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Big Brother 2019

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#100Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/22/19 at 3:44pm

He’s likely signed his death warrant in the house (but he is already on his third life in the house so I suppose he has nothing to lose) unless Christie doesn’t use her Diamond power of veto AND someone he can align with wins HOH next. But I’m so glad he’s HOH.

I’m doing the math:

Potentially pro-Cliff: 6


Anti-Cliff: 6


So someone in the anti-Cliff crowd really needs to go home this week. If not, then hopefully someone in the pro-Cliff crowd gets HOH next. Otherwise, even if Cliff gets put on the block and gets POV, someone else from his alliance goes home.

I’m trying to remember. Jack has the other secret power, right? What is it?

#101Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/22/19 at 5:13pm

Miles, Jack used his secret power this week.  His power was to repick the veto players if he did not like the original draw.  He didn't, used his power and it didn't make any difference in the outcome.  You and Mike are going to be disappointed in Hogg.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#102Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/22/19 at 5:29pm

Could you use the spoiler box in relation to episodes that haven’t aired yet? Thanks. I appreciate it very much!

Updated On: 7/22/19 at 05:29 PM

#103Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/22/19 at 7:05pm

Miles2Go2 said: "Could you use the spoiler box in relation to episodes that haven’taired yet? Thanks. Iappreciateit very much!"

I will.  But you asked what Jack's secret power was?  I answered your question.  I didn't mention who the veto players were, nor who won the veto  and what happened at the ceremony.  What spoiler did I give away?

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#104Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/22/19 at 7:22pm

You said he used his power. I didn’t know that. I understand (from you) that it didn’t change the outcome but I still didn’t know he used it or that I’d be disappointed in Cliff. Not a big deal, but I just wanted a reminder of his Jack’s power, but I usually like to be surprised. You weren’t super specific which I do appreciate.

#105Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/23/19 at 9:18pm

I'm not happy that yet again we have an alliance of pretty people running the house, but at least it isn't like BB20 when the outsiders flat-out refused to believe there were any alliances in the house, and the outsiders just got more and more clueless with each passing vote, culminating in Bayleigh proclaiming that she and Faysal were the worst players in BB history. 

I have now lost count of how many times the outsiders have been told directly or indirectly that there is an 8 or 9 person alliance! You would think that Sam or Nicole or someone who was directly and specifically told that there was an 8 person alliance would round up the rest of the house and insist on forming a rival alliance. But no. We just have Cliff, Kat, Jess, and Nicole kinda/sorta saying "we should work together" while shrugging their shoulders and hoping that something better comes along. I sincerely hope Jack goes this weekend. I really liked Bella at the beginning of the season so I was very disappointed to see her turn into a bully. Even so, I hope she stays because Jack is a million times worse. 

For the record, I hope Nicole wins. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#106Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/24/19 at 5:05am

Nicole reminds me of one of the actresses on The Good Fight. The one who thinks of Diane Lockhart as a mentor.


I would not mind it if Nicole won, but I just think her chances are limited.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#107Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/24/19 at 11:43am

Wont post em, but ya, I'm done with this season after tonight lol. Oh well, been a fun week I guess. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#108Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/24/19 at 11:01pm

Okay, I didn’t hate tonight’s episode as much as I expected. Tommy’s tears over Jack’s nomination were ridiculous. I’ll post the rest of my thoughts in the spoiler box for those who haven’t had a chance to catch tonight’s episode yet.

Click Here To Toggle Spoiler Content

Yes, as ArtMan said Jack used his Chaos Power and it didn’t help. I don’t think the outcome would’ve been any different even if he hadn’t, but at least it’s used up now, I thought Cliff might have a chance at winning POV, but Kat bested his score and then Jackson won POV. Like him or not (and I don’t), Jackson won the POV fair and square. And you can’t blame him for using it on himself  

I’ve not had a very high opinion of Christie lately and I still think the tears are unnecessary, but she showed some genuine gameplay by approaching Cliff about not using her special Diamond Veto power in exchange for him nominating Bella and protecting him the next 2 weeks. She got Bella on the block, still had her power and she and Jackson don’t have Bella’s nomination on their hands.  

As far as Cliff, I actually don’t think his decision to put up Bella was horrible. I’m not sure Christie can be trusted to keep her word, but Bella was going up regardless if Cliff put her up or Jackson did. Yes, Christie still regrettably has her power, but Cliff may have some protection for the next two weeks and it’s not like the non-6-shooters can be depended on to vote in a block or to stick together.

As far as Bella, no real sympathy for her. She created the predicament she is in  I do think Cliff has created enemies where he could have had allies (perhaps the fatal flaw in his gameplay), but I’m not sure now much he could’ve trusted her and Nick anyway.

I do think Bella will go home. 10 people can vote by my calculations with Cliff being the tie-breaker. She would have to swing some people from the 6-shooters which is extremely unlikely plus Kat seems to go whichever way the wind blows. And Nicole has ample reason to vote Bella out too. And I think Jessica can be talked into anything  

Anyway, tomorrow should be interesting as whoever is voted out should actually leave the house. Also, pulling for one of the outsiders to win HOH. Fingers crossed. If Jack or Jackson win, God that I don’t believe in, help us all. 

Updated On: 7/24/19 at 11:01 PM

#109Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/25/19 at 1:35am

If Jack does not go home tomorrow, the rest of the season will be very predictable, just like BB20. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#110Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/25/19 at 1:37am

It was hard to watch Tommy in tears for his love for Jack has deepened over the last few weeks, I hope they can have a relationship outside of the house because it seems like they are meant to be.. An adorable couple.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#111Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/25/19 at 12:19pm

BB20 wasn't predictable really, at least not the first half. Cant even compare last season to this one. Id take a predictable game with entertaining people like Tyler, Kaycee, Brett, Kaitlyn ANY day of the week over anyone from this season. 

Last night showed arguably the best gameplay we've seen this season, from Christie. Really early but she has a great shot to win as others have mentioned. She's controlling who's getting evicted each week and is gaining allies in the process it seems. I can't imagine she isn't around till final 7 at least, same with Tommy sadly. Not sure anyone is going to go after the two of them either. 

Honestly not trying to be too much of a damper, and obviously the terrible behavior is awful, but like, no one is entertaining either. Nobody. I like Nicole, in a house like this where she is one of 3 adults, but she's not this super entertaining superfan or anything. Cliff is very likable but not as entertaining as someone like Donny or Johnny Mac, so his game flaws are infuriating. 6 shooters tbh are not entertaining either, maybe Christie is but its not like she's a star. Bella is probably the best entertainment right now and we may lose that, but she's also despicable. I mean truly, this has to be the worst cast they've ever created. Ive seen every season, some twice, but this reminds me more of BB9 than BB15. BB15 had equally terrible people but at least had fantastic and exciting gameplay. BB9 had all the terribleness and no gameplay, a lot like this season. Ugh. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#112Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/25/19 at 10:05pm

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Of course, they didn’t vote Jack out. Ugh.

And of course Jessica was the first one out of the HOH comp. She has no gameplay, makes all the wrong moves, and sucks at comps. She and Kat are the ultimate floaters, but at least Kat can win a comp. 

I actually felt empathy for Bella and Nick tonight. I felt she redeemed her self a bit tonight. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#113Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/26/19 at 3:39am

I actually thought the most dramatic moment was when Nick threw his arms around Sam and wept. The fact that he felt that kind of closeness to Sam said something about the friendship that they have built between each other.


I do not like it when contestants get into showmances where they are spending every waking minute together. I feel isolated from their experience and lose interest in them..And it is also such bad game play..When they couple up it makes them less available to the viewer. Remember Jess and Cody? It is kind of the same when people couple up in real life.

#114Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/26/19 at 1:31pm

I can't recall a season where so many of the house guests were in tears during their interview with Julie. I am just hoping that Jack or Jackson (Michie, whatever you want to call him) don't win this HOH! 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#115Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/28/19 at 5:52am

I would like to see some people form Grateful get knocked out of the game. It would make it more interesting.

#116Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/28/19 at 2:45pm

This is the first year since Day 1 that I've haven't gone on any spoiler sites ahead of time. It's not easy!!!! Praying Jack goes soon. 

#117Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/28/19 at 9:08pm

Don't really watch the broadcast that much anymore, but I wanted to see if Production would edit out this part.  No surprise, they did.  During the HOH competition, Jackson had to pee.  So he peed on himself in front of everyone and then fell into it.  One may say he is a competitor, not really.  He got caught by the live feeds doing #2 in the shower.  During his have not week he got caught sneaking food multiple times.  If you only watch the show, you aren't seeing the complete show.  They show him as a controlling douche, but in reality he is a dishonest, nasty, controlling douche.  Also, if you weren't paying attention, you probably missed it.  Christy mentioned something about Jack, Tommy and toe.  Jack, for what ever reason sucked on Tommy's big toe this past week.  Sorry, I'm gay and would never do that to another guy.  And he's straight.

#117Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/28/19 at 9:08pm


Updated On: 7/28/19 at 09:08 PM

#118Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/28/19 at 10:36pm

Well, it happened! Jerkson finally got a negative edit! I've been holding out waiting for this season to get better and sadly, I don't think it will. This cast bores me to death. The amount of times I've heard the phrase "I want to do what the house wants" makes me squirm lmao. This cast is almost as bad as bb19 and unless a big move can be made to break the six-shooters I don't see how it'll get any better.

PS: If they send Nicole home I'm going to be (as Paul likes to say) Pis****. She's the only one I'm rooting for, everyone else is a coaster riding on the coattails of Christie and Jack. I had high hopes for Tommy and anal-lice (analyse) but so far they've been nothing but literal furniture.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#119Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/28/19 at 11:03pm

ArtMan said: "Don't really watch the broadcast that much anymore, but I wanted to see if Production would edit out this part. No surprise, they did. During the HOH competition, Jackson had to pee. So he peed on himself in front of everyone and then fell into it. One may say he is a competitor, not really. He got caught by the live feeds doing #2 in the shower. During his have not week he got caught sneaking food multiple times. If you only watch the show, you aren't seeing the complete show. They show him as a controlling douche, but in reality he is a dishonest, nasty, controlling douche. Also, if you weren't paying attention, you probably missed it. Christy mentioned something about Jack, Tommy and toe. Jack, for what ever reason sucked on Tommy's big toe this past week. Sorry, I'm gay and would never do that to another guy. And he's straight."

Gross. The toe stuff doesn’t bother me but it does show Jack isn’t as straight as he’d like others to think he is unless I’m missing context (some truth or dare game or something).  His bodily functions are as gross as his personality, however. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#120Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/28/19 at 11:08pm

Thoughts from tonight:

Kat especially didn’t come across as very intelligent tonight.

Disappointing HOH and nominations.

Here’s hoping the Golden Power of Veto comp leads to some shakeups. If the 6-shooters are the final six, I may just stop watching. Especially after Christie goes home.

Updated On: 8/16/19 at 11:08 PM

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#121Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/29/19 at 9:41am

That Holly/Kat F2 is probably the best we can hope for lol. Cliff likely won't win, Nicole I personally don't think has a chance, and its a major uphill battle for Sam. So ya, our hopes hinge on Kat. Yikes @ this season 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#122Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/30/19 at 1:49am

Jackson is always shoving food in his face.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#123Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/1/19 at 1:52am

Well, happy with Power of Veto winner, but still one of the outsiders still going home. Also, Kat has got to be one of the most clueless houseguests ever.
