
Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?

Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?

christine_c Profile Photo
#1Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/10/07 at 11:32am

Supposedly it's coming here, so I'm thinking off getting tickets. Anyone see it and want to tell me what you thought?

Broadway Bob* Profile Photo
Broadway Bob*
#2re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/10/07 at 1:24pm

There's a CABARET tour?!? What touring company is producing it?

<-- Tevye, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, March 2018

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#2re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 1:53am

^ My thoughts exactly!

I know that BWW has a list of shows currently on tour and I do not remember seeing Cabaret on there.

I mean, if there is a tour then I would love to see it. I know there was one a few years ago that came up to Boston [with Terri Hatcher as Sally Bowles] but unfortunately I missed out on it.

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

#3re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 8:23am

It's coming here to Richmond as well. I hear it's a non-Equity tour "based on" the Mendes revival version.

madbrian Profile Photo
#4re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 8:29am

"I know there was one a few years ago that came up to Boston [with Terri Hatcher as Sally Bowles] but unfortunately I missed out on it. "

You should change 'unfortunately' to 'fortunately'. I was in Chicago years ago and caught Terri Hatcher as Sally Bowles, and believe me, you were fortunate to miss her. Couldn't sing most of the songs.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#5re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 10:48am

Sally Bowles is a third-rate singer -- she's NOT supposed to be able to sing, hence why she's still slumming in a seedy cabaret in Berlin. It's the entire premise of the character, hence why numerous non-singing actresses took on the role during it's recent Broadway revival at Studio 54. A good singing voice isn't required for the role. Actresses who could sing had the song keys changed in order for them to 'sing bad' (per Susan Egan).

It still amuses me that so-called fans of CABARET always remark about the actresses playing Sally Bowles and their lack of singing talent. Sad to see that this character trait is still lost by tons of people.

BroomstickBoy Profile Photo
#6re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 12:51pm

"It still amuses me that so-called fans of CABARET always remark about the actresses playing Sally Bowles and their lack of singing talent. Sad to see that this character trait is still lost by tons of people."

THANK YOU. I blame the movie. People are lost in the whole "she's not supposed to be a good singer, it's a challenging ACTING role" concept.

I didn't know they changed the keys for them to "sing bad", because it's kind of hard for Susan Egan to sound bad in my opinion, LOL.

I don't WANT to live in what they call "a certain way." In the first place I'd be no good at it and besides that I don't want to be identified with any one class of people. I want to live every whichway, among all kinds---and know them---and understand them---and love them---THAT's what I want! - Philip Barry (Holiday)

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#7re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 4:16pm


Poor Anna Maxwell Martin got a lot of pans in this new west end revival because her singing wasn't as fantastic as Minelli's.

Do people LISTEN to the show? there's like, two or three specific lines that declare: "Sally Bowles is a bad singer."

Well, not bad, but certainly below average. Which is why my favorite Sally on recoridng is Natasha Richardson.

I also didn't know about this key change....fun. I didn't think they changed the key for McArdle, who if I remember just belted her face off throughout the tour.

I also blame the movie. Not that the movie is a bad movie. It's just very different than the stage version and makes different choices. (In fact, I think it's really one of the best ten movies ever made.)

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#8re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 4:23pm

^ McArdle is a fantastic Sally. re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
[Sort of an oxymoron if you think about it, because Sally isn't supposed to be fantastic... or even that good at all].

You should change 'unfortunately' to 'fortunately'. I was in Chicago years ago and caught Terri Hatcher as Sally Bowles, and believe me, you were fortunate to miss her. Couldn't sing most of the songs.

Honey, that's the whole point of the character. She isn't supposed to be "the best singer".

And how do you know I wouldn't have liked to've seen her? Just because you thought she was bad doesn't mean I would have. Then again, I'm more open to different performers and their take on the characters, particularly Cabaret.

Some of you are mentioning the movie, and while I respect Liza Minnelli, I think it was a poor choice to Americanize the part. And also, if you ever listen to the way she sings the song "Cabaret" it's in a totally different context than what it was orginally meant to be. It's more or less a survival song instead of a realization that Berlin is going down the toilet.

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

#9re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 4:50pm

I can't help but notice that the original question hasn't been answered yet...does ANYONE know who is producing this thing? :)

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#10re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 4:59pm

I tried typing in Cabaret for a national/regional search on Playbill and this is the only thing I came up with:

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

#11re: Has anyone seen the Cabaret tour?
Posted: 1/11/07 at 10:23pm

I know Sally shouldn't be a bad singer, but there's a difference between a terrible (miserable to listen to) and just "bad" singer.

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy
