Hairspray 3/23/07

#1Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 1:41am

So tonight a few friends and I decided to try our luck at the Hairspray lottery. They were in town for Spring Break and the lottery is usually empty. However, There were quite a few people more at the lottery. Much more than usual, luckily they called three of us and all 5 of us were able to see the show.
The show was fantastic tonight. There was a large student group from Mississippi at the show tonight and they were all very psyched to see the show. Though some of their cheers and screams were a little much and somewhat inappropriate at times they really added a Rock concert feeling to the show. Every number was followed by thunderous applause. The mere sight of Ashley parker angel caused screams usually reserved for Zootopia or TRL, However, it was nice to see the actors play off of all the energy flowing form the audience. The real star of tonight's performance was seaweed. His "run and tell that " was amazing tonight. Darlene love as usual brought the house down with her singing. I have seen Diana Degarmo twice as penny. I thought she was amazing. Unfortunately, Alexa Vega did not live up to her predecessor. However, i thought her performance was good and I was surprised to find out that she had a very nice singing voice and she could really belt out a few lines.

Tonight three understudies went on and there were no slips in the playbill. The normal prudy pingleton went on as Velma. Corny colins u/s was on. also Michelle dowdy was on for tracy and and the u/s was on for Prudy,gym teacher, matron. There was also no mention of understudies on the board in the lobby.

ooo and another reason the audience went wild was because 5 minutes before the curtain went up ARETHA FRANKLIN walked to her seat. She was a true dive with her entourage. This Really added to the energy in the audience. At intermission there was frenzy of people taking pictures of her. Definitely Very cool to see her at the theater.

I think one day if she ever decided to do Broadway, Motormouth Maybelle would be an amazing character for her to play.

#2re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 2:36am

"There was a large student group from Mississippi at the show tonight and they were all very psyched to see the show."

Sad to say I know half of those people. It was a show choir trip they did. My friend who THINKS he knows everything about broadway, said:

Him - I'm going to see Wicked!
Me - Oh, really? Cool. How are your seats?
Him - What?
Me - Where are you sitting?
Him - Oh, I haven't bought the tickets yet. I don't need to do that until I get up there.
Me - might want to buy them NOW.
Him - No, that's okay. I'll just get them from that "TPKS" or whatever that is.
Me - .....
Him - I'm also going to see The Lion King.

I'd post more, but I don't want to thread jack. lol.

Anyway, GREAT review!

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

C is for Company
#2re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 2:42am

Why didn't you go on the trip?

I posted a reply to the review on the twilight zone version of it found in an off-topic thread about Wasting Time on the internet

#3re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 3:03am

I don't go to the same school as him. I am just friends with him. I tried to talk him into seeing something good like Drowsy or Company but all he wanted to see was Wicked, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, and Hairspray. It was a senior trip for their school.

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#4re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 3:28am

How was Michelle? She has an amazing voice.

#5re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 3:26pm

Could this Aretha sighting be another Fantasia moment...when random stars show up at the theater it always makes you wonder what they are up too. I could totally see Aretha playing Motormouth and that would bring in soooo much money! I guess we will know in a few weeks! Yes Tevin Campbell is a really good Seaweed..he is always on top of his game!

#6re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 4:03pm

Michelle Dowdy has an amazing voice.. and in other news... Effie White is a skinny, humble white woman.

Michelle Dowdy reminds me of "Pickles" from Trailer Park.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#7re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 5:01pm

Ha ha.. o god...

I saw Michelle in 2005, and well, thought she was just ok. I hadn't seen the show before, but her nasalness can break glass.

#8re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 5:19pm

Well, Dowdy is amixed bag. She certainly has the baby face and age appropriateness in her favor. Her voice can sing the score.. It can hit the pitches. She, as you said, is just nasaly, and after a few performances, her voice gets noticeably weaker. For some reason, no one has ever worked with her to tone down her twang as Tracy... her North Florida accent is VERY Obvious onstage. Tracy should be from Balmtimore. NOT Amadillo Acres. Her acting is so - so. She doesn't land many of the jokes (but I can lay fault to that in her not going on much and a lack luster Production Stage Manager who seems to miss the mark when putting in and reheasing most new cover and understudies and in giving notes. It was VERY obvious that the creative team came back and gave notes recently because the jokes started landing again with everyone.). Her dancing is so-so. She is alright, just very run of the mill.. Nothing stands out about Dowdy that makes you HAVE to watch her.. like when you see Shannon Durig, Carly Jibson, Keala Settle, or Brooklynn Pulver for example.

I really think that any fault in Dowdy's performance can easily be fixed by a vocal coach, a dialect coach, work with the creative team, and time on stage for the most part. You can just tell that she is very green.. almost Slimer green.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#9re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 6:18pm

I loved Michelle Dowdy when I saw her.
The night I saw her, tons of her high school friends were sitting near me. They were so proud of her.
I thought she was a fantastic Tracy

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#10re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 6:25pm

Clumsy, I do not mean this an insult to you, but that makes it obvious that you haven't seen many Tracys. LOL.
She always has tons of her friends inn the audience when she goes on.... she goes out of her way to make sure that they come.. after all, someone needs to coax the audience into applauding for her more. And of course they are proud of her. Not because she is the best Tracy.. or a great Tracy.. or even a good Tracy. They react wildly simply because they know her. Nothing more or less.
I also think many people, and we ALL know this, have a leap to their feet attitude, thinking "It's Broadway.. it's great. This person is on Broadway.. they are great. Not true. I do hate to be the cynic, but many a time it does come down to "will you work for cheaper than the next person? Do you fit this costume?"..

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#11re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 6:30pm

I've seen the show three times:

I've loved all three.
It was just cool to see people there who went to high school with her.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#12re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 6:33pm

Weel, you've seen one Tony Winner, one of the best Tracys to grace the show, and one who pads the audience.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#13re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 6:34pm

Isn't in an Equity rule to post understudies?

C is for Company and I had a similar experience when we saw the show - one playbill had some understudies and the other had others.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#14re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 6:40pm

there are three possible ways to identify understudies. Equity requires th show to use two of those to notify the audience.

1.) an insert in the playbill.
2.) board listings in the lobby
3.) an announcement over the PA before the show (this is the least used fashion, but used more on tour)

Ushers have to stuff inserts into the Playbill before the show. Occasionally they may stuff more Playbills than will be used and those inserts may be accidentally left behind when they stuff inserts for the next performance. Sometimes when stuffing Playbills, they might miss a Playbill or two. I have been at a show or two where a Playbill had the wrong insert. It happens. You try stuffing multiple inserts into hundreds of Playbills in 15 minutes...

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#15re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 6:46pm

"C is for Company and I had a similar experience when we saw the show - one playbill had some understudies and the other had others. "

I think that happened last time I went
Some playbills said Brynn O' Malley was out and Hailey who plays Tammy usually was on as Amber.
Some didnt.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

Clarinetbiter135 Profile Photo
#16re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 7:13pm

I saw the matinee today and I saw it last week (I'm not crazy... just 2 different sets of friends visiting and they wanted to do the lotto). The same people were absent and Jere Burns(wilbur) left in intermission. Not a fan of Tracy.... her jokes were COMPLETELY off.... energy seemed low and not the best performance.... I also didn't like Susan as Velma.... she's too funny to be believably mean....

However, I loved the performance last week. Shannon is my favorite Tracy. And I could even tolerate that Angel guy with his preteen fans....

And Alexa as Penny is fab too....

#17re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 7:24pm

Today's matinee was only Susan's second performance in the role. Just for full disclosure. re: Hairspray 3/23/07

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#18re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/24/07 at 8:13pm

"Weel, you've seen one Tony Winner, one of the best Tracys to grace the show, and one who pads the audience. "

I loved loved Shannon
I loved loved Marissa
I liked Michelle.

Overall, my favorite is tied: Shannon/Marissa.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#19re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/25/07 at 1:13am

theaterfan194 : I was at the show Friday night. Just for some clarification. The understudies were listed in the lobby, on the same pink board that they always are. I know this cause well they were posted a little wrong. Michelle was listed correctly as was Michael Cunio for Corny Collins. However, they had Susan Mosher listed as the Female Authority Figure the role she always plays and then Gretchen Bieber as Velma. Susan and Gretchen actually played the roles the other was listed for. As for playbill inserts, they were correct, Michelle, Michael, Gretchen, Susan, Nicole Powell as a dyamite and a welcome back to the cast ( even though limited ) an old cast member who was filling in.

In your favor ... the pink board a little hard to find when entering the theatre. It's posted in the box office area not the loading area. So as u enter for the show you can't see it. And well apparently understudies are normal lately over at hairspray. Your playbill must have gotten skipped. There is a bad bug going around that theatre. People are constantly out.

the_gambler3 Profile Photo
#20re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/25/07 at 11:37am

Had to pipe in because I too was there on Friday. For the record, I did have all proper slips in my Playbill. Also, I really enjoyed Susan Mosher's performance as Velma (FYI I love Isabel Keating). I actually thought she was meaner than most Velmas and added some nice dramatic tension with Corny. True, she got laughs on lines that usually fall flat... I guess I don't mind a hilarious Velma!

#21re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/28/07 at 5:17pm

Mind me asking where your lottery seats were? Are they in the front of the orchestra or the last row of the theater? I did the lottery twice a couple years ago and both times the seats were for the last row in the back. I was wondering if they had changed it. Did Tarzan change their lottery to a student rush?

PUGILIST Profile Photo
#22re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/31/07 at 4:07pm

"She always has tons of her friends inn the audience when she goes on.... she goes out of her way to make sure that they come.. after all, someone needs to coax the audience into applauding for her more. "

Michelle doesn't go out of her way to make people do anything for her. People come to support her because she is an incredibly genuine, kind, and talented person. If she's not what you're looking for in a Tracy then leave it at that.. there's no need to ignorantly speculate the situation, because in the end you're the only one coming out of this looking bad, no one else.

Don't you wanna be the life of the party?

#23re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:21pm

I wasn't saying that it was a bad thing... she does the same thing every other actor I have ever known does.. "I am going on. Come see me!". I was just merely stating thats he goes out of her way to make sure that everyone knows she comes on days that she is on. Hell, I go see shows when people I know go on ALL the time. I was merely pointing out that THAT is why her friends come those days. The friends, me included, always seem to 'pad' the audience response towards their friends a bit. It wasn't attack against Michelle.. merely an observation of how we actors are.

PUGILIST Profile Photo
#24re: Hairspray 3/23/07
Posted: 3/31/07 at 5:32pm

Alright, it just seemed a little ill-spirited at first...

Don't you wanna be the life of the party?
