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Big Brother 2019

non-stop26 Profile Photo
#75Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/13/19 at 8:37pm

Anyone hear about the HOH room incident last night? That was awful and I feel so bad for Nicole.

#76Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:32pm

Yeah, among everything that happened to her (because of Bella) Jackson had the nerve to slam the HOH door in her face.

#77Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:32pm


Updated On: 7/13/19 at 09:32 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#78Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/14/19 at 7:04pm

non-stop26 said: "Anyone hear about the HOH room incident last night? That was awful and I feel so bad for Nicole."


What happened?


Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#79Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/17/19 at 9:46pm

I earned a little respect for Tommy when he seemed to see Nicole was not being treated fairly, but then he had to ruin it by saying Kaitlyn was his favorite BB player ever.

I hope some of these people in Gr8teful or the new 9-person alliance feel really ashamed of themselves when they get out of the house and watch the season and look back at their behavior. Well l, we know Jack, Jackson, and Bella are incapable of guilt or shame, but maybe the others.

Bless Ovi for at least trying to stand up to the bullies.

Jessica once again picks the exact wrong person to play in the HOH competition. She is really not good at this game.

Still...15 minutes left to go...I may post more after.

#80Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/17/19 at 10:19pm

Tommy got a great edit.  During the feeds, he's one of the leaders of the mob mentality to get Nicole.  What never surprises me about this show, when some think they are safe, it is alright with them to say and do anything to the person who is on the block or outside of their alliance. But when the tide changes, their attitude changes.   Look at that shrew Christie.  The minute she thinks she is being backdoored, she is crying like a banshee and stating "it's not fair".  What a hypocrite.  Also for those who are interested in this type of gossip.  All of the girls who are having unprotected sex in the house (four of them) are now complaining to the producers that they have rashes in different personal areas of their bodies.  Are they that stupid?

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#81Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/17/19 at 10:26pm

Nicole should have identified the two girls that refereed to Nick and Bella as Bullies and then said that Christie was in the room. Then she should have told Bella that she will see it all on the DVR when she goes home and if Grateful makes it to the final 9 she and Nick will be on the block. Christie flipping out was interesting because it seemed to come from an unexplained place. Nicole should have never given Bella and Nick the intel on the bully remarks since she was off the radar. In a way she dig her own grave.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#82Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/17/19 at 10:49pm

Yeah, I find Christie annoying as hell. Tommy mostly annoys me as well. He seems so happy to be in the “in-crowd” that he overlooks a lot and is pretty “extra” about it.. He had that moment of conscience with Nicole, but it likely won’t last. Even more than most years, you’ve got the mean bullies who dominate the competitions and the outsiders who suck at the game.

Updated On: 7/18/19 at 10:49 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#83Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/17/19 at 11:05pm

I think I'm out. Cant take the hs mean girl lifestyle.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#84Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/17/19 at 11:22pm

Yeah, I cringed tonight while watching.  The exchange between Ovi and Jack was so uncomfortable to watch.  The good part is when all of this is over, Nick will lose his job,  Jackson's arrest for domestic violence  has been outed for everyone to see and Jack's multiple DUIs have been blasted all over the internet.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#85Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/17/19 at 11:33pm

Remind me what Nick does for a living? What has he done to jeapordize it? He seems like one of the more decent of Gr8teful or whatever they’re now calling their 9-person alliance although that’s praising with faint praise.

I guess I can see possibly allowing someone with multiple DUIs on the show, but how in the hell can someone with a DV charge be allowed on?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#86Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/18/19 at 6:32am

Isnt Nick a child psychologist?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#87Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/18/19 at 8:14am

He is a child psychologist. I feel he won't be anymore afterwards though just from what Ive read lol. Is it even worth watching tonight even if David gets back in? From reading here and friends texts sounds like last night was a new low for BB. God what awful casting this year someone really should be fired for this. 

#88Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/18/19 at 9:10am

Miles2Go2 said: "Remind me what Nick does for a living? What has he done to jeapordize it? He seems like one of the more decent of Gr8teful or whatever they’re now calling their 9-person alliance although that’s praising with faint praise.

I guess I can see possibly allowing someone with multiple DUIs on the show, but how in the hell can someone with a DV charge be allowed on?


Miles, He has stated he wanted to kill Kemi.  Recently he stated he wanted to just spit all over her.  He has made quite a few statements like these about Nicole and some other houseguests.  It is not the type of comments that someone who works with children should be making.  That is why I am saying he will more than likely lose his job.  I think he is more a therapist, than a psychologist.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#89Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/18/19 at 12:13pm

Well, that is concerning. As someone who was a mental health professional (before I retired from full-time employment) and could still return to it if I wanted, I agree that behavior will not fly well with his job. It’s amazing that once they enter the house, people forget they have a life waiting for them and their behavior inside the house might affect that. There is a difference between master players who manipulated others to their own means and someone who seemingly enters the house with the intent to bully others for the summer.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#90Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/18/19 at 12:34pm

^ Exactly. Im just reading up on all his comments now too and YIKES. I have also worked in child psychology for an internship briefly, and his behavior would certainly make me never want him to see my kid. God this cast is so disgusting lol I'm afraid to watch last night's episode honestly. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#91Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/18/19 at 10:10pm

Okay, my thoughts after tonight:

Large alliances NEVER work out. Glad to see it’s starting to splinter based on that vote. After that vote, I think there’ll be three alliances: the ones who voted evict to Cliff, the rest of the Unde-nine-able, and the outsiders.

Jack just continues to make the case that he is a giant asshole every single episode.

I’m happy for Cliff - I was impressed with his performance in the battle back competition. I so wish the winner would’ve also got HOH. 

Man, the racism in this show has never been more apparent than seeing three housemates of color talking to Julie at the end. I felt for David’s tears. No disrespect to Cliff, but David had the best chance if he got back in the house. He had the social game, he was analytical and I think he could have done well in some comps (although based on the comp that ousted him initially and tonight, perhaps I’m wrong about that last one).

P.S. I would’ve loved to see David turn the tables on Julie and ask her what, as a woman of color, she made of seeing three people of color sitting in front of her. Of course, perhaps she doesn’t have the strongest moral compass based on her staying with a man who has pretty clearly made a career of sexually abusing/harassing women. 

Updated On: 7/18/19 at 10:10 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#92Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/19/19 at 6:41pm

The new head of household has put a little fire in the proceedings. I am so happy because I was so hoping that the Grateful 8 would not reign while everyone else was picked off. I am not going to be more specific because I watch the feeds.

When Jack gets evicted Julie should play all of the clips of him being nasty and racist and then ask a few zinger questions . In his intro he indicated that he would rather spend time with his dogs than with humans which I thought was an interesting statement.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#93Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/20/19 at 1:15pm

"When Jack gets evicted Julie should play all of the clips of him being nasty and racist and then ask a few zinger questions."

It's nice to dream, but we all know that will NEVER happen.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#94Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/21/19 at 3:38am

It was also awkward to have the first three evicted that were all contestants of color,  wear those stupid boy scout uniforms. CBS should have rethought all of that when the racism writing was on the wall. It would have been better not to have them in the house and to have just brought them back for a challenge to see who would get back in.

#95Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/21/19 at 10:07am

I am surprised nobody in the house has said anything to Jackson.  He constantly drinks directly from the carton/container then puts it back into the fridge.  Me and him would have words if I was in the house.  It might sound minor to most people, but that is really nasty to me and how you catch colds, etc.

#96Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/21/19 at 10:07am


Updated On: 7/21/19 at 10:07 AM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#97Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/21/19 at 12:45pm

ArtMan said: "I am surprised nobody in the house has said anything to Jackson. He constantly drinks directly from the carton/container then puts it back into the fridge. Me and him would have words if I was in the house. It might sound minor to most people, but that is really nasty to me and how you catch colds, etc."

In the same vain, I was noticing that Jackson is constantly eating or drinking. I do not know if it is due to working out, comforting his anxieties or boredom. The men this year are seriously lacking in personality and some of them try way too hard by either carrying around a stuffed bird or by interjecting remarks using various accents.


Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#98Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/21/19 at 8:59pm

What a baller move by Cliff!!!! Finally, shaking up the house a bit!!!

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#99Big Brother 2019
Posted: 7/22/19 at 3:08pm

Cliff just saved this season a bit for me! That’s how you do it!
