Rent Pre-Stage Door

Glory Profile Photo
#1Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 11:53am

So I searched for the Adam and Anthony back in Rent thread and couldn't find it..I am going out next Wed. for the matinee to see it finally and do you think prestage dooring would give me a better chance to meet them? If it is I would wanna get to the theatre at like 1ish and try to catch them going in, but didn't know..Thanks for any help.

#2re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 12:08pm

Yeah better chance of being alone with them and talking to them
that is if you can see them u better get their 4 hours early to ensure that u don't get there after they do

#2re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 12:20pm

It would give you better chance but you really don't want to stop them as they're going into the theatre because they might be in a rush. I mean, they do have to get ready.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#3re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 12:40pm

Yeah, while you are more likely to be alone with them, I don't think you actually have much of a good chance of talking to them. Last time I saw RENT at the Nederlander, several cast members came into the theatre while I was waiting in line to get in and they simply walked across the street and right through the line into the theatre. Granted, they didn't have the fame or hype of Adam and Anthony, but still... As courtney said, they do have a show to get ready for.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#4re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 12:49pm

I pre-stage doored once, for I heard it was the only way to meet Sutton Foster while she was at the end of her run in Drowsy. I had just finished playing Trevor Graydon in Millie at my high school, so I was obviously going to be a huge fan of her work, so of course I did it. No matter how big of a fan of someone's I am (and I assure you, above Sutton, Patti, and Audra, there is no other), I will never - I repeat - NEVER - pre-shpw stage door again.

Its not that Sutton was brief or "mean" or "diva-like" in any way - she was gracious and kind and signed my program and everything (even while her dog obviously wanted to get in out of the cold), but you could tell that it seemed to be an inconvenience. As the previous poster said - she does have a show to do.

Point is, I suggest just waiting afterwards. Hoof it out of that theater and get to the door. But unless you are in some sort of dire situation that permits no other way to meet these gentlemen, I do not reccommend pre-show stage dooring.

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

Glory Profile Photo
#5re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 12:54pm

yeah I hate pre-stage dooring, but I heard how crazy it is after with them coming out of the SD, and I really want to meet Adam because i've been such a fan of his and he is one of my biggest idols and I just want an autograph and a picture if he can, but I thought because of how packed it might be and because it's a matinee that I wouldn't get to.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#6re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 12:58pm

Here's the thing about pre-show stagedooring, a) it's a little creepy, but b) most actors don't arrive to their shows years in advance, they get there so they have enough time to do what they need to do and relax and get into character before the show. They don't get there early to sign autographs and talk to fans. Yes, stagedoor for Adam and Anthony is crazy, but if people just decide to start waiting before the show, that will get just as crazy. And believe me, people already are. A friend and I went and were waiting in the lobby to see the cast list, and Anthony walked in, and people started taking his picture and screaming and waving like he was Madonna or something, it was frightening. Honestly, I'd just get out early and brave the stagedoor if you want autographs.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#7re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 12:59pm

If your larger goal is to get a picture/autograph with Adam, then your best chance it to try and get him before the show. I wouldn't do it, though, only because most actors seem like they want to stay in their pre-show zone and may not want to deal with fans before they perform. But since you're going to a matinee, there's a 99% chance he won't come out after the show - and if he does it's going to be a total zoo. It's a double wind situation, it seems

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 8/6/07 at 12:59 PM

#8re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 1:18pm

in either case let us know how ur pre show stage dooring experience was, you may have some followers

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#9re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 1:33pm

Adam and Anthony are great about stage dooring and talking to fans... Anthony said in his blog that he does want to get to as many people as possible and that they appreciate fans' enthusiasm, but your best chance to get something signed is to wait patiently afterwards and not push people.

Best of luck either way... I will be at the SD after the performance on the 13th.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

#10re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 2:10pm

they might not come out after matinees?! thats bad news for me. i have tickets for sept. 1st. i think they should come out, i mean they have alot of fans that came to see them. ugh i really hope they do.=/

#11re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 2:14pm

If you want an autograph, why not wait before the show? It doesn't inconvenience a person as much as people make it out to sound.

If they have time to wait in line for fifteen minutes at Dean and DeLuca's...

hermionejuliet Profile Photo
#12re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 2:35pm

I was at the show early on Friday night (simply because we finished shopping and dinner early- no grand plan). Several of the actors came in about an hour before the show - Adam and Anthony either inside or didn't walk through the theatre lobby. However, the actors that did come in walked very briskly, and it was clear they weren't really planning to stop. Of course, I think I was the only one that even noticed them. Other people in line didn't even look up.

So, that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh, I love it so much. I know it's not a perfect show...but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue. Ya know?

hermionejuliet Profile Photo
#13re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 2:35pm

double post

So, that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh, I love it so much. I know it's not a perfect show...but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue. Ya know?
Updated On: 8/6/07 at 02:35 PM

#14re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 3:01pm

Someone at the theatre mentioned to my friend and I that it's been "really difficult to get Adam and Anthony - especially Adam - into the theatre." Yankeefan is right that it might only take them a few minutes to stop and sign autographs, but there's a time and place for them to sign autographs, and that's after the show. If you're that dead-set on getting their autographs, leave before the final song (I can't believe I'm advocating this, but I think it's the lesser of two evils) and stand in front of the barricades.

And like someone pointed out, if everyone subscribed to the "it's only a few extra minutes!" philosophy, everyone would be waiting before the show for their autographs. It's really not fair to the actors.

Glory Profile Photo
#15re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 3:21pm

I understand what you are saying. Thanks for all the input guys. Did they end up putting barricades up? If they did I can leave during the last song and run down to them, but wasn't sure if they would come out, or if they had barricades yet.

#16re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 3:24pm

As far as I know, they are still using barricades. If you leave during the final song and get a spot out there, you will be able to have him sign something or take a quick picture. But there have been a few nights so far that he hasn't come out, so it's still a gamble. Personally, I'd rather see the end of the show than leave early on the off chance that he does come out, but thats only my opinion. If you've seen the show before and don't mind leaving, go for it

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#17re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 3:41pm

In my experience people have come out after the matinees... That shouldn't be a problem. Whether A&A will come out, who knows. It's likely, I think.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

#18re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 3:54pm

"If you want an autograph, why not wait before the show? It doesn't inconvenience a person as much as people make it out to sound.

If they have time to wait in line for fifteen minutes at Dean and DeLuca's..."

I've never met a single actor who is really happy about pre-show stage dooring. They have to get signed in backstage by a certain time and they might only have a few minutes to eat that food from D&D before they have to start getting ready for the show.

Think about it this way: would you like someone stopping you on your way to work or class? Or would that be an inconvenience to you? If you respect the actor, wait for them at the stage door afterwards. Don't accost them when they're just trying to get to work.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#19re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 4:01pm

If you want security pissed at you and the actors frustrated, by all means!

The post-show stagedoor is bad enough, but like siamese dream said, the theatre staff is already having trouble getting Adam and Anthony into the theatre because people have no common sense/courtesy. Don't add to the problem.

Someone found a picture on Facebook of Adam getting stopped for a picture on his way into the theatre and while Adam is usually friendly and photogenic, you can tell how impatient he is in this picture. If getting a bad picture with Adam is really so important to you that you'll inconvenience him, go for it. If you're really as great of a fan as you claim, have some respect, leave him alone and stagedoor after the show like everyone else.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#20re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 4:19pm

I tried to get Adam's autograph before the show last Thursday night. As he came in, I called his name. He walked by like I wasn't there. What made it worse, he didn't come out after the show.

I won't be trying again. Take this story for what it's worth.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield

#21re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 4:34pm

OMG! Stop stalking these poor older people already and let them do their jobs and go home. Haven't you people heard of the stalker laws? OY!

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

winter_sky Profile Photo
#22re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 4:56pm

Most actors in RENT do not mind when people wait in the lobby or say hello, but behavior has definitely changed this week, with screams and almost paparazzi like picture taking when actors walk in. Anthony tends to walk in late enough that the lobby is filled and I can't even imagine how insane it would be if all of those people were there with the intentions of getting pictures/autographs/having a conversation. Imagine the crazed mob inside that tiny lobby? It'd be mayhem.

#23re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 5:30pm

All of you people who are stalking these men are freaking me out. It's cool to have respect for their work, but damn, back the hell off.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

Broadwayboy2631 Profile Photo
#24re: Rent Pre-Stage Door
Posted: 8/6/07 at 6:09pm

Pre-stagedooring= stalking
