NYC Trip (This Week!)

#0NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 12:37am

I am a senior, and have worked on 30 productions in my community in Nebraska. I am finally getting the chance to go to NYC with my high school theatre group. This is my first time. Does anyone have any places we should stop if we have time or comments about the shows we are seeing?!

Wicked (Wednesday)
Tarzan (Thursday)
The Color Purple (Friday)
Drowsy Chaparone (Sat Mat.)
Beauty and the Beast (Sat Night)


(i'll be sure to post reviews when I get back of everything!)
I hope the stars are in all of the shows when we see the performances, if not well see them at the Tonys!? But are stars/leads usually out of the show before the Tonys?!

moulin724rouge Profile Photo
#1re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 12:44am

one big peice of advice..... BRING YOUR CAMERA!!

sounds like an amazing trip especially since it is ur first time.... and the TONYS!! boy are you lucky! I've only seen 2 of the shows u are seeing.... wicked and the drowsy chaperone and both are excellent... plus chaperone will be winning some tonys so it is awesome that you are seeing it right before! Have fun and always go to stage doors afterwards! also, u have to see central park and eat at the carnegie deli!! it might be really hot tho so pack shorts!

teebz Profile Photo
#2re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 12:48am

If this is your first real theater experience you'll probably enjoy Wicked & Beauty and the Beast for it's sets and effects.

The Drowsy Chaperone and The Color Purple are both WONDERFUL shows (esp. TCP). Your gonna have a great time at both.

I haven't seen Tarzan yet so I cant say much-but what I have heard has not been good.

I hope you have an awesome time here and like moulin said BRING A CAMERA!

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#3re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 1:40am

and you're not seeing The Wedding Singer?

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#4re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 1:46am

we booked many of these shows a while ago, and just didnt get tickets to Wedding Singer. Many new shows though.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#5re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 1:46am

Go eat at Angus or Joe Allens if you wanna see actors
Muscle yer hot but Weding Singer is not

#6re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 2:01am

We have reservations at: Tavern on the Green, Joe Allens, Sardis, and The Rainbow Room

mikem Profile Photo
#7re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 6:03am

5 Broadway shows plus the Tonys and 4 pretty expensive restaurants -- sounds like a wonderful itinerary but not a cheap trip for a high school student! Were you able to get some good discounts?

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#8re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 8:20am

This sounds incredible! Have a blast! re: NYC Trip (This Week!)

You'll enjoy WICKED, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST and all the places you have reservations to eat.

I was able to go to the Tony's and had one of the best nights of my life.

Savor each moment. re: NYC Trip (This Week!)


WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#9re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 10:05am

Excellent choices! You will enjoy every single one of those shows.

I am *so glad* you are not seeing The Wedding would ruin your trip.

#10re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 10:17am

"one big peice of advice..... BRING YOUR CAMERA!!"

Here's how to have some fun:
Time how long it takes a Broadway usher to seat you. (Chances are it will be a long time). Before the show, or during intermission, take a flash picture inside the theater. Observe how fast the Broadway usher can get to you. It's amazing how quickly those people can move when they want to.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

AnnaFabulous Profile Photo
#11re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 10:32am

Honey, make a checklist. Bring a camera, an umbrella, a sharpie (you'll want signatures if you're paying the buttload I think you are), clothes for rainy weather too (even though it's June, New York can be weather unpredictable), and you must bring spending money you'll be sorry if you didn't.
As for the shows.
Wicked - I'm sick of it, but it's still a big spectacular.....thing.
Tarzan - Dear God......I haven't seen it, but I feel embarrassed for everyone in it.
Beauty and the Beast - Is really sweet and magical and everything you're probably expecting.
Drowsy Chaperone- Great choice.
Color Purple - Great choice.

You can check theatre reviews lots of places but I personally prefer

Have a good trip

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#12re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 10:38am


Metrocards are your friends.

Don't take the Chinatown bus, but I'm sure you're already good with that.

If don't mind looking like a tourist, buy a NYC Subway map umbrella and it will make your day.

If you have time, I suggest touring Radio City and NBC Studios.

If you're rich, eat at the Sea Grill in Rockefeller Center.

and for the shows:
Wicked - No matter how people hate it, it's very entertaining - lots of fun spectacle.
Tarzan - Eh this could be icky.
Beauty and the Beast - Ashley Brown rockkkss.
Drowsy Chaperone - My favorite of the bunch
The Color Purple - Really moving, LaChanze is amazing.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#13re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 10:45am

Too bad Ashley Brown already left Beauty and the Beast...she was excellent in it. Can't wait to see her in Mary Poppins.

#14re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 10:54am

Have a great time. My first trip to NYC was the summer after my senior year and I was so excited that I threw up on the plane. re: NYC Trip (This Week!) Hope you don't do that! I have been countless times since, but that trip holds such a special place in my heart. I saw four shows and counted myself lucky. You should truly count yourself lucky for all the ones you'll be seeing, plus the TONYS! My guess is that you are going to enjoy all of them. There is nothing like your first Broadway experience and you'll be blown away by the talent, whether or not you enjoy the story. Keep a journal of your thoughts of the shows, NYC in general, where you eat, who you see, etc. You'll love to read it in ten years.
I agree with the person who suggested the NBC tour. I think you and your friends will think it is interesting. It sounds like you'll be pretty busy, but if you get a chance, go down to the Village and wander around. As much as you'll love Times Square and all the Broadway stuff, you should try to see a little more of the city if possible. If not this time, some other time.

#15re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 11:01am

You must go here:

This is fun (and free):

Try and go here:

Try and spend money here (good selection of Broadway musicals):

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#16re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 11:25am

congrats on your trip! i'm going on my first nyc trip soon too, the 21st of june. so i'm stealing a lot of your thread's responses for my own trip re: NYC Trip (This Week!) i'm only seeing 3 shows and no tony's re: NYC Trip (This Week!) but i think we're both gonna have an amazing time!

#17re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 1:36pm

I'm so glad that you are going on such a fabulous trip! Bring a camera, and have fun in the city. You will probably enjoy all of the shows(not sure about Tarzan, though)and of course the Tony's will be spectacular. Have a good time!

"Don't worry cracker boy, it's cool."

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#18re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 1:43pm

"Tarzan - Dear God......I haven't seen it, but I feel embarrassed for everyone in it". Anna-not so fabulous.

I haven't seen Tarzan, that's why i don't talk about it.

WOT, just because you didn't like TWS doesn't mean it would ruin his trip, if you don't have anything good to say about this show, why do you say that? It's like your wishing these people to lose their jobs or something?

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
Updated On: 6/5/06 at 01:43 PM

Me2 Profile Photo
#19re: NYC Trip (This Week!)
Posted: 6/5/06 at 1:53pm

Dont listen to all the Tarzan negativity. Just go in with an open mind and make your own decision. You're seeing a bunch of great shows so enjoy yourselves! And the Tonys! Lucky!

And you guys should go to central park and check out the broadway softball games! Those are fun! Plus its nice to just sit around in the park.

And go say hi to Merle after Tarzan, she grew up in Nebraska.
