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Can The Adults Please Smoke? 37 and Looking Damn Fine.....- Page 168

Can The Adults Please Smoke? 37 and Looking Damn Fine.....

Broadwayboobs Profile Photo
#4175Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/19/14 at 2:56pm

Girly, Exit 82 is doing Little Women.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

#4176Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/20/14 at 11:26am

Saturday at the office. Only 4 full days for the rest of the year so catching and cleaning up!

C19 arrives and decorating tree tonight! Did well but dropped a class without discussing matter with me! Fantastic Friday!

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#4177Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 9:27am

Good morning, peeps. It's been a humdinger already.

The wicked, evil boss has tendered her official resignation. There is a Santa Claus!

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4178Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 9:47am

Yay for holiday miracles!

Feeling on the mend. Having an interesting text romance with a gentleman who may or may not exist in real life (TBD).

And now, getting ready for the year-end blast of contracts that have to be signed by the 31st so that the vendors can book the revenue.

Ho ho ho!

#4179Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 10:24am

The oven caught on fire.

All I did was turn on the self-clean function. The house filled with smoke. Fire department checked it out, now Hubby's at home, waiting for the Sears repair man to come out and assess the damage. I retreated to the office.

That is all.

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#4180Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 10:28am

Did you forget to take the sweaters and shoes out again?

#4181Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 10:39am

You know what? Once I hid some pots and pans in there and I DID forget they were in there and turned on the oven. Not this time though. I roasted a chicken in there Saturday night and grease splattered all over the walls, so that prompted my "Let's clean the oven before Christmas" efforts.

Moral of the story: NEVER CLEAN ANYTHING. No good can come from it.

#4182Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 11:43am

Wow that is bizarre! I do not need to clean the oven but will now clean with a rag!

Busy weekend. C19 and mother and brother in law have arrived. Bears are awful! Nice time regardless with the kids at the game.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4183Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 11:44am

I thought perhaps there was some extra cake hidden in there.

I am glad all are OK.

I see a last minute order to Gelson's in Mooney's future!

D2 Profile Photo
#4184Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 11:52am

"Moral of the story: NEVER CLEAN ANYTHING. No good can come from it."

I have been saying that for years!

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4185Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 11:57am

J2 is somewhere feeling a disturbance in the force.

D2 Profile Photo
#4186Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 11:58am

It'll be good for him.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

#4187Fantastic Friday!
Posted: 12/22/14 at 12:17pm

Y - funny!

Mrs Brd does most cleaning but does not clean fridge or inside of oven!

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#4188Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 12:32pm

Just changing the subject line.

#4189Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 1:08pm

We all need a Funday!

Need to find some Sorel boots for C21. DSW had none in her size.

#4190Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 1:25pm

That reminds me - Moonchild wants new Uggs, Ugg is a good word for them.

Home now. All is well, though a bit smoky and smelly. Got all the windows open and fans running. I'll boil some mulling spices later today to replace the scent.

#4191Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 1:42pm

I burned some toast and I could smell it for days!

What are you cooking for Christmas?

gettinhep Profile Photo
#4192Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 3:03pm

Our Christmas dinner is being prepared by others! Next year it Is our turn again. I'm already thinking about the menu!

We finished our Christmas shopping a few days ago, but venturing downtown Monday I really despair of the lack of manners these days. Oh, they kill their own if they spot a perceived bargain. People, people, please remember that the words 'excuse me' are still a part of the lexicon. So, use them!

'Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.' - Lucy Van Pelt

#4193Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 3:24pm

There is a lack of civility in many places these days. Especially on mass transit!

gettinhep Profile Photo
#4194Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 3:28pm

You are right there, Brd!

'Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.' - Lucy Van Pelt

#4195Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 3:29pm

I'm from D.C. We lost our civility decades ago. Sad but true.

We're having a honey baked ham - less time in the kitchen for me. I'll make the pies tomorrow and the sides the next day. Moonchild will be here, so the meal will have to be gluten-free and dairy-free. How did she survive childhood?

#4196Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 4:51pm

We have one "vegan" one vegatarian and one meat and dairy free but eats fish. Complicated menus on a daily basis.

I believe that all shopping is finished except for Mrs. Brd.

We are having roast beef or tenderloin and some vegan dish from Native Foods, potatoes vegs, etc. Mince pies, Christmas pudding and apple pie for dessert.

gettinhep Profile Photo
#4197Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/22/14 at 11:01pm

As we are in Summer at Christmas, we Aussies are known to have less traditional fare alongside the roast bird, plum pudding etc. Last time we did Christmas we invited our Scottish cousins. Alas, they don't eat seafood, so the seafood platter in all it's glory was out. We gave them individual herb roasted spatchcock, asparagus, stuffed mushrooms, ginger roast pumpkin, the traditional plum pudding and tropical fruit salad.

'Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.' - Lucy Van Pelt

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#4198Monday Funday - Holiday Extravaganza
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:19am

You had me at spatchcock, hep.

D2 Profile Photo
#4199Dreary Tuesday - Holiday Extravaganza Cont'd
Posted: 12/23/14 at 8:32am

In other words, a bottom.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

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