Matthew Passion

timmetzner Profile Photo
#1Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 11:34am

I saw this show yesterday Off-Broadway and was incredibly moved. I thought it was a brilliant play with incredible acting and moving themes. Not to mention I was sobbing like a baby at the end. I highly encourage people to go see it. I went on a whim and I am so glad that I did. Congratulations to the cast/crew/creators. It is a truly special piece.


tazber Profile Photo
#2re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 11:44am

I'm curious about this show. It looks really interesting.

....but the world goes 'round

mattonstage Profile Photo
#2re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 12:13pm

I'm curious too, and it seems for such a touching play that going with a 'sex sells' approach seems odd. All the photos I've seen are of shirtless men.

I killed the boss, you don't think they're gonna fire me over a thing like that!!!!

#3re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 12:20pm

Well... I don't know how to say this lightly. I am a very open person. I am gay. I like most shows. Last night at Matthew Passion, I was deeply offended. I thought that it was tacky and tasteless. Taking something as serious as either the circumstances around the murder of Matthew Shepard or the crucifixion of Jesus and turning into a musical well... i found it like i said offensive. You don't take this issues turn them into a show for gay men to come and watch boys dance around in tiny shorts at a gay club, and hope to get across a good message. I felt like the author took every possible stereotypical gay theme through it into a play, and was like look you should feel bad for us. AIDS, Homophobia, Religion, Gay Clubs, and Go-Go Boys. I feel like the murder of Matthew Shepard sent out a message that we are all unique individuals. However, Matthew Passion sends out the message that we are sex obsessed men, who can't get enough of the clubs at the clubs, but we must attend theater that has men half naked in order to get our total fix.

With an idea that has so much potential, I couldn't have walked away more disappointed.

Smartful Dodger Profile Photo
Smartful Dodger
#4re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 12:23pm

I confess, a good friend of mine, someone I'd actually directed in a film I produced a few years ago, is featured in the cast. As I've followed the marketing for this, I've been concerned about the overtly sexual, homo-erotic (a word I hate) imagery. I had hoped it just might be me, but Manderson's comment has me worried that this affirms yet another set of sterotypes about the gay community. Sigh...

MATTHEW PASSION Flash Music Video Updated On: 4/2/07 at 12:23 PM

#5re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 12:26pm

Coming from small-town middle America, I often question what is more damaging for the gay community. Producing and encouraging the stereotypes through art and the media or just being silent.

It would be nice to see a different image of the gay community. I think it would do more for our cause than anything. America already got the message that we are bunch of queens that do X, want sex, like to look at young men, and don't like to get beat up.

I also found many of the moments to be so melodramatic that I wanted to laugh.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#6re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 12:31pm

Ha! There's a song called "You need a bitch slap"! LOL
Ok, seriously...

"I often question what is more damaging for the gay community. Producing and encouraging the stereotypes through art and the media or just being silent"

-I am sometimes too, dissappointed with the gay stereotypes through art, but I guess it is always a better choice than being silent.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#7re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 1:14pm

I must see this show.

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

#8re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 2:06pm

im kind of curious about this one myself ...

im not so much bothered by the beefcake crucifixion (just not an issue for me), as i am cuious about whether the thing is any good. it seems to me this "play (with music)" will either be exceptionally moving or so melodramatically wrought that it hurts to watch ...

there's been one vote for each so far on this thread -- from people who've actually seen it, that is. re: Matthew Passion

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)
Updated On: 4/2/07 at 02:06 PM

Smartful Dodger Profile Photo
Smartful Dodger
#9re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 2:09pm

I'm seeing it on Friday, so I'll post here with my "vote," for what that's worth. Keeping fingers crossed...

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#10re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 2:32pm

If anyone can post the lyrics of "You need a bitch slap", it will be appreciated.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#11re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 2:39pm

You need a bitch slap.

You need a bitch slap.

You need a bitch slap.

You need a bitch slap.

Oh then they remix it.

You need a bitch slap. da da duh. You need a bitch slap.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#12re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 3:30pm

Does anyone know if this is considered a showcase?

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#13re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 3:31pm


"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Smartful Dodger Profile Photo
Smartful Dodger
#14re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 4:38pm

When I first got my invitation, Tom, it had all the markings of a showcase but it seems to have graduated to a more formal off-Broadway presentation in all of the subsequent materials I've seen and read.

baddadnpa Profile Photo
#15re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 4:50pm

The promotion may do nothing to advance our standing in the hetero community, but as a gay NONRELIGIOUS man, and an S&M participant/enthusiast, the promotion has grabbed my attention.

The truly beautiful should be lawfully restricted from wearing clothing; and the truly butt-ugly should be lawfully mandated from going naked.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#16re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 10:03pm

Do they give Playbill ? or they have their own bill at CHERNUCHIN THEATRE?

#17re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 10:45pm

Hmmm.....looks like another cupcake show. how vulgar.

#18re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 11:39pm

Not only do I find this insulting as a gay man, but I find it insulting as a Christian. The entire concept is degrading, let alone the advertisement for this show.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
Updated On: 4/2/07 at 11:39 PM

#19re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 11:45pm

bro: as a christian, i can see how you'd be insulted by something you havent even experienced, but as a gay man, shouldnt you know that you at least have to FIND OUT first???

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

#20re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 11:55pm

Sure. As a gay man I'm not insulted that the only way I could possibly be interested in seeing this is a sculpted torso?

I'm not sex crazed. Neither is half the population of gay men. It's a stupid, idiotic stereotype that has gotten out of control.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

jpbran Profile Photo
#21re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/2/07 at 11:57pm

Wow, that looks bad. Cheesy sounding too. (not saying it IS bad though, since I haven't seen it...)

As a ranty aside, I never understand why scantily-clad women being used to market to straight men is considered trashy and generally considered of lesser, pandering taste, but using scantily-clad men to market to gay men is just the accepted norm throughout the community. It's done both by "mainstream" companies marketing to us AND by us to ourselves.

I'm gay, and REALLY get sick of every gay-aimed play, beer, financial service, travel company, self-help book, CD, movie, web site, etc. being sold to us with shirtless (and generally hairless, young, buff, and white) and/or pouty-looking men.

Who doesn't like looking at an attractive person of whatever gender floats your boat...? But all the freaking time?

#22re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/3/07 at 12:05am

yea, so the marketing's prurient -- welcome to 2007. now, how 'bout we SEE the show before we condemn it?

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

jpbran Profile Photo
#23re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/3/07 at 12:13am

It's not that's it's just prurient (one of my fave words, BTW). It's just that it's so overdone and pandering.

GAY MEN=SEX=$$$ seems to be the formula that both gay and straight marketers use. I guess it must work. "I need a chiropractor. I think I'll go to the one that advertises in the local gay rag using a picture licensed from Falcon."

I really hope we aren't that easy.
But being men, we probably are.

#24re: Matthew Passion
Posted: 4/3/07 at 12:14am

I'm so confused. . .all at once offended and extremely turned on by the photos!!
