
Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?

Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#2re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:02pm

The majority is sexual in nature, straight, gay, s/m...I'd leave the 13 year old home...unless of course he knows everything already (and which 13 year old doesn't)

#2re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:02pm

95% of the show?

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#3re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:07pm

I would say leave the 13 year old at home.

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

#4re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:14pm

Not only is it inappropriate, but it's not very good either.

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#5re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:29pm

It's very very "edgy," but it really depends on the maturity of your 13 year-old. I was thinking the other day that I really wish I'd had a show like Spring Awakening when I was 13 or 14.

tazber Profile Photo
#6re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:32pm

It's a completely innocent and positive musical. You can't go wrong.

....but the world goes 'round

osage08 Profile Photo
#7re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:33pm

It depends on his/her maturity level. I've once seen a girl who looked to be at most 11 or 12 years old in the audience with her mother and she seemed to be able to handle the subject matter fine. I don't necessarily agree that a child that young should be taken to a show with such sexually explicit subject matter, but it really depends on a person's maturity level.

"Perhaps, when we remember wars, we should take off our clothes and paint ourselves blue and go on all fours all day long and grunt like pigs." Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle

steven22 Profile Photo
#8re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:33pm


SA is one of the best shows on b-way now...

and to the original poster

when I was 13, 3 years ago..I would have understood everything...So if it is a kid..or understands all the sex, language and all that junk..take em...

if not..leave em home

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#9re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:33pm

^ Ha! I saw this when I was 13.

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

Invito Al Cielo Profile Photo
Invito Al Cielo
#10re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:55pm

Bring the 13 year old unless he or she is very immature for their age. They will get it. They will like it. I saw Spring Awakening when I was 15. I could have easily enjoyed it two years earlier.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#11re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:59pm

Aside from sex....there's also an issue of suicide and abortion....and subtle reference to atheism!


Kasie Profile Photo
#12re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:59pm

I think it is fine for a 13 year old. He/she will love it.

SDav 10495 Profile Photo
SDav 10495
#13re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:00pm

If they're mature enough then they'll most likely enjoy it, and for that, it's worth taking them.

Just don't expect them to fully appreciate it at the age of 13. But they should enjoy it.

"If there is going to be a restoration fee, there should also be a Renaissance fee, a Middle Ages fee and a Dark Ages fee. Someone must have men in the back room making up names, euphemisms for profit." (Emanuel Azenberg)

Invito Al Cielo Profile Photo
Invito Al Cielo
#14re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:02pm

Oh lord, I forgot about the subtle references to Athiesm! Get this show off of Broadway immediately! Abominable!

thereisnofuture Profile Photo
#15re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:03pm

I'm 13, and I loved it.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#16re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:04pm

Here's some of the themes in the musical:

1. Pre-Marital Sex - also includes mild nudity.

2. Masturbation
- also there was a scene where's there is a subtle reference to Melchior teaching Moritz how to masturbate. (TOUCH ME number)
-a young man masturbating while girls are singing MY JUNK

3. S/M- Wendla wants to experience violence.

4. Sexual Molestation

5. Homosexuality

6. Atheism (subtle reference)

7. Abortion

8. Suicide

I will think of more...Its been awhile since I saw it... it was on previews...

Updated On: 4/16/08 at 10:04 PM

#17re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:06pm

A mature 13 year old will be fine at SA. The issues raised in this wonderful show are ones 13 year olds live with every day. It can be a springboard for parents and teens to talk more comfortably and openly because they have shared the experience of seeing the show together. But I think the ideal situation is to go with friends, and seat the teens separately!

#18re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:08pm

Yes. If he's going with other teenagers. Some of it may go a LITTLE over his head. But there's some enjoyment to be found.
With a parent/close relative? No.
How uncomfortable.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#19re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:11pm

I think all teenagers know about those themes already...


Invito Al Cielo Profile Photo
Invito Al Cielo
#20re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:15pm

Umm, jaystarr, how on earth is Atheism put on a list with suicide and sexual molestation? If you're going to put Atheism on there, put Christianity too.

elphabelle07 Profile Photo
#21re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:20pm

It really all depends on the maturity of your thirteen your old. I wouldn't have been able to handle it as a thirteen year old, but I know a few thirteen year olds who love this show. It really depends on if you are okay with your child to watching all of the sexual/religious themes and if u think they can handle it, then go for it! I mean all of this stuff is real and goes on in the world. And the characters in this are 14. If not, don't. It just may be awkward seeing it a parent!

"I'm a bagel on a plate full of onion rolls!"-Funny Girl

jaystarr Profile Photo
#22re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:21pm

oh yea! youre right! duh? lol

9. Religion- specifically Christianity.


Invito Al Cielo Profile Photo
Invito Al Cielo
#23re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:25pm

If she's seen Rent, take her. She can obviously deal with more mature themes, though Spring Awakening is a bit more (with nudity, and all). But if she likes Rent she'll probably like Spring Awakening too.

#24re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:27pm

Agree with Invito re: Christianity.

A big part of SA is also about fear of failure, and the intense academic and social pressures on students in a school setting- any 13 year old will relate to these. The issue of whether teens have access to sex information in an era "abstinence only" education is particularly relevant.

#25re: Is Spring Awakening appropriate for a 13 year old?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 10:32pm


It is truly a beautiful show.
My brother saw it at 11 and it was way too early for him. My mother regreted it.
However, it was perfectly okay for my 13 year old sister. Don't listen to everyone who says it's innapropriate unless they can clearly remember what life was like at 13.

Have a talk with your daughter, ask her if she feels comfortable. I am so comfortable with my mother and was totally okay with her sitting next to me while watching a sex scene. Updated On: 4/16/08 at 10:32 PM
