Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Y - one of my friends was hired to be Assistant US Attorney! Excellent news!
Happy Holidays! I enjoyed the breezy hello from Boobs!
Shopping complete. House is clean.
Bubbly tonight to start the holidays!
Was that the Artist Formerly Known As Boobs?!!! I thought there was a faint whiff of cinnamon and Christmas Spirit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Back at the office after very fun Christmas weekend. TIRED!!!! Food, friends, family - all great!
No plans for New Year's Eve - but excellent party for Friday afternoon.
I hope 2016 is a blessed one for you all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Happy New Year GH!
Fun New Year's Eve and great party yesterday. Went to bed at 8PM.
Cold here and Bears tomorrow!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Good morning to myself!
Goals: be less crabby with family, exercise, implement marking program at firm, increase legal file count, save more for retirement.
Back to work - rise and grind!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/04
Geez, Brd, I'm tired from just reading your to-do list!
Great holiday break here, including a quick pop up to NYC to see HAMILTON. We visited his grave that that of Eliza before the show (the historian was with us, you know). Poor Moonchild took ill halfway through the first act and I barely diverted my attention from the stage (Hubby eventually went to check on her - good man). I'm a terrible mother, but a great theatre fan.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
So awesome for you! I will read the Biography that started Lin's journey this year. My law partner is giving me a shorter bio first. Might have a trip to NYC this Spring and might scalp a ticket.
We had a LOT of fun! Kids were great. Boyfriends fun - lots of their friends over. C20 back to the heartland and C17 started the LAST SEMESTER!!!!!!
House is a disaster - but our maid C22 is here today and will clean clean clean!
Mrs Brd is working out in Schaumburg for a month! This is funny because C17 and I for years at Wrigley would fake yell to drunk suburbinites - "Go back to Schaumburg!"
Happy Back to Reality Day Adults. I am sneaking an extra day for errands before reality smacks me right in the face.
Saw the If/Then tour last night - Idina is still so good...
Here's to a better 2016 for all of us!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/04
Back to Reality, Day II. Subtitle: "This kinda sucks, but at least I have a job".
The hardest part of coming to work this morning was the temperature - 14 degrees with a wind chill factor of 8 degrees.Had we not been in the 70s just a week or so ago, this wouldn't have come as such a shock. I wasn't exactly motivated to leave my warm house and hot coffee at 6:45am.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
I was fine with coming to work today even though dealing with significant cashflow issues because I paid some 2014 liabilities last week. (still recovering from 2014 - worst year of my life!)
Cold Tuesday here and easy commute!
Hello, old friends.
I was happy to get back to work - and into a routine - yesterday. Today? Not so much.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/04
Yeah, the novelty wears off very quickly.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
Congrats to C17 - EXCELLENT GRADES and state champion - what a semester!
Updated On: 1/6/16 at 04:59 PMGood afternoon, adults.
I'm waiting for the snow.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/04
We're supposed to have, too, but not an appreciable accumulation. A bitter cold front is coming with it, though. Just what I need. *wheeze* *cough* *sneeze*
We're getting the bitter cold, also. After our 'dusting' of snow.
I don't love the idea of the cold bite, but, I'm ready to see a little snow. Just a little.
No snow! I have a large meeting in north Jersey tomorrow. I don't want any surprises.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/04
I brought cake. Of course, I also brought a plate and fork.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
It was zero yesterday and 45 degrees today! Pleasant walk after lunch.
D2? Do they serve cake in prison?
Boobs - how is Alcatraz?
Perhaps that cake should include a file? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR DEET!!!
Hope you are all well and warm. I have some warm to spare if you would care for a cup or two. Wednesday, it was 107 degrees as I was coming home from work. Ugh!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
107 yikes! -4 this morning - classic bitter Chicago cold.
Happy MLK Day! Full staffed but loop deserted. Big news - bought a new fridge and microwave!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/04
Woah! The Brd family is living it up! I splurged on a luxury hotel weekend in NYC. A new fridge and microwave would have been a lot cheaper! Living the fantasy life, we are.