
OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...POSSIBLE SPOILERS

OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...POSSIBLE SPOILERS

dramarama2 Profile Photo
#1OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...POSSIBLE SPOILERS
Posted: 6/23/07 at 3:26am

Firstly, I would just like to say...


Okay, now onto the intelligent stuff...

In case you haven't guessed, by me using the show's opening song title, I've recieved my Legally Blonde Cast Recording.
I'll start by saying that I am extremely impressed by, Sh-k-boom records ability to get the CD out so quickly, seeing as I only got the email saying it had been shipped 2 days ago. I'd definately be happy to order off them again.
As soon as I got it, I immediately loaded it onto my computer and listened to it from start to finish.
Like a lot of cast recordings, it sounds considerably different to the actual show. But however, I found it enjoyable to listen to, as I noticed alot of things I didn't notice in the show (Eg. A lot of cool things in the orchestrations, vocal harmonys).
I'll give brief decriptions of some of the songs that stood out for either good or bad reasons...


a very energetic number, and even this song sounds energetic. It sounds like all the girls had fun singing this song which makes it all the more enjoyable to listen to. Even the dog barks are cute even though they are so obviously recorded SFX.

This song sounds absolutely incredible! LBB sounds amazing and I love the funky dance break.

This is one of the songs where I noticed some really cool orchestrations. This song sounds very jazzy on the recording, and Michael Rupert does a great job of singing this song.

This song never seems to get old. Orfeh is great, as ussual, and I love the big majestic ending, with the sung ending instead of the spoken joke.

For some reason, the recording of the song really annoys me. It's hard to say what I don't like about it, but it really doesn't do it for me. And I am thankful that they didn't include all the dialogue.

The ensemble really seem to nail this song, but LBB sounds different than she normally would when she sings this song. She sounds quite "effy" and it's as if she's straining when she hits the high or long notes.

This song sounds...how should I put this...crap. It's sounds ten times better live. Although Nikki Snelson really nails those top notes, the rest of the song sounds like a bad Spice Girls song.

This is my favourite song on the recording. At first it sounded weird with the recorded claps but I got used to it. Although the music's great, it really doesn't sound like they used an actual band/orchestra in this song. It sounds like a computer generated band.

There are some really cool orchestrations and Vocal parts that you don't really hear in the show. The vocals are a lot clearer so you can hear every word. Once again it doesn't sound like an actual band.

This song sounds somewhat messy and all over the place. And the Omigod finale really doesn't work for me. Listening to this song really made me realise how bad some of the lyrics in the show actually are.

If you liked this show, and the music, then this album is definately worth buying. Especially if you want to listen closely to the lyrics, as I did. There are a lot of funny lines in THERE! RIGHT THERE! that were either lost in audience laughter or actors not articulating that are crystal clear in this recording.

Great fun!

A little known fact is that in the original screenplay, Pan's Labyrinth was Pan's FLAByrinth. Hmmmmmmm...glad they changed it.
Updated On: 6/23/07 at 03:26 AM

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#2re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 5:31am

Great review. Thanks for the info.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

Mistress_Spouzic Profile Photo
#2re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 5:34am

im so jealous that you have it already. sometimes i cant get those freakin songs out of my head, it makes me crazy.

MissAnneThrop Profile Photo
#3re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 7:00am

is this available at the theatre. I am going this afternoon.

And I Am Always So Vitriolic

dramarama2 Profile Photo
#4re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 7:43am

Apparantly, they're selling them from today, so you're in luck!

A little known fact is that in the original screenplay, Pan's Labyrinth was Pan's FLAByrinth. Hmmmmmmm...glad they changed it.

#5re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 8:48am

did they put the overture in it?

#6re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 8:54am

The bizarre, 45 second overture is on the copy I have.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#7re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 9:03am

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mine will be another week yet because im in the UK (sobs)

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

#8re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 9:05am

Yes the overture is in.
I cant believe its out because they werent releasing it till July 17th. Where did you order it from?
I got mine from my friend. He said it was leaked.

Theater Heaven Forums: http://bwayisamazing.proboards76.com

dramarama2 Profile Photo
#9re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 9:09am

I ordered it from sh-k-boom records. I wasn't going to mention the overture...
But, if you were deciding to buy it based on the overture, which I hope nobody would, not one copy of the CD would be sold. I felt ripped off after the overture...

A little known fact is that in the original screenplay, Pan's Labyrinth was Pan's FLAByrinth. Hmmmmmmm...glad they changed it.

HumATune Profile Photo
#10re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 9:14am

That isn't all that's on the CD right? What about "Serious" or "Positive"?

dramarama2 Profile Photo
#11re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 9:24am

No, there just the songs that stand out for different reasons.
If your curious...
Richard Blake sounds good in this, but he's a little too boy bandish for my liking. I think it was the point of the song but really, while the song's good, the recording's nothing special.

This song lacks alot of energy. It's one of the greek chorus's main songs, but most of the time I just found them whiny. I'd much rather hear a recording of Love & War or Beacon of positivity

A little known fact is that in the original screenplay, Pan's Labyrinth was Pan's FLAByrinth. Hmmmmmmm...glad they changed it.

HumATune Profile Photo
#12re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...
Posted: 6/23/07 at 9:27am

Oh no I just wanted to make sure they were on the CD. :) (There is no reason to leave them off).

ruprecht Profile Photo
#13re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 10:30am

I bought mine at the theater last night and in addition to what Dramarama said, here are some of my thoughts:

I thought LBB's voice sounded strangely synthetic. She actually sounded the least like she does in the show, with the Greek Chorus and Orfeh sounding closest to their nightly performances. Christian sounded a bit different too, like they sped up his voice or something and I just think "Chip" is and has always been too long. I dislike Positive in the show and don't like it any better on the CD. I am a huge "hater" of all things "character voice" whether it's Tracy and the Hairspray cast/Glinda, Wicked or Legally blonde, etc... so all that OMIGOD screeching in character voice does nothing for me.

Now for the pluses, I absolutely LOVE Bend & Snap and think it's by far the best track on the CD and the one song that can stand alone, the instruments on "Ireland" actually make it a nice listen, not to mention Orfeh's voice is amazing as always. The song is still strange but Orfeh makes it work like no one else ever could. I liked Kate Shindle/Legally Blonde remix much better on CD than I ever have in the show. You can actually hear everything you're supposed to and not some mush of voices screaming to be heard with Shindle trying to belt the loudest over all the other "noise". On CD it's all very clear.

*****SPOILER****the single best part of the whole CD IMO is the very end of when Kyle(Andy Karl) gets to do his whole "I've Got A Package" speech. It doesn't have a track number, so I wasn't expecting it and totally freaked out. Made me forgive and forget whatever I didn't like previously. It's after "Find My Way/Finale" and it just runs into it. I'm so happy they put that on there!!

Overall, it's fun and captures (for the most part) the essence of the show well but it does in fact, highlight how bad some of the lyrics are. You forget that when you're watching but with no visuals, it's hard to ignore. Would I recommend it, yes, it has some really great moments and performances but it's not the all time best but that's pretty much what I'd say about the show in general.
Updated On: 6/23/07 at 10:30 AM

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#14re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 10:48am

i give it a week till its on limewire.

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#15re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 10:51am

I'll be getting the CD when I see the show on the 7th re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW!

Is the Overture it's own track, or is it included in with "Omigod You Guys"?

HumATune Profile Photo
#16re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 11:28am

NEVER buy a CD at the show; it will be hideously overpriced.

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#17re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 11:57am

Yeah, I know, but I can't pre-order it and I can't wait for July 17th. Haha, but anyways, is the Overture it's own track?

instant karma Profile Photo
instant karma
#18re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 11:59am

ruprecht - How much is the CD at the Palace?

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#19re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 12:22pm

I believe the CD's $20 (I know that wasn't asked to me, but, whatever).

About the Overture... I wish it would have been cut in previews and just start with the drums at the beginning of Omigod You Guys. Would have created such a bigger energy, IMO.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#20re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 12:32pm

so who gonna put it on limewire?!

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#21re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 12:32pm

so who gonna put it on limewire?!

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#22re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 12:34pm

I personally like the overture. I think it serves as a good transition into "Omigod".

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#22re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 12:53pm

I like the Overture, also. Can't wait to see it July 7th! I'm taking it then that the Overture has it's own track???
Updated On: 6/23/07 at 12:53 PM

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#23re: OMIGOD! Look what came in the mail...BIG SPOILER INCLUDED ON MY REVIEW
Posted: 6/23/07 at 12:58pm

On the leak it does. I'm not sure about the actual recording.
