


DAME Profile Photo
Posted: 12/11/06 at 1:58pm

"Expanding the current time warp created by "A Chorus Line" and "Les Miserables," the national tour of "Annie" has landed in New York after a year on the road. But instead of showing its age, the production -- directed by lyricist and original Broadway helmer Martin Charnin -- beams with opening-night energy and charm. It even boasts a bit of Gotham-only stunt casting that proves surprisingly inspired.
With its overture, feel-good politics and endless reprises of songs like "Tomorrow" and "Maybe," the material is pleasantly old-fashioned.

It also shows impeccable craft as the story zips by without a single unnecessary scene. We learn just what we need to care about little orphan Annie (Marissa O'Donnell), who's trapped in a Depression-era orphanage until her pluck gets her adopted by wealthy bachelor Daddy Warbucks (Conrad John Schuck).

By the time F.D.R. (Allan Baker) arrives to sing about unemployed Americans getting a "new deal for Christmas," it almost seems plausible that a good attitude and a clever melody can turn this country around.

O'Donnell does commendable work in the lead, belting her solos in strong voice and avoiding schmaltz in tender moments with Schuck. Like the rest of the kiddie thesps, however, she trowels on precociousness in the orphanage scenes. The seven girls overact their various quirks -- she's the nervous one, she's the bully -- but it may be because they're worried about hitting the back of Madison Square Garden's enormous theater.

The one actor guaranteed to reach the last row is Kathie Lee Gifford, playing sadistic orphanage director Miss Hannigan. (In other cities, the role is filled by Alene Robertson.) With her hair piled in a chaotic mound and her body curved like a lower-case "r," Gifford gives a winning comic perf as a woman who delights in being cruel. She's particularly nimble with physical bits, blithely hurling herself against door frames and onto the floor as she despairs over Annie escaping the orphanage before she herself can.

There are a few scenes where Gifford almost stops the show with her "look at me" antics, but her adult co-stars know how to break in and keep the plot moving. And when it's time to dance and sing, Gifford drops her shtick to become part of the ensemble.

Providing crucial ballast, Schuck's turn as Warbucks is built on understatement. He's particularly affecting in a scene where he pretends to be happy that Annie might leave him to live with her birth parents.

But that's grownup stuff. Kids likely will be most enthralled by Lola, the dog who plays Annie's sidekick Sandy. The pooch does some impressive work, particularly when she hops on three legs and hides in a gift box under Daddy Warbucks' tree. Judging by aud reaction at the performance reviewed, Lola is the superstar, and the tuner behind her is a delightful bonus."


munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#1re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/11/06 at 2:03pm

I would like to go see this production. I have always liked ANNIE, and I was hoping Gifford would become the camp-fest of 2006. If she's actually good, even better.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#2re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/11/06 at 3:01pm

I'm going to see ANNIE on Thursday with my school's Drama Club.

I'll report back on my view. re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

DAME Profile Photo
#3re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/11/06 at 5:33pm

Have any other reviews popped up?


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#4re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/11/06 at 5:51pm

Hopefully it will be around next year as can not do it this year

Poster Emeritus

mentaltenant Profile Photo
#5re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/11/06 at 8:59pm

For some reason, I've always liked KLG and I'm not basing that on anything because I've only ever seen her when she did the talk show but something draws me to her. When she made the "sweatshop" joke on "The View" I really became a fan because I love people who can make fun of things like that. Anyway, my point is I'm not surprised she's good in this show because she seems to have stopped taking herself so seriously (i.e: her albums).

#6re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/26/06 at 10:26pm

Does anyone know if her email really is Marissa_Odonnell@yahoo.com?

LilDiva05 Profile Photo
#7re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/27/06 at 9:10pm

That's the right e-mail.


#8re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/27/06 at 10:04pm

Keep in mind her mother gets the e-mails first.

Producer2 Profile Photo
#9re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/27/06 at 10:12pm

The show was wonderful! Kathie Lee was absolutely terrific!
The girl who played Annie was wonderful as well! This production is one hundred times better than then the '98 production. Being in MSG, it had a circus like atmosphere with the popcorn and cotton candy.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#10re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/28/06 at 1:18am

Do I forsee a Broadway transfer?

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

Broadway Matt Profile Photo
Broadway Matt
#11re: VARIETY Loves new 'ANNIE' and GIFFORD
Posted: 12/28/06 at 1:21am

the Times didn't think too highly of the production, particularly Gifford's performance. that's the only other review I've seen:


"The last train out of any station will not be full of nice guys." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"I wash my face, then drink beer, then I weep. Say a prayer and induce insincere self-abuse, till I'm fast asleep"- In Trousers
