion of participants are usually 11-13 y/o females.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

I<3bway Profile Photo
#22re: HONK!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 2:57pm

I really don't care for this show either. Updated On: 7/4/06 at 02:57 PM

#23re: HONK!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 2:59pm

Uh, last time I checked I wasn't bumping MY OWN THREAD.

ETA: This girl must be the queen of editing her own posts to make replies irrelveant.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay
Updated On: 7/4/06 at 02:59 PM

Candleshoe2 Profile Photo
#24re: HONK!
Posted: 7/4/06 at 3:07pm

I personally do not care for this show at all. My high school did this and completely butchered it. I'm not saying the show itself is bad; if done right, it can be a very well-done production, but the overall experience of it made me dislike the show. Maybe, if you choose to do this, you'll have MUCH better luck with it.
