
Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness

Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness

soulgrrl Profile Photo
#1Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 4:20pm

Just a little different post...off the strike beaten path.

I'm one of those very disappointed folks who had onstage seating & was slated to see the show tomorrow night w/ my son...but unfortunately, it will be a no go due to the strike.

Obviously I'm bummed b/c when they became available in early Sept, I jumped on the opportunity to purchase them.

So here's the thing, I've seen the show before & thought the cast did a brilliant job. It just so happens that the day I attended, I saw what looked like a 10-12 yr old boy sitting on stage GLEEFULLY enjoying the performance...his reaction to the show was a hoot to watch. Anyways, I was a little skeptical & uncomfortable that someone so young was seeing the show obviously b/c of the sexual content.

Since then, I've had the soundtrack on constant rotation & my 12 yr old son fell in love w/ the music & started to pressure me to see the show. I wavered back & forth about whether it was a sound idea but eventuall caved in. I take him to many shows b/c I want him to apreciate the joys of broadway early in life. Unfortunately, he's not always enthusiastic about going but he actively campaigned to see this particular one of his own accord.

I went ahead and got stage seating b/c I thought it would be a great experience for him....and not to mention, on a tight budget...it wasn't cost prohibitive. But now b/c of the strike, I'm having second thoughts about taking him being that he's a little on the young side...mature, but still young.

The strike is causing me to vacillate again so I'm just curious about any insight any of you might have to offer about a 12 yr old seeing the show.


Pippin Profile Photo
#2re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 4:23pm

why would the strike be changing your opinion? Especially if you've seen it before and know how your son would react better than any of us?

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

#2re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 4:27pm

I think it all depends on the Maturity of your son and your relationship with him and the confidence you have in him, that he will understand the mature themes expressed in this show.

soulgrrl Profile Photo
#3re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 4:28pm

I guess b/c I have to actively make that move again to purchase the tickets...and it had me thinking again if it was a smart move. I do think he'll enjoy, I'm just a little uncomfortable w/ the sex scene & the "violent scene" b/t Melchior & Wendla.

I was just curious about any thoughts particularly from any parents out there with tweenagers.

appreciate your sentiment though.

#4re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 7:27pm

Since you have seen the show, and were once ready to take your son, he's probably indicated that he's ready. I do not recommend that anyone of any age sit on the stage for a first viewing, since you do miss most of the facial expressions and some of the action needed to follow the story. For a young teen, sitting on the stage for the first time is a mistake, since if s/he becomes uncomforable, there is no way to hide your feelings and you can't get up. The show is a terrific "jumping off" point for future conversations with your son. Prepare him, and enjoy!

theactorsociety Profile Photo
#5re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 7:46pm

The show is like an R-rated movie. Plenty of cussing and sex added onto very serious subjects. I would say 16, but there are younger people who have probably enjoyed it, but if I had kids I would say that it is too much to take in until that age.

#6re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 7:50pm

16? I would say 13. 16 is older than the characters IN the show.

uncageg Profile Photo
#7re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 7:56pm

If he is already listening to the Cast Recording, I say go for it. He has already been exposed to the lyrics and profanity on the recording, he should probably see the show. Just be prepared for the possible conversation you may have afterwards. I think that along with being a wonderful show (I saw it at the Atlantic) it opens that door for conversation between kids and parents. Go, and enjoy!

Just give the world Love.

#8re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 8:06pm

"I saw what looked like a 10-12 yr old boy sitting on stage GLEEFULLY enjoying the performance...his reaction to the show was a hoot to watch."

I haven't heard that word, hoot, in such a long time!

Now, on the subject at hand. Obviously had the strike not happened, he would have seen it, right? Obviously you thought he is mature enough. Is there a "male figure" he would be able to talk to if he has questions? Even if you are open and more than willing for conversation, he may not feel as comfortable.

On the other hand, I saw the show and I wouldn't take a child at that age unless they were super mature and I was sure they were ready to handle it.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

soulgrrl Profile Photo
#9re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 9:14pm

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate all the insight you've given me. The first time I went to the show, I sat 2nd row orchestra & was wowed by the experience. I definitely saw alot more than I was expecting & I went in cold...not knowing a thing about the tale.

I will say in the debate/discussion leading up to whether he should go, it opened up the lines of communication to have a frank discussion about sex because he really wanted to know why I was hesitant for him to see the show. He told me in no uncertain terms he knew more than I ever anticipated (woe is me...i had no idea my boy knew all that..OY! He attends a combined middle school/HS in the city & apparently the older kids talk very openly about engaging in sexual "relations"....bleh.

Lyrically he's very familiar w/ the content of the soundtrack since I listen to it so much. Turns out, Totally F*&#ked & It's a Bitch of Living are his favorite songs...go figure. Although I've told him, he has to find suitable replacements for those words that sound like xitch & xucked when he's belting the song out.

BTW SweetQ, his dad hates all things broadway. He batches them all in the same group. I do know they've talked about sexuality on several occassions.

My nervousness came into play b/c talking about it & seeing it are two different things. That damn hayloft scene!!!re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness It's only buttressed by the fact that his all time favorite show is Rent (we've seen twice)...the kid knows the characters, plot, songs, EVERYTHING.

At any rate, I committed to taking him tomorrow & he would be supremely hurt should I renege as a result of the strike. I just started having second thoughts but I do think it will be a fantastic experience for him. The other naive part of me wants him to stay more "innocent"....which he disabused me of that notion.

Again thanks everyone for your words of advice...very much obliged.

#10re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 9:31pm

I think you know your son pretty well and I'm sure you're making the best decision. I think that he'll end up really enjoying it and it'll open up great conversations for you too. Have fun!

BroadwayBound86 Profile Photo
#11re: Spring Awakening - Age Appropriateness
Posted: 11/14/07 at 11:35pm

I know of a family who went with their son who is 10. It all depends on your child. You as the parent would know what's best for him. I think as long as there is someone he can speak with afterwards if he has any questions you'll be fine. Of course this is coming from someone who doesn't have children.
