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Big Brother 2019

supersam1026 Profile Photo
#25Big Brother 2019
Posted: 6/26/19 at 11:14pm

We'll really be able to tell personalities and everything else VERY shortly.... 45 minutes until the Live Feeds start!!!

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#26Big Brother 2019
Posted: 6/26/19 at 11:53pm

I was rolling my eyes when Jackson had to nominate the 4 battle back houseguests because I knew in my gut he would nominate both of the black contestants. Someone in the house should call him out on it when he is no longer safe for eviction. The guy to me is very arrogant, simple and has could quite possibly have a white privilege thing going on.. And I say this as a white person. I like eye candy like everybody else but Jackson was rubbing me the wrong way. This may be a shock to him but he is not all that. I hope he goes soon.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#27Big Brother 2019
Posted: 6/27/19 at 12:10pm

Big brother usually has at least 1/4 of their cast from the south. And I mean Deep South like Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, and Louisiana. So theres usually some subtle racism, one of the reasons I think about not watching this show anymore either. They tend to cast black stereotypes too. Ugh. Also did not want David to go!!! I hate first night evictions so much. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#28Big Brother 2019
Posted: 6/27/19 at 1:54pm

I thought David seemed like a nice guy.

#29Big Brother 2019
Posted: 6/27/19 at 3:08pm

His excuse that the three went against him for Camp Director as a reason for banishment is bogus.  Only really David.  Jessica was the first to stand.   I think Cliff was the second  So in reality, Jackson went against the two of them.  He then volunteered, then David.  On another note, the camera panned really fast.  Did you notice how dirty the house was already?   Something tells me this is going to be a sloppy group.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#30Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 9:56am

Not to be mean but there are more average looking body types this year than usual and some of them need to keep their clothes on.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#31Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 10:55am

I mean it’s their bodies they can do that they want within reason.

Anyone else just not feeling this cast at all though? I’m trying to, but no one is super rootable. It’s early but I’m only liking Cliff, Ovi, and Bella thus far. No one else I find too interesting or engaging. Hoping that this picks up a bit soon

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#32Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 12:56pm

So far the contestants I like (i.e. Ovi) are bad at game play although glad he won the Nightmare challenge. I got nauseous just watching that challenge. He’s just a few steps behind the other contestants (the Gr8teful) in regards to scheming.

Hard to tell who has actual good gameplay this early. Forming an alliance doesn’t prove you’re good at gameplay, especially when it’s an 8-person alliance, which will most certainly fracture very soon. At least, I hope so. Otherwise, it’s gonna be a very boring season.

And yes, the troubling history of ostracizing targeting older contestants and African-American contestants continues.

I hope the outsiders get wise to the other alliance and form their own alliance and somehow shake things up. They’d likely struggle during physical competitions, but could do well during mental ones.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#33Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 1:58pm

Jessica seems a bit emotional but it at least seems like she understands the game and who to target. If she can snag an HOH, then I really think she could split up the “Jack” bromance. I’m not caught up on spoilers but my friend who watched the feeds said this cast is almost unbearable. Constantly shutting on people behind their backs, which is inherent in big brother but it sounds more like bullying than just talking about people. I won’t say one thing that sounded spoilerish but ya, this alliance is not going to be fun if they stick around. Mainly those boys seem to be an issue

#34Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 3:46pm

Mike, I think it won't be long till you change your opinion of Bella.  Let's just say she's a piece of work.  I really despise Jack and Jackson.  One comment Jack made on the feeds, tells you everything about his character.  He stated " in the real world, a girl like Nicole (skinny girl with glasses) would never have an opportunity to talk to a guy like me".

#35Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 3:46pm


Updated On: 7/1/19 at 03:46 PM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#36Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 3:59pm

Ran across this just now. More info from the live feeds which I do not watch. There’s a petition to get Jack evicted. Me thinks those steroids have affected his brain. Be gone, Aquaman!!!

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#37Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 3:59pm

Double post 

Updated On: 7/1/19 at 03:59 PM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#38Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/1/19 at 4:05pm

Yeah, so far I only like the housemates who are likely to be floaters at best this season...Ovi, Nicole, Kemi and Jessica.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#39Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/2/19 at 2:57am

Is it just me or do two of the men look very similar.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#40Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/2/19 at 10:27am

Ya, early vibes are that this cast is terrible tbh lol. I'll still be watching for a bit but yikes. I think Bella is hilarious so it'll take a lot for me to hate her unless she becomes super catty or petty. Lets just get Cliff to the 500K. Loved that he apparently brought a pride hat with him to wear at the end of pride month. Our fan favorite right here! 

But ya its super early, but I'm having shades of BB15 with the subtle racism and bullying. Hoping it doesn't escalate much further or these boys get taken out pre jury. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#41Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/2/19 at 11:21am

The group as a whole is not very charismatic and they are kind of dumpy.

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#42Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/2/19 at 2:09pm

SmoothLover said: "The group as a whole is not very charismatic and they are kind of dumpy."

Dorothy Michaels (from the movie): "I'm afraid that you have underestimated me. If you want to win me over, you'll deal with my mind... ...and not my lips!"

#43Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/2/19 at 5:59pm

Mike Barrett said: "Ya, early vibes are that this cast is terrible tbh lol. I'll still be watching for a bit but yikes. I think Bella is hilarious so it'll take a lot for me to hate her unless she becomes super catty or petty. Lets just get Cliff to the 500K. Loved that he apparently brought a pride hat with him to wear at the end of pride month. Our fan favorite right here!

But ya its super early, but I'm having shades of BB15 with the subtle racism and bullying. Hoping it doesn't escalate much further or these boys get taken out pre jury.

If you read or watch the live feeds she is super catty and petty.  So far, the producers are giving her a great edit.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#44Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/2/19 at 11:21pm

Well, predictably the alliance is falling apart already. An eight person alliance was not smart to begin with. Christie badmouthing Jack to people outside the alliance (or really to anyone) does not bode well for its future, which makes me glad although it could endanger her. I coulda done without her tears, but glad she resisted Jack’s efforts to get Kemi evicted. I’m hoping Ovi doesn’t get sent packing though. I would’ve loved it if she had nominated Jack, but that probably would’ve been her death sentence in the game.

I’d like to see Christie and Tommy form a new alliance with the non-Gra8teful. Ordinarily, that’d be risky since the jocks are in Gr8teful, but so far Christie, Ovi, and Sam are the ones winning comps.

#45Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/3/19 at 3:35pm

Poor Ovi.  He seems to be a generally nice guy, but too naïve and trusting for Big Brother.  At least, he will be away from the mouth and actions of that douche Jack, who has been quite cruel to him on the feeds.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#46Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/3/19 at 8:34pm

I hate these people. F'n sheep, all of them.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#47Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/3/19 at 8:42pm

dramamama611 said: "I hate these people. F'n sheep, all of them."


Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#48Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/3/19 at 8:53pm

Well, with Jack as HOH, this week will be horrid.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#49Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/4/19 at 3:11am

Miles2Go2 said: "Well, with Jack as HOH, this week will be horrid."


Yes, and look for another person of color to get nominated. And again I say this as a white viewer. I feel like I am watching Jersey Shore meets Deliverance.

